I write detailed graphic gay erotica but I don’t want to fuck men. What’s with that?

"I like your intention on this post of using it as a form of self therapy." I feel that these forums are very therapeutic. One way to describe therapy is 'getting located in reality', learning the ropes, and how to navigate our feelings - Hopefully to live a happy life. 12-step programs can be very useful to this end. Simply confessing where you're at and receiving other perspectives, and "this is what I see", or"this is what happened to me" is helpful.
When it comes to transgender people, one thing is for sure. Each one of them has his or her own path. Some transition completely, others like my girlfriend don’t. She is happy with her body and loves being a top (even though she keeps it a secret from everyone).

My girl.
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OMG - Lucky man. She looks amazing, you are living my deepest wish
Woke up at 3am next to my wife, went P, but then i last awake for half hour. Nothing on my mind but then i began to fantasize my head is on a trans smooth tummy and i start to duck her cock. I can feel the head edge sliding over my tongue and her cock gets harder. I was actually getting aroused and had to stop that thought.