I have 1,213 followers! I'm excited!


Oct 16, 2013
Hi fellow Authors! I'm excited! After a productive twelve months or so, I've reached 42 stories--and a whopping 1,213 followers. I'm excited to have so many followers! I would love to know how that ranks me, but it looks like the top authors list stops at about 280 top authors, with the lowest follower count being a little over double mine. Can anyone--maybe an admin reads this??--help me out on this question? Thank you!!
Congrats on over 1200 followers!

I don't think there's a way to know a ranking beyond the list you've already found-which for the longest time only showed the top 250- but there's some here who are real stat miners, so maybe they know something I don't.
Huh, I didn't even know there was an Author's Top List by number of followers. I am guessing that in the number of stories top list (if there is such a list), Samuelx reigns supreme ;)
OP: I believe @8letters is the guy who is most likely to have an answer for you.
Not my thing for a variety of reasons, but they're building a good following for themselves in their preferred category, so good for them.
Yup - each to their own. I didn’t think that they were claiming that they had got that far in just twelve months. Rather that they had had a good recent twelve months.

Hi fellow Authors! I'm excited! After a productive twelve months or so, I've reached 42 stories--and a whopping 1,213 followers. I'm excited to have so many followers! I would love to know how that ranks me, but it looks like the top authors list stops at about 280 top authors, with the lowest follower count being a little over double mine. Can anyone--maybe an admin reads this??--help me out on this question? Thank you!!
Just curious: how active are they? My experience is that most followers don't seem to vote or comment very much. The number of such things is far below the total number of followers. Maybe other people have had a different experience?
Just curious: how active are they? My experience is that most followers don't seem to vote or comment very much. The number of such things is far below the total number of followers. Maybe other people have had a different experience?
I often get comments from - if they will forgive me - the usual suspects. It’s always cool when a new person takes the time (not that I don’t appreciate those who comment on most of what I write of course, I’m grateful to them).

like the top authors list stops at about 280 top authors, with the lowest follower count being a little over double mine.
Since these kinds of things tend to follow an exponential curve with a very long tail, you might expect there to be double that 280 between the bottom of that list and you. And that's a guess not based on any real statistical math. So you might be ranked around 840th.

Maybe double that number to get to authors with 600 followers, so 1680th. Double it again, then again, and I'm somewhere around 7000th.
Huh, I didn't even know there was an Author's Top List by number of followers. I am guessing that in the number of stories top list (if there is such a list), Samuelx reigns supreme ;)
OP: I believe @8letters is the guy who is most likely to have an answer for you.
The site has lists for seven days, 30 days and all time at here.
The OP asked if it was possible to see the ranking beyond the first 250. I assume that was a no ;)
250 is the limit of what the site makes available. I've not gathered any information tracking authors' favorites counts.

Edit: See correction below
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The all time fav list has seriously grown.

Back when I first made it, I was #250 with 387 favorites.
I often get comments from - if they will forgive me - the usual suspects. It’s always cool when a new person takes the time (not that I don’t appreciate those who comment on most of what I write of course, I’m grateful to them).

Somehow I've never kept track of who is commenting on me here. There are quite a few stories with no comments. On another site, I do have a few "usual suspects." I can't explain why. Even there, comments can be sparse - like two or three for a story.
Somehow I've never kept track of who is commenting on me here. There are quite a few stories with no comments. On another site, I do have a few "usual suspects." I can't explain why. Even there, comments can be sparse - like two or three for a story.
Going to calculate my comments / story ratio - BRB

Somehow I've never kept track of who is commenting on me here. There are quite a few stories with no comments. On another site, I do have a few "usual suspects." I can't explain why. Even there, comments can be sparse - like two or three for a story.
So I get, on average, 24 comments per story. As I try to thank most people (who have said something nice or constructive), then let’s say that 10 of those are me. So 14. I don’t have the stats, but would hazard a guess that maybe 10-12 of them are from people who have commented before and 2-4 are new.

250 is the limit of what the site makes available. I've not gathered any information tracking authors' favorites counts.
Actually, I don't the limit of new favorited author pages. The old most favorited author page had a 250 limit. It was 5 tabs, each tab with 50 authors. It was only all-time. I've not the mouse-clicking to see if the new most favorited author pages have a 250 limit.
So I get, on average, 24 comments per story. As I try to thank most people (who have said something nice or constructive), then let’s say that 10 of those are me. So 14. I don’t have the stats, but would hazard a guess that maybe 10-12 of them are from people who have commented before and 2-4 are new.

That's far above my average number, which I can't really even guess. I guess I could do the math. I have had a few with much larger totals, but not many.
So I get, on average, 24 comments per story. As I try to thank most people (who have said something nice or constructive), then let’s say that 10 of those are me. So 14. I don’t have the stats, but would hazard a guess that maybe 10-12 of them are from people who have commented before and 2-4 are new.

My rule of thumb is one Comment per thousand Views, one Vote per hundred. If I get better than that, It's an indicator that the story has struck a chord.
My rule of thumb is one Comment per thousand Views, one Vote per hundred. If I get better than that, It's an indicator that the story has struck a chord.
Interesting heuristic. I'll keep that in mind, and check my submissions to see how it compares.
My rule of thumb is one Comment per thousand Views, one Vote per hundred. If I get better than that, It's an indicator that the story has struck a chord.
I get a comment (excluding my own via a rule of thumb) every 675 views and a vote every 82 views. So within the same ballpark.

Interesting heuristic. I'll keep that in mind, and check my submissions to see how it compares.
Key caveats: I don't write in I & T (although I do have a few stories with incest sub-themes, but only one in that category), and I don't write in LW, so those category parameters don't apply.
and I don't write in LW, so those category parameters don't apply.
My one LW story has stats way above your parameters, almost three votes per hundred views and 1.5 comments per thousand views. About a third of my stories are significantly above your rule of thumb, and the rest are way, way below your average. Like a small fraction of it. Nothing in the middle, it's one extreme or the other. Doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason explaining which ones are above and which below, even within a series.

No I&T for me either, though I probably have one coming up when I can get time to write. In fact the only categories I've been in, aside from that one LW, are 10 in E&V, 2 in First Time and 1 in NC/R

The one correlation I do see is 1 favorite for every thousand views. There's still a lot of variance, but eyeballing it, it looks like they cluster rather evenly around that. Small sample size, though, I only have 14 submissions.

This is reallly interesting. I love the idea of being able to abstract "success" down to a few calculable ratios. 11/14 "H" is nice, but I've found that H's don't actually mean that much. (Except maybe the one in LW ).