How many people have you had sex with?

I've fucked seven different women in real life. Blowjobs and messing around, maybe a dozen more.

Around a dozen. A couple of 1 nighters but most of them were "relationships." Still "friends" with many of them.

In LOVE ... three. The longest was 21 yrs.

I've done around a dozen personal demos of my TRY THIS "technique". No sex other than showing them where and how to fire up their G & A spots. Most of these ladies were married. I didn't / don't consider instruction of a technique to improve THEIR love live's a violation of their marital vows - vows I've always considered sacrosanct.

Well over 1,100,000 reads of my TRY THIS G-thread so I've vicariously had sex and helped in the love lives of hundreds of thousand. GREAT KARMA!!!

Realistically and personally .... Many happy memories.
How many?

Right off the top of my head, I can think of 18 women that I've had sex with for more than just a one time thing. Going beyond that would cause me to think too much. Growing up in the 60's was very memorable for me. Like all of us, I'm a product of my environment and that environment was all about sex. I'm 66 and still going strong. I've always got an open mind for another partner too!
I have been with 6 different women.

1 kinda short term but highly memoric GF
1 very short term GF.
2 one time-onlies

1 decade marriage
1 2-decade marriage
Not wanting to brag, but I honestly couldn't count. I'm having sex most days, and have done since I was [redacted].
Nice to see how low the numbers are in this thread. Quality over quantity any day for me.

Right now I'm at 8. If quality over quantity had always been my rule, that number would be lower haha.
Why does it matter

You men love to ask that question. High count for us girls, we are called sluts. High count for you men, you are studs. I am not going to be defined by a guy in my life. I am 29 and since a young age I have been meeting men to have fun. Countless one night stands, a few fuck buddies, two short term (few months) boyfriends and a handful of sugar daddies. And i still look for hooking up with hot guys I meet at the bar.

I will make no apologies for my life. I get as much sexual pleasure as you men get fucking a girl. I intend to live this life having fun for myself.
You men love to ask that question. High count for us girls, we are called sluts. High count for you men, you are studs. I am not going to be defined by a guy in my life. I am 29 and since a young age I have been meeting men to have fun. Countless one night stands, a few fuck buddies, two short term (few months) boyfriends and a handful of sugar daddies. And i still look for hooking up with hot guys I meet at the bar.

I will make no apologies for my life. I get as much sexual pleasure as you men get fucking a girl. I intend to live this life having fun for myself.

you sound like fun...I like that.
17 different women dating back to the first time I had started having sex.
You men love to ask that question. High count for us girls, we are called sluts. High count for you men, you are studs. I am not going to be defined by a guy in my life. I am 29 and since a young age I have been meeting men to have fun. Countless one night stands, a few fuck buddies, two short term (few months) boyfriends and a handful of sugar daddies. And i still look for hooking up with hot guys I meet at the bar.

I will make no apologies for my life. I get as much sexual pleasure as you men get fucking a girl. I intend to live this life having fun for myself.

You are my studdess
Three women.
One once.
Another twice.
My wife, mmm ... 5000 sessions plus?
And ok recently a few lads have got their fill of me.
Me - 8 women (including my wife). Two were one time only.

Wife - 3 guys (including me). Her other two were one time only.
At the age of 49, I've had six. Only one was a "wham bam thank you ma'am." Have had the opportunity more than that now that I'm older, but just can't get into it without a connection. I suck, lol.