Ho Ho Ho! It's the Literotica Holiday Season Contest!!

Laurel: To be clear: If your story is submitted before midnight tomorrow (the 15th), don't worry. Your story is eligible. It may take a couple of days to get it online, but it will still count toward the contest so long as you have submitted it before midnight on the 15th.

That's good news to me, since I submitted mine almost literally at the last minute. The question is, midnight in which time zone? :D

My entry was technically finished, but I rushed the through the last passages so quickly that I didn't have a chance to proofread them before a hurried submission. I'm curious as to whether we can still submit edited versions of already posted contest stories? If we do, will the votes/views carry over to the edited version?
I did the exact same thing, 66 - or atleast so I thought. I hurried like crazy and sent mine in even 2 minutes passed midnight. I wasn't at all pleased with the ending.

Only today did I remember the time difference between Sweden and USA. I send my story in at 6.02 pm american time, and COULD have done better..!:mad:
Late Posting of Hoilday story

That's close Sven. I thought I was cutting it close, I put mine in the day before barely. I look foward to reading your story. :rose: