General thoughts to the Men of Lit


Jun 10, 2015
This is an open letter to the men (and boys) of lit. I've posted to the boards, corresponded with some of you, and I believe there are plenty of decent men and women on here. To you, please move along, nothing to see here.

To the rest of you, please get your collective heads out of your asses. You're the guys who give the rest of us a bad rap and turn the women into the bitches you whine and complain about. Just because someone doesn't respond to your emails, KIK you, Skype with you everyday, or however you converse, it doesn't give you the right to lash out at them because they didn't measure up to your warped expectations and weren't available to meet your every need. The women on here aren't on-demand channels you can tune in and out as you wish. They are people. People with real feelings, real thoughts, real desires, real insecurities and deserve to be treated as such. Recently a friend of mine was spammed by some loser on here because she didn't respond to his chats, PMs etc.

To you I say grow the fuck up. You're online. She was decent enough not to give me your lit tag so I can't spam your ass directly, you inconsequential, self absorbed, small dicked, little pissant. Right there she is a better person than you are.

You know nothing about her. You wanted to get off, have a good time, and when she wasn't there again at your beck and call, you attacked her, spit your vitriol and I guess it made you feel like a big man. You're not a man at all. You're a grade A, top of the line, meaningless piece of shit loser. People come on here to have fun. They don't need your <pick your insecurity and enter it here> ass to be projected onto them because you can't deal with your empty pathetic life. Sorry their not responding ruined your jerk off session. They are real people with real lives, real thoughts and some have real problems. How many people on here have dealt with death of a spouse, cancer, cheating spouses, abusive partners, you name it.... they are real problems, but they come here to have a little fun and get a little release from the unpleasant parts of their lives. Or wow, here's a thought, maybe they come here to read the stories, explore their sexuality, and grow as a person. You have to be the center of the universe and when they don't accept your dick pic or won't respond to your 15 unrequested invitations to cyber you go ballistic on them. Fuck you and your addled little mind. Get over yourself. Treat people how you'd like to be treated. If they don't respond to your unsolicited advances, or even solicited ones, get over it. You said or did something they didn't like, figure it out genius, and learn from your mistakes. Did you ask them how they felt? Did you ask if you did or said something that made them uncomfortable? No you lash out and call them a tease, ice princess, whatever childish name you can think of because the truth of the matter is the only way you can inflate your fragile little microscopic sized male ego is to tear them down. You don't have the balls to try to make yourself a better person or learn from your mistakes. You'd rather convince yourself, in your twisted, shallow, depraved mind its them instead of you that has the problem. I'm hoping the next time you decide to attack someone you think of this, and think twice about it. Be a real man and try to figure out why she didn't respond instead of going on the attack. If you're smart enough you just might learn something and become a better person for it. Or maybe my expectations of the dregs of lit is simply too high.

Again to the decent people on here, sorry about that, but I don't let neanderthal jackasses insult, abuse, or otherwise tear down the decent people here, particularly those I choose to call a friend. If you think this is directed at you, rethink your online life.

Feel free to flame away.
I wouldn't even worry about it. Women are more than capable of taking care of themselves online, just like the men. The ignore function doesn't require a penis to operate. :D

And lets be honest, the asses you're talking about aren't going to read or care about your thoughts on the issue.
I may not need a man to stick up for me or the other ladies and gentlemen of Lit but I greatly appreciate the action taken on our behalf. Thank you JTS4jo. It's great that someone is willing to speak out on it. Maybe the guy you are addressing, and others that need to hear it also, won't change or even read this, but maybe some other guy who behaves just as bad or sends unsolicited PM's with dick pics or asking infantile questions like what do your boobs look like, will hesitate before sending.
Maybe not. I appreciate the effort regardless of that. No one is here at anyone's beck and call.
Thanks again JTS4jo 🥰
Nice to see that gentlemen still do exist (and apparently a great friend to someone) 🙂
Nice to see that gentlemen still do exist (and apparently a great friend to someone) 🙂

This. Cause lord knows if a woman went off on this rant (and many have) the guys would be here trying to suck her dick in comfort. No one NEEDS a man (or woman) to protect them. But it's nice to know some care enough to do so.
And as darkness reigned total, the young Warrow asked "Will we still sing when all is lost to the darkness?" "Yes", replied his father. "We will sing of how we survived the darkness."
Thank you!

I loved reading this rant. I totally agree with every word. There are some fun people here but their really are some major league assholes. I like having meaningful conversations and sometimes even sexual conversations. But I really get weary of guys that get mad if I am not on-line when they want to jack off. Or guys that won't take no for an answer about things they want.

It was just refreshing to see that I am not the only one aware of this problem. I am a big girl and can take care of myself. And it doesn't get under my skin if a handful of guys want to prove that their cranium is packed with shit. I have a nice life and don't need Literorica for anything. It is a fun sidebar. But it does drag down the fun of Literotica when sexually infantile guys become demanding. Again, it is refreshing just to see that there are others aware of the jerk squad. At the same time I appreciate all of the fun people using Literotica too.
Lucky, I haven't encountered too many assholes here. I can think of two but I am far from the only person who has issues with them.

I have seen a lot of damaged people here. Damaged for various reasons. And while nobody is perfect, one can't expect another person to make them whole.

Two damaged people might lope along together for some time and have some sort of relationship but it will not be fulfilling in the end.

It is sooo much better when two whole people get together. They add to each other's lives. They can learn from each other and grow together. I have encountered people like that here too! We don't always have much in common though.

I have learned that it does no good to tell damaged people to work on themselves. They do not want to hear what I have to say. They just want. And they want *me* to fulfill that need. Nope. Homie don't play that.

Bottom line, if everyone would work on self love, things would be great. But for some, they may never do that or they may only when they reach rock bottom. Sad. They are the seekers who can never truly be satisfied.