Fictional Famous People in Your Stories


Literotica Guru
May 5, 2014
Literotica has a category for stories about celebrities and fan fiction, however have you ever written stories in the other categories featuring characters who are famous (actors, TV presenters, journalists, musical artists, sports stars, political figures etc.) but who are completely fictional and that you made up for the story?

For example, my story 'Cute Celebrity Chloe Comes to Stay' the titular character Chloe is an actress, a rising 18-year-old star of an Australian soap opera and who has been in a number of movies, and despite her fame she is very modest and down to Earth. Likewise Jo Jamieson is an actress in my story 'The Starlet Seduces the Stagehand' set in 1930s Hollywood, but she is completely fictional, which is probably a good thing given she is a bitch. Zoe, the 'crazy fat sister' from my fetish story 'My Best Friend's Crazy Fat Sister' was an international Australian tennis star, but as the title suggests she has let herself go somewhat post retirement. Melissa, my lead female character from 'The Mystery of Melissa' was a children's TV presenter in her late teens and early 20s, but has faded into obscurity two decades on.

Have you created fictional famous people in your stories, and if so what were they like?
Sorta. One of my ladies is a part-time whore, budding porn impresario, and nationally-known sculptor. And I've got an SF story with an intergalactic celebrity protagonist.
The main characters of my story universe are a famous socialite family that went through a big scandal in the nineties, and one main character (the half-brother and step-brother of my protagonists) is a celebrity athlete. Other than that, my characters frequently are in passing scenes that relate to real, publicly known people and events but they’re just used in passing.
I write fictional characters derived from real celebrities in my stories. Sometimes it's a double whammy in that it's a fictionalization of the real doings of real people giving them fictional characterization.

Thus, in my earlier account, sr71plt, the chaptered novel "Wolf Creek" gives real, but "pushed," brushes with Hemingway, Dashiell Hammett, Lillian Hellman, Anne Marrow Lindbergh, Thomas Edison, and Henry Ford, using them as characters under new names but incorporating some of their observed behavior.

Similiarly, but more directly, Rock Hudson appears as the catalyst, by name this time, in sr71plt's "The Lighthouse Keeper," with the story following an actual experienced Rock Hudson "legend."

There are more like that, like a certain deceased Supreme Court Justice. (The current monarch of a Southeast Asian country is a closely-associated character by another name in a few of my stories too).
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I had Dennis Rodman unexpectedly showing up and then helping a MC choose a wedding dress. It was a scene I added after reading about his stunt wearing one to promote his book. Otherwise, nope. My characters aren't based on anyone famous.
Some of my made-up characters are performance superstars. But this is fiction, hey?
I very often reference people, certainly. I've even included a few in stories, but not named them. In a recent chapter in one of my ongoing stories, I introduced the governor of a major Canadian university, along with her impressive resume. I just never used her name.

I'm perfectly willing to name and use people in my Time Rider series, since said people are mostly long since passed on. I've had a character fuck a historical Vestal Virgin, and another character has kicked Cardinal Richelieu in the nuts, which led to one of my favorite things to write ever...


God, I love it when Becky's angry. 😂😂😂

I have no problem using real people in my stories, but if they're alive, I tend to just hint at who it is, rather than outright declare it. There've been several references to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, as well as the orange fruitcake, although neither has directly appeared.

Yes. In one of my stories is my friend named Constantine. I won't give his whole name. He is really my friend and he is a celebrity. Some people might figure it out as there aren't many celebrities by that name in this country. He's Greek/American.
I have a music superstar and a movie star I borrowed from GrandTeton's 'My Boyfriend's Back' series (with his permission, of course) and a fictional action movie heroine who is an amalgam of Kate Beckinsale and Sarah Michelle Gellar. All three of them show up in 'Down At The Twist And Shout'.
I have a couple 'famous' lawyers assisting the main character in my Hinn series, one of whom is the Dean of a prestigious - but never named - Law School. They're based on archetypes not individuals. I've not seen a need to write others who'd likely be famous into the series yet, but I have no qualms doing so if I see a need.
I'm still hoping my characters will become famous one day... ;)
I have a three-part story entitled "Very Rich and Very Famous." The premise is that someone who inherited $500 million and thus became one of NYC's most-eligible bachelors and was thus the subject of numerous stories in the tabloids, fueled by his regular appearances with gorgeous women on the red-carpet, meets someone who has no idea who he is. Plus she's averse to the Page Six treatment and disappears when she finds out.

It's a romance.
Too much of erotica seems to tied to wealth and fame (or so it seems to me,) so I try to avoid such characters in my stories.
Avoiding erotica on an erotica writing site? See anything wrong with this picture?
I have a main character who's more infamous in Lessons of Darkness. He comes from a shady family and so there's a lot of speculation about him. He's more local famous than nationally though.
Has anyone written of Darth Nader, the infamous safety advocate?
Has anyone written of Darth Nader, the infamous safety advocate?

A lot of people don't know he's Lebanese-American. As or myself, I don't know if that was from the Muslim or the Christian side of that nation.
Has anyone written of Darth Nader, the infamous safety advocate?

I tried but the moment he decided to betray his federation by running against them, leading the empire to win the election he became kind of hard to root for.
I made up a character called Black Bart in one of my westerns. Supposedly a bad-ass gunfighter. Only to find out after there was a real Black Bart who used to hold up stage coaches etc. He was famous for his poetry and left poems at the sites of his holdups.

As far as I know he was never caught and died of old age.

Considering the penalty for those crimes was hanging I have to question his and other famous criminals sanity back in those days leaving evidence boasting their whodunnit.
I made up a character called Black Bart in one of my westerns. Supposedly a bad-ass gunfighter. Only to find out after there was a real Black Bart who used to hold up stage coaches etc. He was famous for his poetry and left poems at the sites of his holdups.

As far as I know he was never caught and died of old age.

Considering the penalty for those crimes was hanging I have to question his and other famous criminals sanity back in those days leaving evidence boasting their whodunnit.

Anecdotally, that name rang a bell and I just realized that know who Black Bart is because of the movie “A Christmas Story.”