Earth 3: OOC

I have, on occasion, torrented such things.

But I don't like to make a habit of it.

Additionally, I like to visit chain bookstores like Barnes & Noble (though there are none around my part of the world) or Books-a-million and just sit and read through graphic novels.
Unfortunately I can't leave my bed much less the house :) thanks for the advice anyway C.N.
Unfortunately I can't leave my bed much less the house :) thanks for the advice anyway C.N.

I'm sorry to hear.

Pardon my asking: is this a perpetual state of affairs or just the caprice of current circumstance?
I have Muscular Dystrophy bed bound on a ventilator with a feeding tube, yup between the proverbial rock and a hard place.
I have Muscular Dystrophy bed bound on a ventilator with a feeding tube, yup between the proverbial rock and a hard place.

You have my apologies for any perceived insensitivity, and you have my heartfelt prayers and sympathy, for what they are worth.

I hope we can at least provide you some fun escapism, for what that in turn is also worth.
Oh no apologies necessary I never sensed any insensitivity, thank you for your heartfelt prayers and sympathy, they're worth whatever you would have them be.

Yes, you all have provided some fun escapism, and it's worth more than you realize actually.
Oh no apologies necessary I never sensed any insensitivity, thank you for your heartfelt prayers and sympathy, they're worth whatever you would have them be.

Yes, you all have provided some fun escapism, and it's worth more than you realize actually.

Thank you, dear.

Hang in there, we'll do our best to hold up our end of it.
Now if only our other writers would help
hint hint

In fairness, I think they've been very kindly waiting for us to get our butts to the artsy-fartsy shindig.

In which case, thank you guys for your patience.

...let's ride.
Oh no apologies necessary I never sensed any insensitivity, thank you for your heartfelt prayers and sympathy, they're worth whatever you would have them be.

Yes, you all have provided some fun escapism, and it's worth more than you realize actually.

That would definitely be fun, but I don't expect others to go out of their way.
Being we all have lives outside Lit, the same rules apply to me as well.
Guess what I'm trying to say is, I don't expect preferential treatment.
Treated normally you could say, and I mean that in the nicest way possible.
Whatever ''normal'' actually is, I've never been normal weirdness is just too much fun.
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Well Ollie is grounded for now, when the bombs are out of the equation he will leap back into action with a few well aimed accidental throws and such
Well Wolfie, I like you, you're a creative guy and I will hang with you in any thread.

>insert fistbump<
>insert fistbump<

Well Ollie is grounded for now, when the bombs are out of the equation he will leap back into action with a few well aimed accidental throws and such

Once the Flash gets her footing again, she could conceivably round up the bombs and haul them all outside before they explode. Theoretically, Terra could contain that explosion with a rock-dome.

I could have had her do this right when she ran in there but honestly that would be anticlimactic and I thought it would be less fun for everyone involved.

Also, Jessi might be able to talk The Flash through actually defusing said bombs, but that might take longer than we have, so.
I thought I was just gonna open up a fissure, swallow the building whole, and be done with it.

Or would that be problematic?

Between J'onny, Clark, and The Flash we could evacuate everyone in time but I'm pretty sure that would be at the cost of ALL THE PRICELESS ARTY-FACTS.

...also The Flash just totally chortled "Fissure, I hardly know 'er!" ...such a child.
Well thanks DK, likewise my friend. It's as cool as playing wack a zombie!

*Fistbump* KABLOOEY!



DeathKnight & Wolias Cool huh?

Bwahahaha! I was turned into a nerd bro with a fro. Epic CN thanks.
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That was one of my favorite scenes from all of "The IT Crowd" and you are welcome to be a part of it!
Was just rewatching Man of Steel. Something I hadn't noticed til today.

Seems that the building that was being constructed where Zod and Kal had part of their final fight was supposed to be the future home of Lexcorp.
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The IT crowd is one of my most favorite comedy serieses

OK now back to the story, how many bad guys are left? How many can Ollie take out with randomly thrown objects and make it look like lucky shots?
The IT crowd is one of my most favorite comedy serieses

OK now back to the story, how many bad guys are left? How many can Ollie take out with randomly thrown objects and make it look like lucky shots?

There is roughly 13 men in the main room which now doesn't have as many hostages in it since many ran out. Ollie had knocked a few around I believe but they're up again. Starman had put a few of them, i'd say about 5 in force fields and are floating. All 13 men have bombs strapped to their bodies.

from the others looking around the museum i'd say another 5.
Was just rewatching Man of Steel. Something I hadn't noticed til today.

Seems that the building that was being constructed where Zod and Kal had part of their final fight was supposed to be the future home of Lexcorp.

Also I just read earlier that one of the satellites that got destroyed were Wayne Enterprises'.
I realize Smallville isn't actually all that small anymore, that it's actually named after a dude, but I just thought that was worth chuckling about.

...yeah, I just Googled store closings for them and apparently that's still going on, they even just spun off their "Land's End" brand.

Rough times.