Dear Litster, once more

I guess I owe you an apology as well as those in the room. But is this the proper way a moderator should be speaking to another adult?
Lol, yes. I did tone it down a bit, incidentally.

You could, of course, threaten to have all your friends ignore me. That’s how adults talk to other adults, right? 😂
Hey, Creepy @lanceGibs

You know I can't stand you because you're a liar and a creep and all the things that have gotten you banned under other alts, yet you insist on lurking in my Daddy's Little Girl thread, you continue to "like" my posts and comment on them, and you listen to my audio and message me.

I'm not sure if you are doing it just to rile me up and it's your form of harassment, or if you're proving me right and continuing to be a creepy stalker. Either way, I'm calling out your behavior.

Have the day that you deserve,
Dear Litster (Teddy)
Despite what you may think.. or even what I post
Despite all that we have been through
I still care for you, about you,I worry about you
Even though I know I shouldn't and it's not my place anymore,
Even though you no longer care for or even think about me
Even though you didn't even ask why I was so upset and hurt ( THAT hurt more than everything else actually)
I've worked very hard to get you out of my mind, and heart but it seems as though you will be there forever. Whether you like it or not.

I doubt you will even see this but I'm going to post it anyway
Stuck on you even though you are not good for me Litster
Dear Litster,

This song came on in an 80’s hits playlist and I immediately thought of you ❤️

Dear Deacon _Voss,

Here it is again. Your earthly birthday. And I've taken another trip around the sun without hearing your laugh, your advice, the smile in your voice when you talk about your grandson or your car projects.
I really hope you can see what's going on, peek into my life a bit and see how well I'm doing. I'm happy. I am getting married again. But I really wish you were here to share in my joy. You'd like him.
I will always miss you, my friend. As the song goes...

You'd be loving this, you'd be freaking out, you'd be smiling, yeah
I know you'd be all about what's going on right here right now
God, I wish somehow you could be here
Oh, you should be here

Love you. Whether you are here or not.
Dear responsive Litsters,

Thank you for a wonderful couple of days of chatting, laughter, and fun. After such a difficult personal week, you have been a wonderful breath of fresh air and reminded me of why it's worth coming back to Lit.


Tallulah. :kiss:
Hey Litster,
I see you still require women to read your smut and provide a -minimum- 500 word summation of your drivel and how it made them feel.

But...then if the dissertation is subpar, you broadcast your dismay for the lit-world to see?

Honest to God. Your schtick is lame as fuck and it's a hella cringe thing to do.

You are a piece of garbage.

And your writing is absolute shit.

There, I said it.
Get new material.

Oh and you women all know who I'm talking about.
