Before you lemmings line up for your flu shots...

Ask all the women who were given DES drugs to prevent miscarriage.
They were told it was safe. Now their genetic inheritance is ruined forever.

There are many cases of drugs that were harmful and even some that were known to be harmful and were hidden from the public. That's doesn't make them all bad.
The government says it's safe.

So how could it not be safe?

Would the US government ever use its own citizens like guinea pigs?

Immediatley that came to mind was the syphilis experiments, was it in the 30's?

Kneejerk post
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The ex wants the kidlet to get one, she and i, both, have had asthma problems in the past.

If the flu hasn't bothered you before then why bother with a shot. If it has then get it. Unless it's hamthrax. Kinda different ballgame.
There are many cases of drugs that were harmful and even some that were known to be harmful and were hidden from the public. That's doesn't make them all bad.

Point taken. I was given the polio shot. And I am glad that I did not get polio.
(I knew someone who did get it. And the government did not give them any help.
Even though they were disabled for the rest of their lives.)

But I do not like the way the drug companies have become big and powerful and politically influential. Big Pharma?
In Flu Ent Ial? hmm....
Don't people have anything to do other than be paranoid about stupid shit?
Between vaccines and 9/11 you'd think we're all doomed. :rolleyes:
Says the dimwit who feeds her children disks of greasy clay with squares of yellow polyurethane between two pieces of styrofoam purchased at the purveyor of fine food known commonly as "McDonalds."

The fact that you hate your life and want it to end isn't a very good excuse to drag the young'uns down with you.
Ask all the women who were given DES drugs to prevent miscarriage.
They were told it was safe. Now their genetic inheritance is ruined forever.
Don't worry, KRC will protect you with her Shield of Ignorance™

"What you don't know about can't harm you."
If the flu hasn't bothered you before then why bother with a shot. If it has then get it. Unless it's hamthrax. Kinda different ballgame.
I hate to tell you this, because obviously you don't read much and it will probably be embarrassing for you, but, once you get the disease? ... it's too late then to be vaccinated for it.
What bothers me is that an independent lab is not allowed
to pick the vaccination injection material apart,
because of agreements and protections.
And the disagreement that the UK has with America about
partially damaged virus vs killed completely dead virus.