Baltimore bridge taken down by terrorists

The lack of basic intelligence, cognitive reasoning ability and rational thought expressed by some people on this thread would be amusing, if it wasn't so sad.

It is really unfortunate how our society has devolved where people are not only so gullible, and lack the cognitive capacity to not be duped so easily by lies and conspiracy mongering, but also how these same people have such warped and often, mean-spirited views.
The lack of basic intelligence, cognitive reasoning ability and rational thought expressed by some people on this thread would be amusing, if it wasn't so sad.

It is really unfortunate how our society has devolved where people are not only so gullible, and lack the cognitive capacity to not be duped so easily by lies and conspiracy mongering, but also how these same people have such warped and often, mean-spirited views.

You're probably the first to know the inside scoop on all of that.
LOL a well deserved "fuck you" to all the fucking MAGA race-baiters who called him a DEI hire.
"Duly Elected Incumbent"
Fuck all those trolls!
Baltimore has been dying a slow death since 1950, the entire west side is a big friggin' ghetto full of people and kids who cannot read and write.
If the blame game has been finished and scored, we could start discussing long term infrastructure. Building a new bridge would take years. What might the traffic level be years ahead when the bridge would be rebuilt? How much shipping will Baltimore have then? Both are likely less as fuel becomes more expensive. Higher fuel prices will also raise the cost of bridge building.