Are you now shunning the selfishly unboosted?

Once vaccines became available to anyone who wanted one, and it became clear only the stupid were now unvaccinated, ...

You are a moron.

I'm an unvaccinated survivor of Covid.

It was no more or no less an impediment than a typical flu.

I absolutely have no reason to go get a vaccine. I'm much more protected than the latest hasty guess...
I'm in UK here. I'm double jabbed but all of of a sudden I'm now not considered "fully vaccinated" because I haven't had the booster!

I'm intending on getting it but at the moment it's a bit of a scramble and I'm not playing the grubby game of trying to get through on the phone, visiting crashing websites and queueing for hours. Fuck that. When it dies down I'll get mine.
That begs one question. "Why aren't the homeless dropping like flies?" Poor health, poor hygiene, and poor diet. They should have been right up there with the elderly as far as death rates but they aren't.

I had a thread wondering that.

The answer is fresh air and lower obesity rates.
That begs one question. "Why aren't the homeless dropping like flies?" Poor health, poor hygiene, and poor diet. They should have been right up there with the elderly as far as death rates but they aren't.

Possibly because people stay away from the homeless and they have fewer social contacts?

And the homeless are usually outside in a well-ventilated area?
You are a moron.

I'm an unvaccinated survivor of Covid.

It was no more or no less an impediment than a typical flu.

I absolutely have no reason to go get a vaccine. I'm much more protected than the latest hasty guess...

You made it across the street without looking to the left. You are now Saint Champ the Jaywalker. Go and preach the word.

Still pretty fucking stupid, no matter how many times you make it to the other side.
Possibly because people stay away from the homeless and they have fewer social contacts?

And the homeless are usually outside in a well-ventilated area?

And most big cities have gone out of their way to vaccinate homeless people.
You made it across the street without looking to the left. You are now Saint Champ the Jaywalker. Go and preach the word.

Still pretty fucking stupid, no matter how many times you make it to the other side.

Well I will just say Karma.
Sadly, I have already witnessed it. They are no longer here.

To answer the OP question: they are not invited to our gatherings. We have older folks and a new baby.
As a general rule I always try and avoid stupid people.

If they wore a label that said 'I am stupid', that might be possible.

The trouble is that you cannot tell if someone is stupid until they say something, and then it's too late.
My mother in law died last Sunday from Covid. She was not well and hardly went anywhere but her best friend died and she went to the visitation. Good friends of ours, who they haven't mingled with right now, went to the visitation also and the husband is not doing well with covid in the hospital. Come to find out all but one of the funeral home workers then went out with covid. It's real. I think after a time we distance ourselves from it because somebody else has it. It doesn't feel close to home.

It's very sad. Over 50 years of marriage and she was alone when she died. No one could be with her. My father-in-law tested positive and was quarantined. She died alone. While they were trying to intubate her she died of a heart attack.

They were debating about getting the booster.:eek:
You are a moron.

I'm an unvaccinated survivor of Covid.

It was no more or no less an impediment than a typical flu.

I absolutely have no reason to go get a vaccine. I'm much more protected than the latest hasty guess...

You got it and you rarely leave your hovel. You caught it and Bronze didn't. Bronze isn't the moron in this scenario.
That begs one question. "Why aren't the homeless dropping like flies?" Poor health, poor hygiene, and poor diet. They should have been right up there with the elderly as far as death rates but they aren't.

I had a thread wondering that.

The answer is fresh air and lower obesity rates.

Because the homeless don't interact with the infected. It's not rocket surgery.
My mother in law died last Sunday from Covid. She was not well and hardly went anywhere but her best friend died and she went to the visitation. Good friends of ours, who they haven't mingled with right now, went to the visitation also and the husband is not doing well with covid in the hospital. Come to find out all but one of the funeral home workers then went out with covid. It's real. I think after a time we distance ourselves from it because somebody else has it. It doesn't feel close to home.

It's very sad. Over 50 years of marriage and she was alone when she died. No one could be with her. My father-in-law tested positive and was quarantined. She died alone. While they were trying to intubate her she died of a heart attack.

They were debating about getting the booster.:eek:


And yet people don’t learn from others, until they are in that situation. Sorry for your families loss.
I more make a habit of boosting the selfishly unshunned.

I s'pose that we could force one group or another to sew yellow stars on their top garments to let us know who they are.

Either the Woke or the Unwoke.

St000pid people are like rednecks. You can always tell a redneck because they'll walk into a place and say, "I sure hope there's (lack of agreement intended) no rednecks in here!!!
I booked mine in, but couldn't get an appointment before mid January. My son has moved out of the area, and already managed to get his, despite youth and good health. Gotta love rural life :rolleyes:
The wisest Literotica counsel is always the same: read what Bronze Age's and Sean's pickled brains type out and then do the opposite.
Once vaccines became available to anyone who wanted one, and it became clear only the stupid were now unvaccinated, I lost interest in talking about vaccines.

It's not much different than trying to convince someone they should wear a seatbelt, or look both ways before crossing a busy street. If they have a philosophical objection to either thing, what fact or logic could change their mind?

Yeah, it's no longer a debate about health or policies, it's about philosophies or ideologies.
And all these debates where nobody listens to others just to themselves ....

But in all fairness to the anti-vaxers, our team isn't 100% either.
With the South African study on omicron, they didn't even read it properly,
they just jumped into lazy attacks of the study.
Does anybody have any links to how this "my freedom/rights no social distancing no vaccines" movement began (in the US, before it spread to copycats)?

It definitely came from the American Right, definitely designed to sway votes in their favor,
but who or what group of people started disseminating it on social and mass media?

Because I tried different key words and can't find it.
Just links or names please, something concrete.
Yes I am. I just have no interest in building relationships with the next Darwin award winners.