testing literotica forum. glitches have occurred. i hope manu is on the ball, here.

greetings to all,

Penelope Street said:
That's right, the queue is empty. Anyone interested in hosting a discussion say so here.

I wanted to put blue flashing lights up, but you said noooooooooooo....:D
drksideofthemoon said:
I wanted to put blue flashing lights up, but you said noooooooooooo....:D
Fine. You have permission to install blue flashing lights. :p Or do you have a story called "Blue Flashing Lights" that you'd like share?
Penelope Street said:
Fine. You have permission to install blue flashing lights. :p Or do you have a story called "Blue Flashing Lights" that you'd like share?

LOL, nope, no blue flashing lights. If no one steps up within the next couple of days, I may have another one to put up here. (We'll move from the Klondike to mid 19th century Ireland.)

Link to discussion:
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angelicminx said:
I think I'd like to offer up Now and Forever, both chapters, for discussion. The two chapters combined come to 11,528 words. If accepted, should I post the text or just the links? Thank you for your consideration.
Over ten thousand words may be a bit much for some, so you may wish to ask readers with less time to focus on a particular half, but that's up to you.

I'd recommend posting the links. The post regarding the format is:

I'm not sure when darkside's thread will wind down; probably this weekend at the earliest- but you can kinda keep an eye on that. As soon as his thread is essentially over, start yours whenever you want.

Thanks Bunches,
Hi Penny,

I have a story I'd like to offer for consideration. It's lengthy - seven chapters (21K) - so folks could pick and choose. The first chapter got some good feedback from some of the usual suspects here (drksde, VarianP), but I'd appreciate some more if they'll weigh in. I want to improve as a writer and make this as good as I can.
jomar said:
Hi Penny,

I have a story I'd like to offer for consideration. It's lengthy - seven chapters (21K) - so folks could pick and choose. The first chapter got some good feedback from some of the usual suspects here (drksde, VarianP), but I'd appreciate some more if they'll weigh in. I want to improve as a writer and make this as good as I can.

Ok. You're in the queue after minx. Since a discussion usually lasts a few weeks, it'll probably be just a little longer than that before we get to yours.
Penelope Street said:
Ok. You're in the queue after minx. Since a discussion usually lasts a few weeks, it'll probably be just a little longer than that before we get to yours.

Thanks. I read your post to minx about the format and start date. I assume I keep an eye on hers and start when her thread winds down. If otherwise, let me know.
Penelope Street said:
I can let you know when if you want.

That would be fine. I don't want to jump in too soon or wait too long. Thanks.
jomar said:
That would be fine. I don't want to jump in too soon or wait too long. Thanks.

I think mine has wound up, Jomar. If there aren't any objections, I'd say post yours. :) :cool:
angelicminx said:
I think mine has wound up, Jomar. If there aren't any objections, I'd say post yours.
Thank you for being so thoughtful! :)

Jomar's going to be away for a few weeks and intends to post when he returns. If anyone wants to slip a discussion in between now and then, we probably have time. ;)
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The discussion about genre has really piqued my interest. I have a story that I would like to submit here if there is time since Jomar is away. It's called Jinglin' Spurs, and is a romance set in the old west. Let me know if you are interested.
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I've got one I'd like to add to the list somewhere, Unnatural Progression. It's the first half of a story and I keep rethinking where I want it to go. So the second half never gets finished.
Actually, the queue's order is based first on participation, so darkside can go ahead of virtually anyone else at this point- even if they've been in the queue longer. I believe the proper queue order at this point is:

1. darkside
2. jomar
3. starrkers

Since there's not another story discussion in progress, darkside is welcome to host another discussion if he wants to do so, especially if it will compliment rather than compete with the non-story discussion in progress.
Penelope Street said:
Actually, the queue's order is based first on participation

Seeing as right now I don't feel equipped to give meaningful critique, although I have in the past, I shan't waste your time.
starrkers said:
Seeing as right now I don't feel equipped to give meaningful critique, although I have in the past, I shan't waste your time.
I'm not sure what you mean. Before making my previous post, I looked at the half dozen or so most-recent discussions and it appeared both you and Jomar had participated in one each, but I confess I didn't look too far back, so I could have missed a few. If you've participated more in the past, then you should have been listed second in the queue- now first since darkside has started his. I think it's worth noting that participation only serves to order the queue, giving priority to those who've been more active- so one can still host a discussion without previous participation. And this bit about you feeling ill-equipped to offer a meaningful critique? I hope you just mean that you don't have the time or aren't in the mood, because you've certainly shared some meaningful thoughts in the past, both here and elsewhere.

You are so not wasting anyone's time!
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Back in town, so to speak.

Brain is washed clean by a French breeze, so I'm posting here to make sure I'll get back into the fray. LOL

[threadjac]BT! Long time no see. How you doing?[/threadjack]

I have a seasonal romance story that has more narrative in the first 500 than may be good for its chances of ever being accepted by some anthology.

The original version is posted at Lit as, A Special Christmas Present. Some of the feedback strongly suggested it needed more show and more sex. This version has both thanks in large part to about 2000 extra words.

Rumple "waiting his turn" Foreskin :cool: