Aprils Sexual Journey with Pictures

I didn't block anyone, it's not in my power 🤷‍♂️

Have a good day!
Blocking a person/ author is a personal choice and is something you can do anytime
Taking a person's ability to post in Lit is a complete different choice
And also one a Mod shouldn't take without a warning to the poster/author
"She" basically described being assaulted and groomed as a child, but instead of talking about it being horrible, she posted pics and a story to it as if people should be turned on by it. Doesn't get much more awful than that!

Besides that, "she" was obviously quite fake. I know it's difficult on a porn site, but maybe try thinking even 5% less with your dick, and 5% more with your brain.
Who is “she”? April?
"She" basically described being assaulted and groomed as a child, but instead of talking about it being horrible, she posted pics and a story to it as if people should be turned on by it. Doesn't get much more awful than that!

Besides that, "she" was obviously quite fake. I know it's difficult on a porn site, but maybe try thinking even 5% less with your dick, and 5% more with your brain.
I've known she was fake for quite a while, ESPECIALLY when she started posting pics. 90% of them weren't even the same person, they were cropped so you never saw faces, but come on people, when body shape and moles aren't the same ... yeah