Adult Braces

Dec 23, 2019
I am hopefully getting braces soon as an adult and getting ready for all the dietary changes that come with that. I had a question that isn't suitable for the dentist's office or for my friendship group. What can I realistically do/not do in the bedroom with them on.

Does anyone else have experience of having braces as an adult and give me tips? I'm assuming blow jobs are a no go, but what about kissing, rimming, other fun stuff.

Going to make it very clear that age play/ teen dress up is not my thing so please do not bring it up in the replies.
I remember being very worried about oral sex with my braces on. I was terrified that I would somehow scrape his cock. I never did, but it was a fear. Nothing like being scared while you want to present enthusiasm. I think you need to get used to how much smaller your mouth feels and that you’ll adjust.

Have you considered Invisalign? I have several friends doing Invisalign and it seems like a good alternative.
Hello, thanks for your reply. I really appreciate it. I will approach with caution and give things a go (if my partner is happy to try), I do enjoy giving like oral sex and two years is a long time to go without.

My dentist and orthodontist have assessed my teeth and unfortunately they need too much treatment for Invisalign to be a good option for me. I'm excited to make progress with traditional metal braces though.
I remember being very worried about oral sex with my braces on. I was terrified that I would somehow scrape his cock. I never did, but it was a fear. Nothing like being scared while you want to present enthusiasm. I think you need to get used to how much smaller your mouth feels and that you’ll adjust.

Have you considered Invisalign? I have several friends doing Invisalign and it seems like a good alternative.
Good for you. I had an experience shortly after I graduated high school with a woman that had just got her braces and it was one of the most painful experiences I've had. Looked like someone had tried to shred me with a razor blade. LOL
@JaxRhapsody @Stromer
Thanks for your responses. I got them put on yesterday so it's great to read different viewpoints, I don't want to risk hurting my partner.
We didn't date very long, turned out she was engaged to a guy going to school out state, but we stayed friends and she told me she learned how to keep her teeth way out of the way. Never did get a chance to finish what we started that night.