20 Stephen King Quotes on Writing

I so know that feeling. I tend to write and edit at the same time. I try to leave a work in the middle of a thought so when I sit back down to write, I can pick up the thread I left. But while I'm away, the wheels keep turning and I begin to think, "Okay, that wasn't the best thing..." So, I go back to change a detail.... realize how crucial that detail turns out to be... scrap several hundred words (sometimes, more) and then wonder, "Why the fuck am I doing this?"

I've tried leaving off in mid-sentence, or mid-quote, or something else which would, in theory, make me jump right back to where I was. It doesn't work. I stare at the screen and think, "what the fuck was about to say next?" And no matter what I put down, I think it's never as profound as what I wanted to say.
I've tried leaving off in mid-sentence, or mid-quote, or something else which would, in theory, make me jump right back to where I was. It doesn't work. I stare at the screen and think, "what the fuck was about to say next?" And no matter what I put down, I think it's never as profound as what I wanted to say.

I hate when that happens! I get the most amazing ideas in the shower (positive ions and all of that) and by the time I get out and dry off, it's often either gone, or I can't remember it the exact way it came to me. I need some kind of waterproof way to take down notes in the shower. :)
I hate when that happens! I get the most amazing ideas in the shower (positive ions and all of that) and by the time I get out and dry off, it's often either gone, or I can't remember it the exact way it came to me. I need some kind of waterproof way to take down notes in the shower. :)

I've had times in which I'm out shopping, or on campus, and a sudden thought or line of dialogue hits me that I think is absolutely brilliant. Then I call myself and leave a message. :p
I do that, too! But I use the evernote app on my phone. Not good for the shower, though.
I do that, too! But I use the evernote app on my phone. Not good for the shower, though.

Get one'a them waterproof phones, then. :p

Although, honestly, if you watch enough late-night infomercials, you'll probably find something similarly useful . . . .
I leave mini-legal pads everywhere, for when ideas hatch.
I hate when that happens! I get the most amazing ideas in the shower (positive ions and all of that) and by the time I get out and dry off, it's often either gone, or I can't remember it the exact way it came to me. I need some kind of waterproof way to take down notes in the shower. :)

Perhaps one or two of these:
Something I do is analyze my friends and acquaintances, to figger out how they tick. And once I know them well enough to predict what they'll do, I generalize from THAT to everyone else.

If you wanna create a realistic character figger out what sort of childhood they had. Wanna grownup with a paranoid personality? Then put the child in constant situations that are beyond her coping skills. She quickly gets the idea that people cant be trusted, and no therapist can talk her her out of the idea, becuz she knows from experience! The therapist is a naïf talking out his ass.

The only way to change her mind is to surprise her with what she doesn't expect. And she's smart enough to avoid people who can surprise her. What she prefers is folks who'll set her up again, becuz she knows how to cope with them. Her nervous breakdown is simply the price of admission to the other stuff. Maybe her abusive partner welcomes her home from the hospital with a nice orgasm and barbecue dinner at Fat Boys (then skedaddles before the bill is paid).