🔮 What are you doing right now? 🔮

Finding all of my old shirts and most comfortable jeans in a bag that appears to be awaiting a trip to the garbage.

My beautiful, sweet, yet slightly devious Lady….

I applaud your secrecy in attempting to remove what I had said was not to be removed.
However, my circumstance has dictated that they are to remain here. And each item will comfortably be adorning this body a piece at a time over the next few weeks.

And as a repaying of this particular kindness, thoughtful as it were, I have thrown out every pair of underwear and socks that you left behind on your trip.

Carte Blanche my dear.
That is what I have.

Love you. 😘
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Waiting for a download to finish on my slow ass connection. *YAWN*
Sitting down for the first time today. Probably have a good two minutes of consciousness left in me.