Felidea Royal Court


Love Me, Hate Me
Nov 17, 2005
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Felidae Royal Court

The sound of birds chirping outside brought the young princess from her catnap as thick lashes fluttered open to reveal sea green eyes that stared up at the blue sky. Yawning lightly she flicked her tail irritably at the prospects of the day. Turning to view the surrounding area she noted her catnap had led her to climb a tree in the royal gardens. Below was one of many royal guards who had been with the family for quite some time. She was used to being followed around but thankfully the guards where switched out from day to day. Sighing she watched him, wondering if he were asleep or pretending to be. Shrugging her attention went to the blue sky and the cotton clouds that sailed overhead.

It was a bright day, beautiful in fact. Mid-morning to be exact just after the morning meal; which in turn often caused Minx to grow tired and find a perfect spot for a catnap. Lifting one arm into the sky she inspected her nails but wasn't paying much attention to them, just idling her time as the news from her father at breakfast finally set in. She was to be married. And not just herself alone but all of her sisters were being forced into an arranged marriage by the years end if they didn't find a suitor of their own. This got another sigh and a flick of her tail in irritation. "Moi... I can't believe he is forcing this on us. It's so unfair!" Minx pouted as she fisted her hand. It fell to dangle over the branch she was perched on as she rolled over on her stomach to look at the ground below. "Ne!" She called to the guard in irritation. "You think it's fair what daddy is doing to us?" She questioned. When he didn't answer her she hissed. "Hey! Don't ignore me I know you're not sleep." She pointed out as the guard's ear flickered at her words. His tail swished as well but her attention was on his tail as her back arched in anticipation of pouncing. The tail moved left and right in constant movement, almost as if to taunt the princess. She kept her eyes trained on the flailing tail and soon when her instincts told her to pounce she did just that.

Freefalling from the tree her attention was on the guards tail. She would have it this time for sure. It was a constant game for her. Still very much like a kitten she hit the ground on all fours but the tail was not there and the guard had also moved. Blinking she looked around for him but could not see him until she noticed a shadow growing larger from above. Looking up she glared... "That's so unfair!" And instantly the guard was on her but nothing threatening as he seemed to be smirking a cocky grin. "Get off you got me, geez." Minx glared but it was of course in a playful manner. She was of the few in the royal family that didn't mind letting the guards be themselves. When in the presence of the king, queen or other nobles they were always expected to be on their best behavior. For Minx it irritated her greatly when they constantly used her title or acted out of character for who they were. Sure enough they were trained to protect but it didn't mean they had to forget how to live in the process. Minx began laughing as she was helped to her feet by the guard. "Thank you... one of these days I'll get you." She warned but it was the same every time. She just wasn't as athletic as her younger sister Cameron or graceful like Wynn. She was probably the most irregular of the princess, being the eldest daughter put a lot of pressure on her. It was almost certain their father would force her into marriage first, long before the years end. She knew. Their father was a sneaky man, always was but it didn't mean that his daughters couldn't be just as sneaky. They would have to come up with a plan that would force their father to renig on his demands.

Minx smiled. If there was one thing she were good at it was being just as devious as their father. Where, Cameron was athletic and Wynn graceful, Minx was out right devilish in almost everything she did; holding no remorse for the outcome of those effected. As long as the plan served its purpose in what she wanted; those effected negatively by her plan were simply... shit out of luck. Minx purred as she began a slow gate in search of her sisters. It was time to plan.

[Opening for Tagor if you want it. Otherwise I can continue using an NPC.]
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"Come on! Is that all you got?!" A feminine voice sounded, which alarmed most of the knights and the one of the royal daughters was now having a small spar session with a knight, who seemed hesitant to start with his own attack. He was trying to be as gentle with her, but it seemed this particular princess wanted more of a fight. She was using the knight to channel all the anger she was feeling ever since the announcement made by their father during the family breakfast together. She had already planned on what she wanted to do for this fine, bright day but all her good mood was now gone ever since their father had told the news about each daughters of his will be foced into marriage. That was just absurd, preposterous!

Remembering that announcement had made her anger boiled even more, her dark ruby eyes flared and the poor victim for her to feel her wrath was the one who was currently sparring with her. She came down onto him with many quick and strong slashes of her sword; the knight was taken offguard by the sheer strength shown by the princess. Then, the princess made a mighty swing of her sword to hit the weapon from the knight's hands and then pointed the tip of her blade under the knight's chin. She was breathing in deeply from all the exertion before she lowered her blade down, now finally calming down. ".. I apologize.. That was a good spar. Thank you."

Her dark feline ears perked up with the sudden change of mood, and she extended a hand to exchange a handshake with her sparring partner. After the handshake, she had sheathed the swod and stretched her body a bit. She needed that spar, but she did felt guilty for using the knight as her own punching bag to release her anger upon. She knew her three sisters would object to the prospect of marriage, especially her older sister, Minx. Speaking of which, she begun to wonder where her other sisters were off to. Ever since the announcement at breakfast, she wasn't able to speak with her sisters about it.

She started to remove her safety padding which she had to wear whenever she wanted to have a spar with one of the knights and after she removed them, she stretched her arms to reach into the sky. Her short jet black hair which brushed upon the top of her neck, gently glistened in the bright sun in the sky and the warmth of the sun was comforting upon her skin. Her black tipped grayish tail swayed left and right as she wondered what she could do for this fine day. Well, she could go and take a run into the forest.. Or perhaps have a swim at the nearby lake. She wanted to busy herself so she wouldn't be disturbed by her father's decision of forced marriage upon her and her sisters.
"They're coming"

He'd barely even told them that morning and yet, Almathea could already see the beginning of the many suitors their father had decreed to come stay at the palace. She supposed that she should have been nervous, instead she felt rather serene as she stroked the small dog in her lap. What did it matter who was sent or whom her father chose? Her heart had already been won. She still bore the scar, ever so faint on the base of her thumb. It was her only secret from her sisters.

Well that and the particular smile that flirted with her lips at the moment, coupled with the dreamy look in her eyes. She knew it was there. He'd commented on it once after kissing her. Apparently, she got it whenever he touched his lips to hers or whenever she let her mind wander to him. This was yet another reason why she kept something so important to herself. She would never hear the end of how foolish she was to believe some childhood fancy after all these years.

Sighing, she laid her head back on the cool marble floor of the astronomy tower. It was so nice here during the day. No one ever bothered to come up while the sun still shone and the height always made it so there was at least a slight breeze even on the hottest of days. Decorum demanded that she and her sisters should greet the incoming potential, but that could wait. Rule one of the defiance; no appearing eager in any sort of manner, even if it is unintentional.

Her dog gave a nervous bark as it skidded across the floor after some bug or other. MaCavity after all was really only a puppy. Giggling, she stretched out shaking her thoughts from her head for now. Her faith wasn't entirely unshakable. She actually had tried to give up hope, but then she'd wake up some morning with his voice echoing in her head and it'd just start all over again. Perhaps a nap was just the thing. The sun was shining just right. It would keep her warm while she dreamed.
"Just one itty bitty tiny one?" Wynn's voice was a mere squeek as her eyes fell back against her head, her brown eyes wide as she gave the most pitiful face possible to the royal chef as he prepared the desserts for the King's banquet.

"Miss Wynn, I've told you twice now. These are for your father and his guests." A rather scolding tone held to his voice, his piping bag adding the finishing sweet touches to the treats that taunted the sugar-loving feline before him. "If you want something to nibble, I've made a snack tray for you and your sisters on the other counter." He guestured with his orange tabby tail, the whitened tip snapping against the silver tray.

"Ick. Those are tuna tortes. I want sweets! Pleeeease?"

"Miss Wynn." A stern gaze fell upon her, the cook's eyes solemn. "No."

Her lip quivered a bit at that. "But all I wanted was to taste your yummy treats, Chef. No one makes sweetcakes like you... I've been craving them so badly! With everything else that's been going on lately, I need something to lift my spirits. And nothing can make me happier than nibbling something sweet and yummy made by you!"

The Cook paused in his decorating, giving a soft sigh. She had hit the one thing that always wotked on him... Flattery of his skills. "Very well. But only one! And don't let your father or siblings find out!"

With a happy squeel, Wynn snatched one of the pastries, rushing out of the kitchen with the sticky snack clutched in her teeth. Bolting outside with it, she finally came to a halt in the gardens, settling happily upon one of the stone benches before nibbling at the pastry. A good amount of the frosting was now coated in her fur, but that didn't matter one bit to Wynn. Part of what she had said to Chef was true; the events of the last few days had certainly left her in an emotional frump. Daddy's decision that they all needed to be married... Why couldn't they just remain the way it was; single, here in the castle, and free to mingle with whoever they chose?

Her ears rose as she caught the sound of her sisters' voices, hastily shoving her snagged snack into her mouth in an effort to hide it. Would they have tried to steal it? Wynn wasn't fully certain, but as the youngest of her sisters, she had always been paranoid of the older siblings trying to take away her prizes.... Leading to her either trying to horde them or, in this case, eat them so fast she made herself ill.
"Alexander! Hurry down, the carriage is here!" The older female called out to her son while standing in the main dining area of their family home, gazing up the staircase as she heard a pair of footsteps slowly making their way down it.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." The young male voice responded seconds before stepping into view, the young catboy strolling down with his hands in his pockets and a rather bored expression on his face, "Still don't see why I couldn't ride there myself on one of the horses, instead of being led in by some entourage."

"You're lucky we agreed to let you make the trip alone." Interrupted an older male which entered the area from a doorway at the side, his broad figure showing a physique which had been taken care of throughout the years since his retirement from active service, "I'm still expecting to hear word of you jumping off the carriage and making a run for it about five minutes after you're out of sight. And you'd best not do anything to embarrass our family while you're staying there, son."

"As always, thank you for the vote of confidence, Father." He responded with more then a hint of sarcasm while letting his tail raise up to his forehead, the tip pressing against it before flicking forward in a saluting motion directed toward the retired military man.

The elder feline looked like he was ready to give a retort to his sons show of disrespect, when his wife quickly spoke up to try and stifle any bickering, "Now, you two, this is probably the last time the three of us shall be together in our home for a year. Let's try to make these final moments as pleasant as possible?"

Alexander and his father remained quiet for about a minute, staring at each other from across the room, the uncomfortable silence finally breaking when the older of the two spoke up with a simple word, "Fine."

That having been said, Alexander's father simply turned and left the room without uttering another word, heading out toward the front of their home to impatiently wait for his wife and only child to finally make it out to the carriage.

"Can you just feel the love in the air?" The young male asked without expecting any sort of serious response to his question, his tail reaching out toward a fruit bowl on the table and scooping up an apple, encircling the piece of fruit and flicking it toward a hand he removed from his pocket.

The apple would have made it to his hands, if not for the quick reflexes of his Mother who reached out and snagged it in midair, holding it for a moment before gently placing it in her sons hand, "It's not as if you make things any easier on yourself, young man. And I've told you before about tossing food around. I hope you show better table manners while staying in the palace."

"Yes, Mother." He said with only a faint hint of sarcasm in his tone, holding the apple up to his mouth and taking a bite out of it, a drop of juice dripping down from his lip which he promptly wiped away with the back of his hand as he chewed on the mouthful of tasty food.

From there the older woman went on with giving her son a number of reminders and tips as they made their way throughout the large home, Alexander paying her words just enough attention to satisfy his Mother until they could reach the carriage which would take him away from where he'd spent much of his life.

This was earlier in the day.

Currently, the young feline found himself sitting in the back of the carriage, slouching down against the upholstery with his tail swinging back and forth absentmindedly, glancing out the windows at his passing surroundings. He'd visited this part of the land in the past, usually while accompanying his Father on social and official matters, but hadn't been around in a number of years. It largely resembled what he could remember, save for the occasional changes which were to have been expected with any passage of time. In either case, it appeared he would find himself with more then enough time to reacquaint himself with everything new and old around him.

As the carriage eventually came upon the palace itself, he began to straighten himself out, more in preparing of getting used to the idea of having to leave his comfortable position then anything else. He didn't have much longer to wait before the ride came to a complete stop, the driver preparing to step down and open the door for his passenger. Alexander himself had beaten his driver to the punch, opening the door and casually stepping out of it the carriage, finding himself greeted by a few guards who required confirmation of his identity.

They began to exchange words as he showed them the proper paperwork, his attention largely shifting toward his current surroundings, beginning to study and memorize where things were in advance to lessen his chances of getting lost later. As the guards were satisfied and took to helping remove what luggage he did bring off the carriage, Alexander continued to study the outside of the palace and the immense area around it. Even with his own jaded point of view toward the entire situation, he couldn't help but feel genuinely impressed over the choice in design and surrounding foliage which he was able to take into view.

Still, he had also been searching out for something more to occupy his time when not going through formalities with royalty or whomever else he'd have been expected to exchange pleasantries with during his stay. At the moment, the guards attention remained divided unevenly between his own belongings and dealing with any other suitors which were slowly but steadily making their way to the palace. Alexander took this opportunity to wander away from the scene a bit, taking the incentive in plucking a fresh apple from a nearby tree and starting to munch on it to help pass the time.
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Two armored men on horseback, both armed to the teeth with swords daggers and crossbows, rode alongside a carriage, its driver a similarly armored man with his arm and a leg in splints. One of the riders drifted closer to the window of the carriage and knocked.

“Prince Vincent” he waited patiently, the past two days of riding had been hard on the battle tested soldiers, he couldn’t imagine how the prince must be feeling, but to his surprise the prince pulled the curtain back rather quickly, his face free from any distress.

“What is it Koyla? Have we arrived?” his eyes were hopeful, but he didn’t show it much in his voice.

“Almost my prince, we can see it on the horizon now” the prince breathed a sigh of relief and closed the curtains, opening up the top hatch to take a look instead. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of the wind whipping through his blue hair, happy that he could finally change out of the constricting piecemeal amour he had scrounged together before leaving for the trip.

He went to take off the plating that covered a few section of his body, but one of the soldiers quickly put a stop to it, arguing that until they were safely in the walls of a friendly castle, they were vulnerable to attack. They were right though, they had thought that once the reached the border of this kingdom that they would be safe, Anders died and the prince himself had received a rather deep gash to his right arm, so he heeded their warning and kept it on.

“fine, ill keep it on until we get within the walls” he paused for a second, closing his eyes and enjoying the wind for a moment before he went back inside, this trip had gone dismally, there were ten men protecting him when they had left the castle… but there was nothing he could do now, he was here for a year. He sat back down and yawned, then lied down, there was enough time to have a catnap, there was always time for a catnap.
The sun was warm..
Rising higher up higher into the clear blue sky, as morning slowly turned into the afternoon and then would fade into the evening, followed by the night once more in it's endless cycle.

Resting beneath a tree within the royal gardens Tagor sighed contently, his eyes closed shut as he rested there with his ears twitched every now and then always on the alert.
His silver tail waved gently in the breeze beside him, brushing calmly against the lush green grass of the royal garden.

Tagor had forgotten how peaceful life here on the Felidae home world was.
Everything had an order and a set time for it's occurrence, and not just with the sun but with everything around him.
It wasn't as if it was a bad thing...
it was just almost too peaceful for a Felidae solider like himself.

It was peaceful..
almost too peaceful..

"Moi... I can't believe he is forcing this on us. It's so unfair!"

Tagor's ears perked up slightly as he heard the voice of one of the princesses. It was Minx the eldest daughter. She must of still been upset from her fathers earlier announcement of their possible arranged marriage.
Tagor had been present at the time, and so knew all about it.

"Moi... I can't believe he is forcing this on us. It's so unfair!"

Isn't it for the better of the Kingdom? Was Tagor's thoughts.

It had always been this way for generation after generation of family tradition for the Felidae royal family, but he still did feel sympathy for the princesses.

"You think it's fair what daddy is doing to us?" He heard her say directing her attention more towards him now. Tagor remained silent, how could he answer such a question when his words wouldn't make a difference in the matter,
it was his duty and sworn oath to follow the will of the king, it wasn't something he had a say in the matter.


Tagor's ears twitched suddenly then as he became alarmed of what Minx was going to do, this had become a common practice as of late, but Tagor didn't mind playing around with the young kitten princess.

Even without seeing her he had a rough estimate of how she would land in her attempted attack and just as she made her move Tagor had rolled from his comfortable spot, just managing to escape with his tail by a few mere inches.

He smirked then at her playful antics but she was still just a kitten, too slow to ever catch him, and now that he was behind her he had her exactly where he wanted her and quickly pounced her and pinned her down playfully.

He of course let her go when she requested it.

"Thank you... one of these days I'll get you." She said after a moment.

"heh, might have awhile to go before you can ever catch me Minx, but perhapses when my fur is as white as snow and I can no longer wield my weapon you'll be able to." He said jokingly, he wasn't that much older then the princesses but he'd still be considered a senior Felidae to her and her sisters despite the difference in their social stature.

Tagor smiled lightly while watching Minx as she started to ponder on something and give that look she always did when she was plotting something wicked that would get either her or all her sisters into trouble.

This was the Minx he knew.

He had first met Minx and her four sisters back when he was still a kitten himself and had just been given the title as a future guardian for the royal house.
It was here that he grew up with the sisters while undergoing his training and although he didn't interact with them everyday he still watched as they grew up and lived out their lives as young felie princesses.

It was because of this familiarity that he had been scolded a few times by not only his higher ups but the king himself for acting too casual around them.
Despite this though he continued to act as he did, finding himself most comfortable when around any of the sisters who made these long days guarding the castle much more interesting.

The sound of carriages could be heard then which caused Tagor's ears to pick up and his chaotic tail to sway rapidly.

"Seems some of your future suiters have arrived Minx." Tagor said, as his sharp golden eyes turned to Minx.

"You'll probably have to head back soon to greet them, else your father will become displeased." He said this with a forced smile knowing all too well that once the daughters were wedded off to their future mates, everything was going to change.
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Such a brat...

Sure enough the sound of carriages in the distance brought her attention to the fore of the castle. Thankfully the garden was a prime vantage point in spotting her would-be suitors. She quickly made her way from the gardens to the side of the castle entrance where all the carriages were pulling up. Hidden in the shadows of the apple trees she grumble some incoherent prattle under her breath though her next words were to Tagor shortly after. "I can't believe how fast daddy works. It's like he's eager to get ride of us." Well at least her sisters, by law the eldest would take her place upon the throne, meaning her husband-to-be would assume the throne with her as king. She shuttered.

It was then she noticed one of the men had drifted away from the carriages the look on his face spoke volumes. He looked as if he were just as annoyed by this event as she and her sister. Watching him closely he came near to one of the apple trees plucking one from the branch. "Stay here Tagor." Minx hissed, how dare that guy. "Do you always steal fruit from trees that don't belong to you!" To anyone that never met her, Minx looked like a common serving girl. She usually dressed down on purpose to annoy her father and even more so to tease the new servants and guards. They never knew she was the eldest princess in her current get-up and often played the part well. Usually when she pissed them off enough to retaliate guards from all over would come down upon the poor unsuspecting feline scaring the fur off their skin.

"Well... I asked a question. This is the royal gardens, taking fruits off trees like that is going to get you in trouble." Minx informed more upset that anyone thought they had a right to mess with her trees. She stalked closer to the other feli male and tried to snatch the fruit away. After all everything on the palace grounds was soul property of the royal family.
Alexander's ears twitched slightly as they picked up the sound of the females hissing, alerting him of her presence in advance, yet leaving him unprepared for when she suddenly spoke out against his choice in actions.

"Hmm?" He hummed out with a questioning expression while turning in the direction of the girls voice, the mouthful of apple preventing him from saying much more while watching her come into full view.

First glance at her appearance and choice in attire led him to believe her a simple servant girl, but her demeanor seemed to suggest something more to the young male. Still, he had no reason to think her anything more then a servant in the palace, leading him to brush those thoughts aside as she came closer. He stood his ground and finished chewing down the apple left in his mouth while listening to her speak again, holding the apple which he'd taken a large bite out of in his hand and within view all the while.

When she tried to grab at it, he quickly pulled the piece of fruit away from her grasping hands, an amused grin spreading across his face at her failed attempt, "You're a little pushy for a serving girl, aren't you? Trying to grab something out of a guests hand before they even have a chance to explain. Seems whomever was in charge of your teachings could have done a better job."

Keeping the apple in plain view, but far enough for him to pull it back if she were to try again, the feli male continued to say his piece in a slightly teasing tone, "For what it counts, I meant no actual disrespect to my hosts. However, since I'm going to be stuck here for the better part of a year, I figure helping myself to an occasional apple here and there isn't that outrageous of an act."

They may not have been the most apologetic choice of words, but they were an honest enough response for the young feli. If he'd ever grow bold enough or have reason justifiable to himself for being disrespectful to anyone in the royal family, then he would have done something more direct then simply plucking an apple. Least of all when, far as he was aware, none of them were currently around to see him doing it.

Turning his head toward the apple, he brought it to his mouth and took another bite out of the piece of fruit. It may have been a bite which was considerably smaller then the previous one, but the action was done more out of an attempt at trying to get under the girls skin. Holding it above his head, he knew she couldn't grab it without having to jump up or pull down his arm, allowing him a moment to finish the bite. Once he did, however, he brought the apple back down just enough for her to have a chance at simply snatching it away.

"In either case, if my plucking an apple without their permission is an important enough issue to you, then feel free to take it back." He offered while taking a step back, holding the apple low enough for her to grab while making it clear from his posture and expression that he intended to pull it away if she weren't quick enough.
Her black ears perked up at the sounds of carriages, and being utterly curious, she made her way to the front of the castle. After reaching a good distance away but staying within the safety of the shadows shed by the trees at the side, she watched the carriages pulling up at the side of the castle and only did she realized that their father had acted rather quickly on his words. That aspect just made the anger she had managed to calm earlier to return and she shook her head in utter disgust. How could their father just decide like that without his daughter's agreement?

Suddenly, she heard her oldest sister's voice and she moved, tilting her head slightly to see the small commotion happening between her sister and one of the apparent suitors. What made her quite agitated was how he was treating her oldest sister, and in such a rude manner by wanting to tease her like so. She moved quickly to her oldest sister's side though she looked taller than her eldest sister was. Because of her tall height and short hair, she was usually mistaken for a masculine fellow, but once glance at the curve of her ample chest would usually give the fact she was indeed all female.

Her hand quickly snatched the bitten apple from the male feli's hand; she was superior in speed and strength while compared to her other sisters, and having the advantage of her height, she would be able to fight off any male challengers along her way. A frown marred her lips as her ruby eyes glared at the future suitor's face before glancing towars her sister. By the way she was dressed, she could be mistaken for a female guard of the castle, for the masculine clothes she was wearing. Unlike her oldest sister, she wore male clothes for she found them more comfortable rather than wearing those frilly and puffy dresses. She just scoffed at the look whenever her mother tried to force her to wear such garments.

"That is not the way to treat a lady." She voiced out her opinion, her voice already having the hint of sarcasm creeping up. The taller felidae female was tossing the apple up and down in her hand, her hand deftly catching the piece of fruit in her hand. "But then again.. Since you took a few bites, you might as well be grateful and finish the apple." She placed the bitten fruit back upon the male feli's hand and then walked over to stand at her older sister's side.
It was bad enough that she was aggrivated by their father's news but now a potential suitor was treating her like a common serving girl and a kitten at that. Okay so she was still considered a kitten that didn't mean she had to like it. Even as she did try to reach for the apple it was moved from her grasp as a frustrated growl escaped her lips. "This isn't fair! You're taller than me." She wailed pointing out the obvious. And as she tried another go the apple was removed this time from the male's grasp. She looked up to find her sister Cameron. By comparison the two looked nothing a ike.

"He stole apples from my trees!" Minx accused coming to hide herself behind the taller sister. One thing about this family was the oddity. Nothing seemed to make sense. Younger sisters protecting older ones, and older ones being brats... possible illegitemate children. Princesses dressed as guards or serving girls and whatever else anyone could think. Definately strange. "I warned him but he ate it anyway! Quick we should tell daddy that he's disrepectful and send him away." Of course she was making the scene bigger than what it was. Any excuse to send one of their suitors away was fine by her. She tugged at Cameron's arm hoping the other princess would follow suit. In fact, "TAGOR! Arrest this man for vandalization!" Yes she was a brat but she could no more help it then stop breathing.
The feli male grinned widely as the girls attempts at capturing the apple were constantly in vain, only paying mild attention to the newest arrival on the scene until she came to stand at the side of the current victim of his teasing. Alexander was prepared keep the apple out of her grasp as well, when she suddenly reached out and took the fruit from his palm with ease. He blinked a few times in surprise, then flashed the woman a look of annoyance at having spoiled the one source of fun he'd found all day.

Still, as he listened to her speak and was eventually handed back the apple, he couldn't help but feel rather impressed over the girls apparent speed. Thanks to what training did manage to stick with him over the years, he'd rarely lost out in such games whenever he decided to partake in them. Of course, one look over the clothing which she wore gave off the impression of her having trained and worked as a royal guard, so he probably shouldn't have been that surprised about it. Either way, it left him feeling rather intrigued about the young feli woman.

"Perhaps not, but I've never really been one for sticking to more traditional ways. Nice moves, by the way." He said to the taller girl in response to her first comment, a slight smirk on his face as he brought the fruit up to his lips again for another bite, more out of hunger this time rather then to further annoy either of them.

When the other feli woman started to complain to her friend about his earlier actions, he simply rolled his eyes while continuing to chew on the food in his mouth. In a way, she reminded Alexander of a female version of himself back when he was younger kitten. He didn't really know if that was a good thing or a bad thing to be stuck with for the following year. His personal musings over the two came to a pause the moment she said one word which really caught his attention.

"Daddy?" He mumbled with a mouth half full of mostly chewed apple, looking the two of them over and connecting enough of the dots to realize they were sisters, despite their lack of familiar appearance.

Before he could think it over much more, she called out the name of what he could assume to be another guard, then barked out an order which caught him rather by surprise. Surprise enough to cause him to choke on the apple left in his mouth before swallowing it down, pounding on his chest a bit to try and clear his windpipe in order to say anything in response.

"All of this over an apple?!" He finally let out in bewilderment while staring at the two, then allowing his tone to slip back into heavy sarcasm as he added on with a perplexed expression, "I'd hate to imagine what happens if I help myself to some soup during dinner without having asked permission first."

Keeping an eye out for the arrival of the person the white furred feli had called for, a thought suddenly cross his mind as he spoke up once again, "Besides, who are you to start calling for arrests over something so trivial as an apple? That seems to be reaching a little for a serving girl. And I doubt your Daddy's exactly in a seat of power to override..."

Alexander stopped himself about there, looking the shorter of two girls over closely while also musing over the turn of events and exchange of words which had taken place only minutes ago. It then clicked in his head why the girl had take such a personal interest in the stealing of apples which belonged to the royal family. His gaze then shifted toward the taller of the two, realizing whom she also must have been by association. If he didn't have bigger things on his mind, this revelation probably would have made him even more impressed over her earlier showing of speed.

At the moment, however, he could only point at the two slowly while starting to search for confirmation of his assessment, "You....and you....are?"

Regardless of what they may have said at that moment, the looks on their faces were enough confirmation for him to begin rubbing at the bridge of his nose, already feeling an all too familiar headache creeping up.

"I'm never going to hear the end of this one from my Father." He muttered to himself, seemingly more frustrated over having to listen to what his Dad would say about this if he found out, rather then the fact he'd practically insulted two of the four Princess he was supposed to have been courting.
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Upon order of the princess Tagor remained hidden within the bushes and couldn't help but to chuckle and shake his head as he watched Minx give the cat-boy, a hard time.

Tagor knew her father would be furious if he every found out that she was already chasing away his potential suiters for his daughters, and although he "should" step in and stop this something kept him from doing so. Plus it was just entertaining to watch.

It became even more interesting as he saw Cameron come into view and Tagor actually felt a sting of pity for the young cat-boy.

Cameron was a bit bigger then Minx and far more intimidating by her looks, looking more like a solider then any proper princess of the royal family. This was of coursed frowned upon by the king and queen but it never stopped her, and just like all her other sisters she was free willed and stubborn.

Tagor remained hunched over as he watched the three of them carefully, he may have been letting them have their fun but he still remained ever vigilante not only having to watch over one but now two of the daughters of the king.
Cameron could probably fend for herself should anything arise but she was still just a princess with a little too much confidence in her sword skills, that had grown off of always defeating the other guards in her training.
She wasn't bad of course but truth be told none of the other soldiers really challenged her as they should and were still treating her as a princess.
She had yet to face anyone who had the intension of actually trying to hurt her or even take her life and it was because of this Tagor had never challenged her into a spar or even accept one from her.
Doing so would only be a joke because when Tagor fought he did so only to kill.

Tagors ears perked up then as he heard his name being shouted.

"crap" he sighed knowing now he was being thrown into Minx's evil plot on the poor unsuspecting cat-boy.

Picking himself up he placed his hand upon the hilt of his falchion sword for added effect and stepped out into the open.

"Yes m'lady." He said making sure to glare at the young cat-boy with his golden eyes to keep up the act. Tagor was a big cat, standing taller then all three of them with the muscled body a of a true Felidea solider. His ears bent low as he approached them all his tail lashing back and forth violently. As if he was actually going to attack if the cat-boy did anything foolish.
She'd fallen asleep. When had she done that? She was usually so much better at staying awake than her sisters. The stars were bright tonight, glimmering fierce and clear after the sheer volume of rain they'd been experiencing the past week. Shivering, Almathea frowned as she looked around her. She was in a rather overgrown corner of one of the gardens. Her garden to be exact. She'd begged her father and mothers for it on her thirteenth birthday. It had merely been a fancy, but now she was glad. Of course if her reason for being glad would get here, she'd feel even better.

He was later than usual tonight. Even the servants had retired to their quarters and now all she heard were the guards on their rounds. Then he dropped over to her side of the wall silently and grinned at her. He was always silent when he wanted to be. She wouldn't even known he was there if she wasn't looking for him. She smiled back at him as he got closer, her heart fluttering nervously in her chest. It was a welcome feeling, it was something she had constantly felt for the past six months and it was an aspect of him. When he finally settled on the bench next to her, he reached out and kissed her. This wasn't like their other kisses, soft and sweet, so very new to the both of them. This kiss was hard and hot, demanding. She could barely catch her breath when he finally pulled away.


"What's wrong?"

He turned his head away from her but she made him look back, her hands on his cheeks. She should have known. She should have known the moment he was late that something had happened, but it took the somber tone in his voice to make her see past the joy of him just being near her. The 'King of Thieves' was always stubborn though and he was always trying to protect her innocence as he called it. She knew he didn't have the life she did. She knew it from the gaping wound she'd found in his side and the guards rushing past, yelling. The fact that he would try to hide something she'd figured from the moment she saw him was silly to her.

"Please, tell me what it is."

Whining woke her up. MaCavity had grown tired of chasing after bugs and shadows. He wanted her to play with him. Or so she supposed from the pleading look on his tiny furry features and the way he held a paw out to her. Giving a yawn, she ruffled his ears playfully, earning her his enthusiastic licks. Laughing, she wiped the moisture from her cheeks. Silly of her. He was coming back after all. He'd promised he would, except her mind kept filling her with doubts, reasons of why it had been so long. Death, amnesia, imprisonment, or even the possibility that he had lied or found some kitten he'd liked better than her. It was all possible and she pushed them all away. Dwelling on such things would just make her depressed.

Standing, she stretched before picking up her enthusiastic pup and head to the stairs that spiraled down from the floor of the high tower.

"Come on, MaCavity. Let's see if the cook has something for us, hmm."

After a time, she picked up the tuna tortes in the kitchen and made her way down the halls, after feeding her puppy one and popping another into her own mouth. It was the movement that made her spot her younger sister, looking guilty about something, not to mention the frosting she was porting on her face. As she got closer, she heaved a sigh and pulled out her handkerchief, coating a bit of the cloth with saliva before wiping the sticky substance away.

"Oh Wynn, when will you stop acting with such undue haste? You know that if I wished to have a sweet, I could beg one from Chef just as easily as you."

She was always doing things like this, acting as if the world was out to get her, no matter if there was plenty of evidence to the contrary. Sometimes Almathea wondered if the girl ever thought of anything beyond keeping what was hers to herself. All of the royal children were spoiled, but Wynn was the most obvious in her petulance about it.
"Yiesssh!" Wynn made a face as Almathea wiped down her cheek, swiping playfully at her hand as her tail striked about behind her. "Get offa me! Yuck!"

With a pout, she perched herself upon the stone bench, shaking her head. "I didn't beg anything off of chef," She denied, still disregarding the fact the evidence had been smeared in her fur. "I found it. And I was hiding because... um..." That one she didn't have a reasonable excuse for. "Ok, I was just afraid that Jinx would yell at me," She confessed, watching her sister's pup as it ran about the bushes.

"I heard her yelling a minute ago. I'm guessing one of the first of Daddy's men arrived. Either that or she's in just one of those modes again." She yawned, stretching a bit before hopping off the bench. "We should probably go save whoever it is from her wrath before she hurts somebody." Not that she was all too eager to get involved in one of her oldest sister's fits of fury, but to let someone new suffer at her hands just didn't seem fair. At least Wynn and her sisters were used to Jinx.
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Cameron sighed softly, turning her head to glance at her eldest sister before returning her gaze back to the potential suitor. Among all her sisters, she was usually the one being the protective one and being the tallest over all of them, her sisters would depend on her. That would also include her eldest sister, whom she thought of more childish than she was. Unlike her sister, she was more rational but that didn't mean she was less troublesome than her sisters were. "Sis.. I don't think Father would just send him away like that for just a mistake by taking an apple." She answered back to her calmly, even when Minx was tugging upon her sleeve. The taller feli mentioning their relationship already confirmed the two females were indeed related despite they do not look alike.

"And anyways, since when these are all your trees? They do not have your name etched upon every one of them now, do they?" The taller sister rolled her ruby eyes while gazing down at her shorter eldest sister before turning her attention to the approaching familiar Felidean guard. She released a soft sigh, trying to push her eldest sister away from her arm since she had found it rather annoying.

"Tagor, stand down." She commanded with authority within her voice though her voice quickly changed when she returned to look at her eldest sister. "Would.. you.. just let go of me, Sis?" She slightly whined as she tried to pull her arm away.

"If Father is here now, he'll be mighty furious.. Though he do deserve to recieve some kind of punishment for treating one of the royal daughters in such a manner." Cameron stated easily, trying to scare the potential suitor off with her comment and she shrugged her shoulders easily then she glanced towards her sister. "Should he go to the dungeon, Sis? To spend there for a few days?" There was a smirk crossing over her lips.
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Tagor had moved closer to the three of them, his sword at the ready, even though he would never draw it unless there was actually a real threat.
Upon being told to stand down, he did so even though there was no real need for it. Quietly he listened then and smirked inwardly in wonder to how suiters the sisters would chase off.

"Should he go to prison, Sis? To spend there for a few days?" Cameron said from which Tagor then added.

"I believe the kings law stated that it was to be a few months. Should anyone offend a princess...even more so if it's believed that they stole something from them." Tagor glanced back towards the apple tree and then the apple in the young suitors hand.
And with that Minx was on the prowl. "See! I told you." Her chin lifted in the air haughtily as she removed herself from Cameron's side. "I told you taking things from the gardens would get you in trouble. But you didn't want to listen." She began circling the catboy wondering what was rolling through his mind right now. More or less nervous, at least she hoped. Or maybe the display was showing unattractive to him which would make him digusted with the girls. Either way would see him running home with his tail between his legs.

Minx was dead set on making every suitors' lives one of misery for the remainder of the year. Even her father's potentials; though he had not divulged that information to any of the girls. So for all Minx knew, this person before her might have been hand picked by her father. She went in for the kill, "You tell me right now! Did daddy send you here, are you his hand choosen? I want to know.. I'll pay you whatever you want if you just get lost." Of course she had not immediate access to the royal funds.. at least not yet. Minx had a long way to go before their father trusted her with anyting of the financial means. She was still a kitten and very much a brat... only when she showed some maturity would he think otherwise. Until then, each princess was given an allowance to do with as they pleased. Interestingly enough Minx invested in her stash wanting it to grow so she could have whatever it was she wanted in the world.

Right now she would use what little of her stash she could to buy this guy off. She looked passed him to the many carriages and cringed. What if he told the others? She'd have to buy them off too; and that would leave her broke. Screw that! "Yep! Dungeon it is." That was far cheaper than buying him off. "Come on, Tagor, get to it..." she snapped her fingers pointing to the catboy.
Alexander stood there with a raised eyebrow while the two sisters talked at and around him about what he'd done and the potential fate which awaited him. It wasn't exactly something he'd been enjoying, as it reminded the feli male of when his own parents would debate over his punishment when he was a young kitten. The male also kept a watchful eye upon the large guard whom had joined the trio a short while ago. Measuring him up, he doubted he could take the older cat if it came to a fight, but also didn't feel intimidated enough to not try if it came down to this.

Not that he was really looking for any sort of fight in the first place, his hand reaching up so his claws can scratch at the back of his head while muttering to himself in near disbelief, "All of this over an apple."

When the topic changed back toward him having to spend time in the dungeon for insulting one of the princesses, he began looking for the chance to speak up on his own behalf, especially when he eventually heard how long his time could have ended up being. He'd also seen the way the taller of the two sisters smirked about it a moment ago, causing him to glare at the girl until his attention shifted back to the lighter furred sibling as she encircled him. Her line of questioning made little sense to him, and the offer of a bride would have insulted a more honorable feline, but still served as a great annoyance to him.

Then she seemed to have a sudden change of heart over the idea of bribing him out of their lives, her orders to the man named Tagor causing him to finally speak out, "Okay, time the hell out, you three!"

Alexander looked the three of them over, trying to figure out where to start and simply going with whatever came to mind first, "First off, the only thing I'll apologize for is taking the apple without permission. That was my mistake, and I'll own up to having made it."

Looking everyone around him over again, he then turned his attention specifically to the pair of Princesses as he continued, "As for being a 'hand chosen'? I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. I only agreed to come here to get away from my own parents long enough to sort out my own life without them trying to force what they wanted onto me. Actually having to marry any of you wasn't exactly a selling point on my decision. Never even an option I'd considered, if you must know."

From there he moved in a step closer, not thinking of how his action may come across as a means of preparation for a physical assault when he simply wished to get more in their faces, his eyes shifting back and forth for a moment before settling on the smaller of the pair.

"And if it's already been decided that I'm going to spend the following months locked up in some dungeon, then I'm sure as hell going to make sure it's for a dang good reason." He explained while looking down at the girl, a smug smile on his face while adding onto his little rant, "So let me just say that if I ever did want to get married, my choice in brides wouldn't include a bratty little kitten who throws a fit over someone taking an apple without first asking if it's okay with her."

The rebellious young feli then turned his head to glance toward the girls sister, a smirk similar to the one she'd shown earlier etched on his face, "For that matter, a pampered Princess who lives the sheltered life and dresses up like she wants to go play soldier isn't exactly at the top of my list either."

This may not have been the smartest of courses for him to take, but anyone who knew Alexander would come to expect this type of headstrong reaction when pushed against a corner by anybody, whether it be his parents or even royalty itself.

"There. I've said my piece. Now, if you're going to lock me in stocks, put me behind bars or toss me into a bottomless pit then get to doing it." He stated rather frankly but with a hint of sarcasm, a smirk continuing to show itself on his face in an odd sense of satisfaction over his own comments as he added flippantly, "You can even lop off my head if you wish. Just be warned that it's going to be really hard to pry this look off my face."

Throwing his hands and tail straight up into the air as if expecting to have all three locked up in the same set of cuffs, he took a step back while waiting for any or all of them to go ahead and make their move on handing out his punishment.
Cameron's red lips were agape, at what the male feli potential suitor had said to her and the shocked expression was wiped away from her feminine face to turn into an angry scowl. Among all her sisters, her temper was the most dangerous when someone had angered her, especially when that someone dared to insult her or her sister to a point where she would not find it acceptable. Ever since she was younger, she was the one who would bash up anybody who would dare to bully her sisters or herself, though of course she would receive some bruises and some scrapes here and there, but then again, she would turn out victorious.

She raised her hands and she began to crack her knuckles, the sound emitting from the gesture was intimidating enough to show that perhaps it was a wrong move to insult the taller sister after all. "Look.. I don't wear these clothes just for fun.. And just don't judge people just by their looks, you idiot." She spat the words out, her anger brewing up even more and it was already signalling she was going to perhaps assault him with a physical attack.

With quick reflex, she had gripped upon Alexander's collar and pulled him close until their faces were close enough for her ruby eyes to glare into his, shooting ice daggers into his. "Well, for your information, your cockiness already place you around the bottom of the list of being either mine or my sister's potential suitors. Actually, we would not want to deal with your rude attitude if this would be the way you would be treating us."

She shook his collar to emphasize her words and she continued, "So, why not we make a deal? You get out of our way, and we would get out of yours. Well, actually, you get out of my way, more precisely." After she said her piece, she released him with a rough push. He was fortunate enough that he didn't have to meet with her curled fist upon his face. "I already decided I would not want to do anything with you."
For all it was worth, Minx had never seen her sister get so riled up. Truth be told she was a brat so the insults merely slipped off her skin like no body's business. Only managing to step back when the other moved in closer to make his point. A hand went to Minx's mouth as she tried stifling a laugh. He looked hilarious in his anger and confusion. Maybe he wasn't so bad but that didn't mean she forgave him for taking her apples.

As he continued to say his piece she stuck her tongue out behind his back though she was in front of him so it really didn't constitute for behind but whatever chance she got at being stubborn was find by her. She looked over her shoulder at Tagor, he almost looked ready to burst into laughter. Walking over to him she crossed her arms over her chest grumping lightly. "Think sis will pummel him?" she questioned as Cameron took up vigil to give the stranger a piece of her mind.

Truth be told Alexander was not her type at all, he had too much of a strong will that would simply buffer her own. When she set her mind to doing something nothing would stop her; and taking everyone down with her in the process was kind of her trademark. "I'm hungry." Minx chimed in after words had been exchanges. She looked to Tagor tugging on his arm. "Can we go see if cook left some treats." Almost immediately forgetting her earlier annoyance at having an apple stolen. It was simple, the man didn't want to marry her or any of her sisters. He was no longer a threat and so, he became nothing more than a distant memory. "Come on, Tagor, Cameron, lets go get some snacks!" She glared at the Feli male sticking her tongue out once more. "You can't have any!" She tossed his way turning on her heels with a huff. The attentions span of a goat more or less, Minx was already in the distance long before anyone could protest snagging a treat from Chef.

Though as she headed that way she ran into two of her other sisters. "Alma! Wynn!" she squealed. Then her voice dropped an octave. "Shh... there's a guy out there stealing my apples. Be careful he might try to steal your treats Wynn." She was lying again; but who cared, details, details... they didn't need to know everything. The facts remained he stole her apple!
"Come on, Tagor, get to it..." Tagor had heard Minx say and couldn't help but to arch an eyebrow with a hidden grin beneath his ever serious scowl that he only displayed when trying to act like a serious solider.

How far exactly was she going to take this joke, he thought to himself while taking his first step towards Alexander in an act of seizing him.
Luckily the young feli spoke up in his own defense which
even caught Tagor by surprise and caused him to stop, becoming interested in what the young suitor had to say.

As the young male feli took a step forward Tagor had grown slightly alarmed. The young feli wasn't all that threatening to Tagor, nor did he seem dumb enough to try anything stupid with him standing right there, but just encase Tagor readied himself, switching his stance and focusing more on his target should he become a threat to the princesses.

It wasn't needed though and after listening to the bold words of the young feli Tagor for a moment found himself also just as surprised as Cameron.

It wasn't everyday someone had the guts to say such things to the siblings of the royal kingdom, and he couldn't help but to find himself respecting the young feli a little for his bravery, especially when it was directed to probably the two most dangerous princesses out of the four.

Cameron's temper was never something an untrained solider should ever trifle with and as far as he knew with Minx, even though she was laughing, she may have very well been plotting something wicked for the young suitor.

As for himself, he knew as a faithful solider of the Royal kingdom he should of been furious at him for having said such rude things to the princesses, however he couldn't help but to feel his solid solider exterior slowly weaken and then crack inside as a small smile slowly crept across his face.
He had to do what he could to hold back his laughter and in that attempt Minx had noticed him and turned to him.

The thought of Cameron using the young feli as a target dummy made Tagor laugh a bit.

"heh yeah if we don't separate the two, it's certain that one of the guests seats in tonights feast will be empty of it's owner." He said in response before Minx tugged on his arm suddenly which forced him to follow, but more so out of his own choice.


Leaving the young suitor behind Tagor followed Minx until they came across her other two siblings Almathea and Wynn as they were busy talking to each other.

Wynn was the youngest of the four and although she wasn't as strong as Cameron or as cleaver as Minx she had her own way of getting what she wanted and even Tagor had fallen for those cute rounded eyes of hers that made him sigh and practically give her whatever it is she wanted. She also had a knack for taking things that weren't nailed down and hording it to herself if she really wanted it.

Almathea was the most quiet and gentle of the four sisters, falling in between Cameron and Wynn in the birth order and always carrying around her pet dog MaCavity.
She was always a bit of a mystery to Tagor, seeming lost in her own little world and dreams which confused the heck out of Tagor as he tried to understand them whenever she spoke of it.
She also had a knack for disappearing or wondering off which often caused chaos among the guards as they searched frantically for her, only to find her a few moments later as she strolled casually in.

As Minx ran up to her sisters Tagor followed lightly behind, giving each of the two sisters a respectful short bow in silent greetings as well as a friendly wave.
Coming up beside Minx Tagor listened in on Minx's warning of the young feli suitor and he couldn't help but to chuckle to himself.

Even if she didn't realize or intended it she was still getting back at him for having insulted her earlier, that was just how Minx was, and by setting up all her sisters against him the poor male suitor was in for a much harder month, which was probably Minx's overall goal and set revenge plan for him.
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Alexander stared in wide eyed surprise at the girl as she held him by the collar and went about saying her piece. Not that he wasn't used to being physically manhandled after pushing the right buttons, especially by people considerably more intimidating on a first glance then her, but he hadn't been expecting such treatment from one of the Princesses. He couldn't tell for certain if he should have been impressed at her strength and guts or concerned over his safety at that moment. Probably an odd mixture of the two conflicting reactions.

When she pushed him back while simultaneously releasing her grip, he took a moment to straighten himself out before giving her any response, "Trust me, you're even lower on my list then your sister at this point. And I get the feeling being with her would be more like a baby-sitting job then a relationship."

He glanced over at the shorter of the pair, noting the amusement she seemed to have been taking out of his rough handling at her sisters paws, before returning his attention to the girl standing before him, "But I think we're generally in agreement about what we want out of this little contest. I'll leave you and your sisters alone, and you four leave me alone."

Letting a smirk quickly spread across his face again, he added on at the end in a rather teasing tone, "Assuming you can find a way to keep your hands to yourself in the future. Not that I don't mind a little roughhousing, but, again, you're really not my type."

In all of this commotion between the confrontational pair, the notion of him being tossed into a dungeon had completely slipped his mind at this point. And by the time it did start to creep back in there, the older sibling seemed to have dismissed the idea as if it were a passing interest in a new game she'd grown tired of playing. The dumbfounded expression on his face pretty much told it all as she suggested to Tagor and her sister, whom he now knew was the one named Cameron, that they indulge themselves in some treats.

Turning to Cameron as her sister and the guard started to walk away, Alexander raised an eyebrow while gesturing toward the departing girl with slight movement of his head, "Are you sure you two are related?"

At around that point his ears twitched as he picked up the sound of footsteps coming from the direction of the carriages, a male voice he'd recognized from when he first arrived calling out to him, "Alexander, sir? We're ready to show you where your living quarters are located."

"I'll be right there." He called back without turning to look towards the random escort, keeping his eyes on Cameron before addressing her once again, "Well, much fun as this may have been, I really should see about getting settled in around here. Guess I'll see you around. Or not, as the case may be in relation to our little agreement."

Alexander started to turn and head back toward the carriages to, then paused and turned back around to the young female, lowering his head in an exaggerated bowing gesture, "If you'll excuse the sudden departure, my Princess."

Looking back up at her with a noticable grin plastered on his face, the male feli finally took his leave back to follow his escorts, keeping his back facing the catgirl all the while, yet letting his tail wave back at her direction in a teasing manner.

Finding himself back over by the carriages, he made his way over toward the pair of guards whom were standing by the luggage they'd taken off his ride to the palace. He took the incentive of picking up as much of the luggage as he could, never having really felt comfortable letting others carry out such simple tasks for him, before following them inside. There remained a number of locations he wanted to explore in his new surroundings, but they would have to wait for the time being.

He just hoped the rooms came with fresh fruits for the guests, less he have any more run ins with the brat or the tomboy over a simple snack. Despite himself, while making his way over to his new room, the idea brought about an amused smirk to his lips.
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"my treats?!," Wynn howled, glaring at the bushes between the roses and orchard, a hiss in her teeth as her ears fell back. So many people today, out to take her goodies-! As if it wasn't bad enough that Almathea had caught her with the remains of one earlier, the idea of a newcomer swiping them up before she had a chance to even try for more left an angry twinge down her spine.

"That's just not fair! Daddy's letting all these new people eat all OUR stuff. We're the royal family here; why do they get to put their dirty icky paws all over everything and we get stuck with the nasty leftover things that Chef made earlier? I don't want leftovers. I want the good stuff!" Her tail flicked about yet again, her petite ears nestled deeply into her reddened tufts as she continued to growl. "I don't want any of these stupid suitors.... Tagor, make them go away. All of them. Tell them... tell them Daddy changed his mind or something."

As much as she wanted him to do it, she knew there was no way he would truly listen to her demands. After all, with as much as any of the guards did their best to appease the siblings, no one dared to question the orders of their father. With another loud humph of a pout, she wiped at her cheek, finding her fur still a bit sticky from both her snack and her sister's cleaning spit-wipe. "Bleh. You slobbered on me, Almathea. I need to go get cleaned up. I smell like tuna now."
Cameron rolled her ruby eyes at the male feli at his words, though she gave a gentle scoff. "It should be the other way around. You better keep your hands to yourself. If you lay a single finger on me or my sisters, you would not get away with just a single warning," The taller sister warned him and she turned her head away from him. She have to make sure she would avoid this cocky fellow no matter what. But at least they had made a mutual agreement that both he would leave her and her sisters alone, while they would leave out of his way in return. When her eldest sister suggested that the three should treat themselves with some light snacks, she heaved out a soft sigh as a response before turning herself around to face where her eldest sister and the Felidaen guard had took off.

She did brought her attention back to the potential suitor at his question, she simply shrugged her shoulders, "There are times I wonder about that as well.. But nevertheless, I would always see her as my sibling." She said the answer with a slightly affectionate tone at the end of her sentence but it was quickly erased when she was glancing at his face, the quick frown marred upon her lips.

Her scowl deepened when he gave the deceivingly polite bow before turning his back towards her. But she could see his tail was swaying back and forth, as if to mock her and her eyebrow twitched gently before she expelled a soft sigh. Her feet moved quickly, to catch up with her eldest sister and the guard and soon, they were caught with their other two sisters.

She shook her head gently as Minx had manipulated the easy mind of their youngest sister and she moved to stand beside Almanthea. It was odd; among all the daughters, the eldest and the youngest were the total spoiled brats of the family; but for the two middle daughters, they were more mature in personality. But that would be an overstatement.

"Che. As if it would be that easy to do that, Wynn." Cameron remarked with a curt tone, before glancing towards Almanthea. "There was a male feli at the entrance of the castle.. Could be one of Father's chosen and potential suitors for any of us.. It seems Father had already acted so quickly on his words. He would not be the only one who would be coming.." She explained to Almanthea, as she knew her younger sister would want to know what had happened.

"Wynn, Minx, Almanthea.. We better think of some plan to foil Daddy's plans to marry us off.. Tagor, you are going to be in this plan, whether you like it or not. Anywho, we are not certain about what Father is planning.. He could already have a silly plan to get us alone with the suitors for all we know." The tallest sister stated, with a gentle wave of her hand to add more dramatic flair into her words. Her black ears drooped slightly, her tail swaying back and forth as she looked over at each of her sisters. "What do you say though?"