Packs of Rockwell University (Closed for Lucian_Devine)


Really Really Experienced
Dec 1, 2019
As Savannah Birch, a twenty-one-year-old transfer student, made her way across the Rockwell University campus, she couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging despite starting as a junior. Her parents had both attended and graduated from Rockwell University, and while she'd wanted to forge her own path in life, she found herself following in their footsteps. Not only had she chosen to transfer to finish her Bachelor's degree here, but she'd also pledged to the same fraternity they had: Kappa Nu. As a werewolf, joining the fraternity had felt inevitable; it was a place where she could be herself and surround herself with others like her.

The air was crisp and the leaves that had already fallen from the trees crunched beneath her feet as she walked, her long, lean legs carrying her swiftly and purposefully into the school library. The sun was low in the sky, casting shades of orange and gold across the ground and buildings, painting a warm, autumnal hue over the scene. Savannah's athletic yet curvy figure was on full display in her casual attire: a plain green t-shirt hugged her full breasts, navy blue Rockwell zip-up sweatshirt, black full-length leggings hugging her toned legs and the curve of her ass, and her pair of trusty black Converse sneakers on her feet. Her hair, a rich shade of auburn, fell in waves down her back, seeming to turn to fire as it caught the light as she moved, and contrasted her blue eyes seeming to rival the deep blue hues of the ocean.

The library was quiet with just the slightest hum of soft conversations and whispers between students working together, as it usually was during early evening hours. The smell of dust and old books filled the air, mingling with the faint scent of coffee from the nearby Starbucks. She made her way into the psychology section, preparing to work on the paper she'd been struggling with. She just needed to find another book to reference - Professor Idris not wanting any online sources for this first paper of the semester - something that could help her understand the topic better.

Her attention was drawn to a book on the top shelf, just out of reach even at her height of five foot ten. She stretched up on her toes, reaching for it, only to feel her hand brush against another person's. The touch sent a shiver down her spine, and she looked over to see who it was. Her eyes locked with the most striking pair of eyes she'd ever seen, emerald green in color, and her heart immediately began to race as she took in his appearance. He was tall, at least six inches taller than her, with broad shoulders and a lean, muscular build. His hands were just slightly rough, as if he worked with them or weight lifted regularly, and his arms were strong and well-defined. His features were sharp and masculine, with a strong jawline and full lips. His hair was dark and messy, as if he'd been running his hands through it for hours.

Recognition fell over the redhead. Lucian Blackstone. The president of Rho Gamma Mu, the other fraternity that shared the same secrets and legacies as Kappa Nu. Only, they were... Not necessarily enemies, more like friendly rivals.

At the touch of their hands, Savannah felt a connection to him that was so intense it sucked the air out of her lungs. It was as if they were meant to be together, their souls intertwined. As their eyes met, she knew with certainty that he was her mate.

She could feel her face flush with heat, and she knew he could see it too. His emerald green eyes seemed to burn into hers, as if he were searching for some kind of answer to the question that she didn't even know how to ask. The air between them seemed to crackle with energy, the chemistry between them nearly palpable. For several long moments, neither of them spoke, lost in the connection. Then, as if snapping out of a trance, Savannah pulled her hand back sharply, as if she'd been burned by Lucian's touch. She quickly turned away, pretending to search for another book on the shelf.

"Sorry," she muttered, her voice barely audible. "I... uh... I didn't mean to..."
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Lucian Blackstone had let out a long and audible sigh of relief as he'd stepped into the library, the kind of sigh that only somebody all but forced into a leadership role could truly understand. This was one of the few places where he could find peace, true peace on this large campus, and he couldn't come here nearly as often as he liked, not when his time was torn between his classes and his duties as both president and alpha of Rho Gamma Mu.

His ancestors had been among the founding members of Rho Gamma Mu, and had even had the honor of being the first alpha, and while there wasn't always a Blackstone in Rho Gamma Mu, when there was, they almost always rose to that spot before they left.

Lucian had been one of the few freshman to ever challenge for the position, against his own wishes as it were, but Rho Gamma Mu was so much bigger than a simple fraternity, as was the rivalry with Kappa Nu, and while both sides generally agreed to leave the school out of it, meddling was inevitable. So Lucian's parents had "strongly urged" him to attend Rockwell academy and to challenge for the spot of alpha, and that had been that. It didn't matter how much bigger the previous alpha had been or how brutal the battle had been on him. They had expected it of him, and he made it happen. The same was similarly true with any other requests that came from the outside on one of his two non-personal cell phones. They made demands, and he made it happen. So the library was the only place he could find peace, a place where one's phone had to be turned off, or at least put on silent.

The chair that Lucian sat in wasn't specifically his chair, but unofficially, it was. It was one of the many unwritten rules of Rockwell academy. A member of Kappa Nu had pranked him once a couple of years ago by shooting the finely cured black leather with a paintball gun, and he'd responded in kind by beating the immortal within an inch of his life in retaliation. He'd recovered quickly enough, being a werewolf and all, but the message had been sent, the unwritten rules established, and there had been so problems since. No werewolf would sit in his chair, and any mortal would get a supernatural chill up their spine as he approached, making them vacate it without a fuss. Even the location of the chair had it's purpose, chosen by him. It was in the back of the library against the wall, facing the aisles, giving him a clear view of anybody approaching, even as he read a book, did some research, or just sat there thinking.

It was while Lucian was sitting in his chair, reading a book, that he caught sight of a woman stretching to reach a book on the top shelf. He normally ignored such things, but he'd always had a thing for redheads, and that lovely auburn hair of hers caught the fading light of the sun through a window and almost seemed to turn it to fire with every shift and movement. He was there in the next moment, having set his book down, easily reaching the book that she'd been stretching for.

Lucian's hand brushed against the woman's as it lifted past it to grab the book, but that briefest of touches sent a shiver down his spine, making him almost drop it as he pulled it from the shelf. Suspecting foul play, he naturally searched the woman's gaze, only to be met by eyes that were as deep and richly blue as his own were green. The mere sight of them had his heart hammering in his chest like he were fighting for his life all over again, his lungs seizing up, even though he wasn't face to face with an alpha werewolf, but a female werewolf six inches shorter than he was. A female werewolf...from Kappa Nu, and yet...His mouth kept opening and closing as he tried to speak, no tried to breathe, but no sound came out. He was lost in those deep sapphire blue eyes lost until...

The woman jerked her hand back sharply as though he'd bit her, and turned away, breaking eye contact. The action snapped Lucian back to reality as though he'd been in some sort of trance. "Didn't...!" Lucian started loudly before catching himself, his breathing sharp and ragged as he took a step closer, closing the little bit of distance she'd put between them, almost seeing her as prey from his full six foot four height. "That doesn't change what happened, or the fact that it CAN'T happen..." He said in a whisper, all but hissing the word "can't", even as he set her book down on the shelf she was facing.

Lucian left it at that, mustering every bit of strength he could to turn away from her so that he could go back and grab his book and head towards the door via a different aisle.
The sudden recoil from Lucian's touch left Savannah feeling more confused than anything else. Her heart was pounding, and she felt like she was going to throw up. The words he practically spat out at her hurt, and she fought the urge to follow him as he stalked away from her.

She couldn't stay there. Not now. Swiftly, she grabbed the book and hurried to check it out and rushed out of the library, almost running down the stairs and back to the safety of Kappa Nu. As soon as she was safely back in her room, she closed the door and leaned against it, taking several deep breaths to calm herself down. Her room was a sanctuary for her, a place where she could retreat and lick her wounds, if necessary, figurative and real. And right now, she needed that sanctuary more than ever.

She spent the next several days avoiding him like the plague, now seeming to see him everywhere she went. But she couldn't keep him out of her mind, no matter how hard she tried. Every time she caught a glimpse of him from a distance, or felt his gaze on her in passing, the pull was there, and it took everything she had to stay away from him. It was as if some primal instinct inside her was fighting against her better judgment, urging her to seek him out. The who situation only seemed to be made worse because she felt she couldn't talk to anyone about it, not her mom on their weekly phone call that past Sunday, not her best friend Amara.

She spent her nights tossing and turning, her dreams haunted by his green eyes. On more than one occasion she woke up panting and drenched in sweat, dreaming of his hands on her, pleasing her. The ache between her legs made it next to impossible to fall back asleep, and her fingers were barely enough for her to return to her fitful sleep.

One evening she resolved herself to confronting him, confronting their situation. She had a feeling she could find him in the library again, and once more found herself inside the expansive building. She wore jeans with tears scattered up the legs, the same Converse as before, and a snug black and gray raglan. Before she had left the pack house she took the extra time to brush her hair out and put on the slightest bit of make up and perfume. She was hoping it would help her feel more put together, more confident. But the further into the library she got, the more her pulse began to race. She made her way towards the back where his chair was. It was empty, but she could feel he was nearby. Sitting down in the black leather chair, she leaned back, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly to calm her nerves while she waited for him.

As if sensing her presence, Lucian appeared from around the corner, a book in his hand. The sight of him made her heart race, but she forced herself to remain calm. "Lucian," she said, her voice steady despite the turmoil churning within her. He looked up at her, his expression unreadable. "Can"
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Lucian got as far as the back of the library before he had to brace one hand on the wall of the library and throw up. "No no no!" He said out loud as his braced hand against the wall clenched into a fist. Yes, he knew what had happened in there, but that didn't mean that he had to give in to it. Even now he could feel the pull, so incredibly strong with how close she was to him, but he forced himself to stand still, forced himself to rise back to his full height, and forced himself to walk away.

The next several days were a brutal test of willpower. Every one of Lucian's enhanced senses were acutely aware of her presence now, and he didn't even know her name. Now he seemed to be seeing, hearing, and even smelling her everywhere. He would see her walking across the quad and turn away, hear her voice whenever she spoke outside, no matter how far away she was, as though her voice was being carried to his ears by the wind itself. Even her unique scent that he'd only caught the briefest scent lingered in each hallway she passed through long after she'd passed through it. Even when he allowed himself the barest of lingering glances at her while she was walking, she always seemed to sense that he was looking, and had turned to catch him in the act several times. Then there were those eyes, those deep beautiful, and sparkling sapphire eyes. They filled his every waking thought and ran even more wild in his dreams as his hands, lips, and tongue did the same. He would touch, please, and pleasure her, his mate, not just selfishly take his pleasure from her like he tried with a couple of women to try and distract himself from no avail. He'd ended up kicking them out before they'd even gotten to foreplay.

Despite the utter shit show that had been the past several days, Lucian's willpower seemed to be holding strong, or at least as strong as was possible under the circumstances. The pull was a constant annoyance now, but there was no help for that as he headed for the library to try and distract himself. He had just selected a book when he heard somebody sit in his chair. He smiled, welcoming the distraction as he walked around the corner. His smile dropped when he saw who was sitting in his chair though.

The sight of his mate made Lucian's heart race and his breath catch. She somehow looked that much more beautiful sitting in his chair, a place nobody else was allowed. Even the steadiness of her voice, despite everything, was hot as hell in this moment.

Lucian stood firm, holding the woman's gaze with a stoic look on his face. The gears in his mind were turning though, even if he was trying not to let it show just how much the mere sight of her was affecting him. When he was sure of himself and his decision though, Lucian stepped up onto the raised area where his chair was located, still not saying a word as he took slow step after slow step, closing the distance until he loomed over her sitting in his chair. It was taking every bit of his power to keep his mighty frame from quaking as he looked into those beautiful blue eyes, his own green eyes shining bright from beneath the short black hair, warrior's hair.

Without any warning, Lucian's toned legs flexed beneath the sweatpants he always wore as he lowered himself to a cross-legged sitting position before her, looking up at her once more. His hands rested on his crossed lower calves as his large biceps flexed against the material of the plain, tight, and form-fitting black t-shirt that barely contained them, slipping halfway up the large but natural muscles. "And what would we talk about?" He asked softly at last in his smooth baritone voice.
In the moments he just stared at her, she felt like a Queen sitting in her King's throne. Lucian watched her as he moved closer, never taking his eyes from hers, as if he was stalking his prey. The way he stood over her was overwhelming, yet at the same time, his presence was was oddly comforting. Her breath caught in her throat as his large muscular arms flexed beneath the tight fabric of his shirt as he moved to sit, those same arms that would cage her against the mattress in every dream she'd had those past few nights.

Lucian's voice slipped over her like silk, caressing her senses as she tried to focus on what he was saying. His eyes were piercing into hers, daring her to look away. She could feel the heat of his body, the strength of his presence, and her heart raced in her chest. He was so close, and she wanted nothing more than to lean forward and taste him, to feel the warmth of his lips on hers. But she didn't dare. Not yet. Maybe not ever.

She swallowed, her throat tight as she tried to find what to say. "I..." Words evaded her, and she was unable to look away from him as her gaze darted over his features, taking in every detail. She could hear the blood rushing through her veins, the sound of her heartbeat pounding in her ears.

"Why?" That single word held the weight of so many more questions behind it. Why them? Why couldn't they be together? Why was he the only thing she could dream about? Why did fate seem to have such a cruel sense of humor? Why didn't he want her?

Savannah searched Lucian's face, trying to find a hint of what he was thinking. Her hands clenched into fists in her lap as she tried to fight the overwhelming need that coursed through her. The need to close the distance between them and feel his skin against hers. To know what it would be like to touch him, to kiss him, to be held by him, to be taken by him.
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Lucian's breathing was slow and deep as he waiting for the woman to speak, his willpower allowing him to overcome the hitched breath that had come from their first touch and then again when he saw her sitting in his chair. Despite the seeming calm on his exterior though, his heart was still trying to hammer it's way out of his chest. His head nodded once as she spoke the single word, waiting to hear more, and yet no more came. Yet he could see the gears turning in her head, and he couldn't help but guess at what she was thinking, likely because he would bet that he was thinking the same.

The smell of his mate so close was intoxicating for Lucian, made all the more so by the fact that he knew he couldn't have her. His gaze remained steady, if only because his mind's eye remembered her form, made all the easier by the leggings she'd worn that day. He remembered the toned legs, the curve of her ass, the swell of her hips, and those breasts, those lovely full breasts in that plain green shirt, outlined by the unzipped Rockwell sweatshirt.

Lucian's mind's eye didn't just stop at remembering what his mate had worn though. No, he imagined tearing her clothes from her, his need to have her so powerful that it couldn't wait for her to undress. He imagined how strong her scent would be when there were no clothes blocking it, when his face was pressed against her, kissing, licking, nipping. His breathing quickened as the thoughts he'd managed to quell for several days finally made themselves known, and yet he made no attempt to slow it. His eyes got deeper as the thoughts went farther and got more feral, the green of his eyes growing darker and almost beginning to glow as the supernatural energy between them tried to come to a head.

When his mate's hands clenched into fists all the other thoughts going on in Lucian's head disappeared immediately. His muscles flexed as his legs unfurled, pushing his powerful body up and forwards. His hands and arms followed suit, uncoiling like snakes. His feet planted on either side of hers, his hands latched onto the chair directly in front of hers, and his face stopped an inch from hers. "Exactly..." He said softly, the harshness that had been in his voice before missing this time. "There are so many reasons why this can't happen, not just shouldn't, but can't, and you can't even think of one reason for why we should even entertain it..."
Savannah felt her breath catch in her throat as Lucian's powerful body moved closer to hers. She did her best to not sink into the chair further, keeping her posture upright and strong. His hands on the chair in front of her, his face so close she could feel the warmth of his breath on her skin. She could smell the faint scent of his wolf, the musk of him, and it only made her want him more. She could feel the heat emanating from him, see the darkening of his eyes as his focus narrowed.

Her blue eyes darted over his face, drinking in every detail. His strong jaw, his high cheekbones, the slight furrow in his brow. She wanted nothing more than to touch him, to feel his skin against hers, to kiss away that frown. She wanted to know what it would be like to be held by him, to feel the strength of his arms around her, to feel his body pressed against hers.

His breath was warm against her skin. Her fingers ached to reach out and touch him, to trace the line of his jaw, to run through his hair. She wanted to close the distance between them, to feel the warmth of his lips on hers.

As he spoke, his voice soft yet firm, she couldn't help but nod in agreement. He was right; there were a million reasons why this couldn't happen.

This. Could. Not. Happen.

But there was one reason why they should.

"Because it could be the best thing that ever happened to us," she whispered, her voice barely audible even to her own ears. She swallowed hard against the lump that had formed in her throat. Her gaze darted up to meet Lucian's, and she saw the surprise in his eyes. And something else. Something that made her heart race even faster. "It's our fate, Lucian," she said, her voice stronger now. "It could be what we were meant to have."

She knew it was a long shot, but she had to try. She had to at least plant the seed of possibility, even if it was only in her own mind. Because Savannah couldn't deny the way her body ached for him, the way her wolf howled for him, wanting him to claim her.

She could see the turmoil in his eyes, the struggle he was going through, and she wished she could take it all away. She wished she could make it easier for him. "I know it's hard," she said softly, reaching out a hand to touch his cheek. "But please, Lucian... Don't shut me out."

Her fingers were trembling, betraying the false confidence she forced into her words, as they brushed against his cheek, and she felt a shiver run through her at the contact. His skin was so warm, so soft. She wanted to touch him everywhere, to feel him everywhere. She wanted to be close to him, to feel his heartbeat against hers.

She closed her eyes for a moment, gathering her courage, and then she leaned in, pressing her lips against his. The contact was electric, sending sparks flying through her entire body. His lips were soft and yielding, and she could feel his hesitation, his reluctance, but she also felt the desire beneath it all. He tasted like mint and something that was uniquely Lucian, and she couldn't help but savor it.
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Lucian saw the nod of agreement from his mate, and was about to back off and try to put all of this behind him. Her words though, the words of his mate, held him in place. They were soft, timid, barely above a whisper, and so many other things unbecoming of the werewolf that he knew she was. In truth, it was their softness that surprised him, even as he let out a slow exhale as she continued to speak, almost as though she were taking strength from his breath.

The strength that Lucian had exuded as he'd risen slowly slipped from him as his face reflected his confusion. He knew she spoke the truth, but even if she did, did it matter? I mean what could one pair of wolves, even mates, do against a rivalry so longstanding and ingrained?

Lucian of course saw the hand of his mate rise, her fingers trembling as they approached his cheek, and yet with all the time in the world to pull away, he remained in place. The first touch of those fingers against his cheek sent a shiver through him like nothing he'd felt before, and he'd been with his fair share. Her fingers were so warm, and her touch so gentle, that his heart skipped a beat. His eyes managed to remain steady though, even as every other bit of strength slowly faded before her.

Even with the short distance between them, Lucian could have backed off when he saw his mate's eyes close and lean in, but when every instinct tells you not to do something, sometimes you have to listen. He yielded to instinct and let her lips touch his. The electricity that shot through him from that brief touches was nothing like the shiver from either of the other two touches. It was so much stronger and so much more all-encompassing. He didn't kiss her back, not at first, simply letting her kiss him, but willpower could only do so much in the face of one's mate touching and kissing them.

A low growl rumbled in Lucian's throat, rising almost of it's own volition. It acted as the straw that broke the camel's back, making his own hands lift. One hand moved to cover her hand on his cheek, pressing it closer, as the other moved first to brush his fingertips along hers, trailing that shivering sensation along her cheek before finally letting his thumb join in, gliding down to her cheekbone, below her ear, and letting his fingers curl around the side of her neck so that he could hold her to his kiss as he kissed her hard and deep, even using that hold to tilt their heads and deepen the kiss even more.
For a moment, she thought he was going to pull away, tell her there was nothing they could do to make this work. Then he growled, a sound that was almost possessive and which she felt to her core, and suddenly his hands were on her, tilting her head in a way to kiss her more deeply, as if he couldn't get enough. His lips were demanding, dominating, and she found herself melting into him, giving in to the desire that had been simmering beneath the surface. It was like being lost in a dream, a wonderful, intoxicating dream, where every touch was perfect and every movement sent sparks flying through her.

He was her mate, her other half, and even though they were from different packs, there was no denying the bond between them. She knew that they could find a way to make this work, to be together. There was no going back.

Their kiss seemed to go on forever, as if time had stopped around them. In that moment, nothing else mattered. Not their packs, not their family history, not the fact that they knew absolutely nothing about each other.

No, that mattered. She knew what everyone else knew, but she didn't know him.

Carefully, Savannah placed her other hand against his firm chest, feeling the strong, steady beat of his heart beneath her fingertips, and gently pushed him back. It took every ounce of her being to pull back from him and slowly break the kiss, to force her body to obey the sliver of rationale in the back of her head. She took a deep breath and forced a small smile. "We should probably..." She trailed off with a laugh as she glanced about them, not quite sure what to say. This wasn't how she had expected this to go. But here they were, in the back corner of the library, with students milling about just a few feet away, though no one seemed to be paying them any mind.
Lucian's brain knew that the kiss was wrong, that the location was too exposed, and the consequences that awaited him if they were seen, but his body didn't care. He had his hands and his lips on his mate, kissing her how he wanted, even though she'd initiated the kiss. The growl faded, but only until he felt her relent, submitting to him as she allowed her head to be tilted, the kiss to be deepened, and his grip to tighten on the side of her neck. Then it sprang up again, deeper and louder, it's power making the mortals that walked past avert their gaze and commanding any members of his pack away from him. It was a possessive growl.

The feeling of his mate's hand over his heart, feeling it's fast and powerful beat only added to Lucian's desire for her, making him redouble his efforts. The sheer strength in his body, despite the fraction he was using, had him barely registering her starting to push, even as he kissed her harder. Even when he felt the push though, the volume of his growl only increased, like that of a dog's when you tried to take away their food bowl when they were eating. She had unleashed the wolf within, and it was not so easily subdued. He felt her backing away as she pushed, but he pursued, not wanting to stop and be denied she who was his.

How Lucian's brain managed to overtake the wolf within him long enough to break the kiss, he would likely never know, but even as their lips parted, his green eyes literally literally shined now, glowing brightly in the shadow that his hovering presence cast over his mate. He watched her deep breath, her full breasts rising and falling before she forced a smile and spoke. "And where would my..." He surged forward again, letting his cheek brush against hers before burying his face against her neck, the growl fading as he took a long and slow inhale of her unique and heavenly scent that he would never forget. "...mate..." He pressed a kiss to the pulse point of her neck before giving it a long and hard suck. "...have us go?" He finished at last when he finally let the flesh of her neck pop out of his mouth, the low, rumbling, and possessive growl resuming once more.
A gasp escaped Savannah as he sucked on her neck, the sensation sending a tingle straight through her down to her toes. The hand that caressed Lucian's cheek slid back to the nape of his neck, curling into his hair, and the hand on his chest fisted his shirt in her fingers. His question, seemed to echo in her mind. Where could they go? Her mind was awhirl with possibilities, most of them no good, and she was having trouble focusing on anything else. His scent, the heat of his body, the feel of his lips on hers... She wanted more. She wanted him.

She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath to calm herself. "Lucian..." She struggled to hold in a moan as his teeth scraped against her neck. "The study room?" she suggested in a breath. "A classroom? Supply closet?" Savannah knew these were horrible options, but she couldn't think clearly with his mouth burning a trail over her neck.

"My bed?" her mate oh so helpfully proposed against the shell of her ear.

Savannah nodded, maybe a bit too eagerly. "Okay."

Savannah could feel his reluctance to pull away from her, but quickly hauled her out of the leather chair. He wrapped an arm possessively around her shoulders and guided her out of the building to the sound of whispers. The sun had sank below the horizon, painting the few clouds that hung in the sky colors of pinks and purples, and she wrapped an arm around his waist as they walked towards RGM house. His gait was long and powerful, and she felt like she was on display as they walked down the hall. Everywhere they went, Lucian's presence was felt, and it was clear that they were headed somewhere private. In that moment, she didn't mind one bit.

The cool air against her skin was more than welcomed, and brought her a modest amount of clarity. "Savannah," she said suddenly, and she caught the slightest confusion in his eyes. "My name is Savannah. If you didn't know..."
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Lucian knew he was making it all the more difficult for his mate to think while he was kissing and nibbling her neck, but he didn't care. She was his mate to tease and arouse when he chose, and he chose now. He drank in every reaction he pulled from her and happily milked more from her body, just because he could.

Despite his lips and teeth on his mate's neck, he listened to every suggestion she offered up, but shook his head at each before finally suggesting his own room. "You will be safe with me, my mate, I promise you."

Only after he'd promised her his safety did Lucian finally force himself away from the deliciousness that was his mate's bare flesh, rising to his full height before her in the process. He extended a hand to her, and when she took it, he gladly hauled her out of the chair and against his side in a single, swift, and fluid motion. The hand that had pulled hers all but flew around her shoulders, holding her proudly and possessively against him as the two turned and walked out of the library, ignoring the hushed whispers they left behind.

Lucian's gait was long and powerful as he strode across the quad as though he owned the place. His head held high, his broad shoulders were squared, and his power pulsed wildly with every step. Mortals stumbled over themselves to run, though they didn't know from what, his packmates averted their gaze or walked away, lest their insolence be seen as a challenge. Even members of Kappa Nu retreated before him. He was the fourth year alpha who had taken accepted all challengers and crushed them all beneath his sheer will.

The sound of his mate's voice pulled Lucian out of his own head, even as his dominant display continued. It was for her after all. It would be a shame to stop just because she talked. "Savannah..." He echoed, clarity coming to his eyes after she explained the meaning of the word. "My...Savannah..." He let his words hang in the air between them, even as his hand and arm around her shoulder flexed, holding her the slightest bit closer as he leaned down and pressed the tenderest of kisses behind her ear before letting that low, rumbling, and possessive growl loose once more.

When all was said and done, Lucian and Savannah walked up to and through the RGM house, unapproached and certainly unmolested. They headed up the main staircase, with Lucian noting that not a soul dared to open their doors as he took down the second, third, and fourth floor, and even the fifth floor hallways, with a staircase at either end of each leading up and down. Did he have to do this? No, he did not, but it was a show of dominance that each member of his pack would feel and understand rather than just a general display.

When the pair reached the end of the fifth floor hallway, the floor reserved for seniors, they stood before a large wooden door. His free hand reached into his pocket for the familiar weight of the heavy key and pulled it out. He slid it into the lock and turned it until it clicked before turning it back, withdrawing it, and putting it back into his pocket once more. The door opened to nothing special at first, just another set of stairs, but Lucian locked the door behind him before escorting his mate up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs, the room that opened up wasn't the cramped or crowded room one expected of a dorm or frat house, but a large open concept suite, complete with it's living room, kitchen, dining space, workout space, bathroom, and of course a large king-size bed tucked against the far wall with windows on all 3 sides and a skylight over it to see the moon. It was to this bedroom area that Lucian escorted his mate, with even the wooden floors upon which they walked not daring to make a sound in challenge.

Only when the pair reached the bed did Lucian finally loose his hold on Savannah, if only to turn her around and use the gentlest bit of pressure to ease her into a sitting position on the bed. "Tell me, my dear Savannah..." Lucian commanded softly before letting out a low growl. "Have you ever had the pleasure of making love in the light of a full moon?" As he asked his question, Lucian eased himself forward and between Savannah's legs, but only so that he could place his hands on her shoulders and brush them down her arms. His gaze meanwhile, held hers for but a moment before lifting upwards towards the skylight and where the full moon would be soon enough.
The walk through the Rho Gamma Mu house was surreal, as if Lucian were a guardian angel guiding her through the halls. She could feel the weight of his presence, the raw power emanating from him, and the respect everyone had for him. Even the air seemed to hum with anticipation and submission.

As they made their way up the stairs and through the halls, Savannah took in the sights around her and couldn't help but notice the many similarities and differences there were to the Kappa Nu house. The wooden banisters were polished to a gleam, the stairs creaking softly under their feet, the red carpet underneath muffling their footsteps. Portraits of past alphas and their mates adorned the walls, their gazes seeming to follow them as they passed by.

The fifth floor hallway was long and narrow, the only light coming from sconces mounted on the walls at regular intervals. When they reached the end of the hallway, Lucian produced a large key from his pocket and unlocked the door to reveal... Another set of stairs. He locked the door behind them, effectively sealing them off from the rest of the house before leading him up the final flight. The new staircase led to essentially what she would describe as a penthouse apartment. It was an open concept with a living area, kitchen, dining area, workout area, bathroom, and a a king-sized bed against the far wall. The bed faced was flanked by windows and a skylight above, allowing for a view of the moon. "Wow," she murmured.

Lucian guided her over to the bed and sat her down and she couldn't help but feel the smallest sliver of jealousy over just how massive it was. The mattress was plush, the pillows plump and inviting. The sheets and comforter were a deep, rich green that seemed to match Lucian's eyes. The windows around them framed a breathtaking view of the horizon, and as the moon slowly rose in the night sky, its silvery light cast a soft glow over everything.

Lucian's eyes held hers as he asked her a question, his voice low and commanding. "Tell me, my dear Savannah..."

His. She was his.

"Have you ever had the pleasure of making love in the light of a full moon?" As he spoke, he leaned forward, placing his hands on her shoulders before sliding them down her arms.

Savannah watched him intently, her blue eyes following his as he looked up to the skylight. She shook her head, her hair cascading over her shoulders ina red wave. "I can't say that I have, " she said, a playful, teasing tone floating in her voice. Her hands seemed to have a mind of their own, reaching out to touch him, roam over his chest, his shoulders, his arms, as if trying to memorize every curve and angle of his body. "But," she added with a grin, leaning up to speak into his ear as if telling a secret, "I'd be more than willing to find out what that's like."
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Seeing and hearing Savannah's awe at his home made Lucian smile. Now that he was committed to trying to make this work, he wanted the best for her, and was truly looking forward to spoiling her with the perks that came with being the mate of the alpha.

Even as the pair of them looked upwards at the skylight, the feeling of Savannah's hands roaming freely over his chest, shoulders, and arms caused his eyes to close of their own volition. His own hands had briefly halted in their own roaming until she leaned upwards to speak into his ear. Her movement caused his hands to glide from her arms to her sides, and it's then that he took over again, sliding them around and behind her, yet dipping them beneath the hem of her shirt. A sigh slipped from his lips as he felt the shivering sensation when his fingers first touched the bare skin of her back, but he didn't stop there. His fingers carried that sensation with them as they dipped in towards and then upwards. All ten of his fingers pressed into and massaged her back as his pinkies got oh so close to both sides of her spine without touching it.

While his hands worked their magic on Savannah's back, Lucian's eyes opened and lowered from the sky. He heard her words and responded by pressing harder with his hands, holding her more firmly against him as he lowered his head so that he could press a kiss to her cheek. He then pressed another kiss farther back on her cheek, then another below her ear, then one on the side of her neck with the briefest flit of his tongue. The next kiss in line came with a nip of his teeth. He ended this trail in a familiar place, the pulse point of her neck, caught between his sucking lips, uncaring if he bruised her, while his strong arms seemingly tried to crush her against his tall and sturdy frame.
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Savannah let out a soft gasp as Lucian's lips and teeth found their way to her neck. Her fingers gripped the soft material of his shirt, as it felt like her body was being sent into overdrive, her heart racing, her blood pumping. The sensations were overwhelming, exhilarating, and she wanted more. She needed him.

She tugged at his shirt more, deciding he had entirely too many clothes on for that moment. He moved with it and lifted his arms, allowing her to pull it up and over his head and toss it aside. Her hands moved over his arms, shoulders, chest, and abdomen, feeling the swell and curve of each muscle. As her hands came back up his chest, she noticed five long scars that ran diagonally from shoulder to sternum over the left side of his chest. Her fingertips traced over the smooth and silvery marks, wondering what had caused them.

The scars reminded her there was so much about Lucian that she didn't know. Yet.

Her hands continued their journey, one to the side of his jaw and neck, the other to the back of his head where her fingers curled into his hair and pulled his lips to hers. The kiss was fierce, hungry, possessive, and she nipped at his bottom lip with her teeth.
Savannah's gasp as his mouth found her neck was music to Lucian's ears. It brought the growl back to his throat, even as his lips, tongue, teeth, and hands continued to enjoy both her flesh and the trail of shivers he was trailing along it with every motion.

When Savannah gripped his shirt and made to pull it upwards, Lucian knew what she wanted, but couldn't stop the louder and sharper possessive growl from sounding in his throat. He didn't want to pull his hands and mouth away from his mate, even for a moment, and he truly considered ripping her shirt from her body rather than pull his arms and hands down and out of her shirt, if only for the tiny bit of time it would save. In the end though, he did relent to his mate, allowing himself to be separated from her, and even lifted his arms to aid her in pulling the shirt over his head.

As Savannah's hands returned to his body, Lucian's bottom lip found it's way between his teeth. While many werewolves bear their scars proudly, he was self-conscious of his, and even more so now that his mate would be seeing them for the first time. Still, he made no move to stop her exploring hands, and even let out a soft sigh of contentment when he felt her fingertips trace the smooth and silvery marks. That shivering feeling he felt along them was the first time he'd felt anything from them since he'd gotten them three years ago. He didn't have much time to think about his scars and the unexpected shivering feeling before her hands moved on, taking that shivering feeling and his attention with it.

Just as he'd relented to Savannah when she'd needed separation so she could remove his shirt, Lucian relented again when he felt her curl her fingers into his short hair and pulled him down into a fierce and hungry kiss. He felt her possessiveness in that kiss, and fed off of it, lifting a hand to tangle it in her deliciously soft auburn hair while returning her kiss with a fiery passion all his own. He felt her nip his bottom lip, and he let out an appreciative growl, responding with firm and rapid swipes of his tongue along her lips, less asking rather than demanding entry so that he could roll over and around hers while his other arm wrapped around her, holding her firmly against him as the two made out passionately.
Savannah's lips felt swollen, her heart pounding, and her body on fire. She responded to his growl with one of her own as his lips moved over hers, his tongue danced with hers, and his hand tangled itself in her hair. She felt as if she were drowning in his touch, his taste, his scent, igniting a passion within her that she hadn't known existed. He was like a drug, addicting and intoxicating.

"Lucian..." she breathed against his lips, her voice hoarse and needy, as her fingers dug into his shoulders. "Please..." She knew she sounded desperate; she was desperate. She wanted more, she needed more, she was desperate for more. Savannah pulled his other hand to her breast, her nipple hard and aching under his touch through her bra and thin fabric of her t-shirt.
Lucian had been with his fair share of females, and heard his fair share of growls from his partners at every stage of foreplay and lovemaking, but none had affected him as much as the sound of that single growl he'd pulled from Savannah just now. It lit a near-literal fire under the alpha that he'd never felt before, a fire that was only stoked by the hoarse and needy sound of his name on her lips and the pleading cry for more, culminating in her pulling the hand that wasn't buried in her hair to her breast, letting him feel her hard nipple pressing through her shirt and bra into his palm.

In his lust-addled state, Lucian took his mate's plea as a cry for more skin contact. At any other time of the month, and with any other female, he might have been able to pace himself or find some flaw in his logic. With his mate though, and under the light of the full moon when he already had to expend so much of himself to control the transformation, there wasn't enough brain power left to prevent what happened next.

In a single fluid motion, Lucian pulled his hand back from Savannah's hair and lifted the hand she'd brought from her breast up to the neckline of her shirt to join the other. Then the air between them was filled with the sound of ripping fabric. Lucian took the opportunity immediately, kissing his way from her potentially swollen and bruised lips down her chin and neck to her suck briefly at each side of her collarbone before continuing downwards. He let loose a warning growl when he his touched the fabric of her bra before his hand grabbed it by the middle and pulled sharply until it gave way, freeing her lovely full breasts that he then happily pounced on like a starving babe, lips closing around the hard nipple he'd felt and sucking as though his life depended on it as his hand palmed, massaged, and kneaded her other breast.
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A yelp of surprise escaped Savannah's lips as Lucian tore her shirt open, the fabric falling away to reveal her skin to the night air. He then tore her bra with such ease she huffed out a laugh, feeling a mixture of surprise and exhilaration coursing through her. His hot breath fanned across her nipples, sending delicious shivers down her spine, and his lips closed around one of them, sucking hard, while his hand cupped the other, massaging and kneading it roughly.

"Lucian!" she gasped, arching her back, her fingers raking through his thick, dark hair, and her hips instinctively rocked up against him. His touch was like fire, burning away every thought, every worry, every inhibition. She closed her eyes, savoring the heat from his lips and tongue, the scratch of his stubble against her skin, the roughness of his fingers as they stroked and teased, and the possessive growl that seemed to vibrate through his chest when he sucked harder on her nipple. It was like he knew exactly how to make her body sing while he was trying to devour every inch of her.

She wanted to feel his skin against hers, to feel the heat and power that radiated from his body. Her heart pounded in her chest, her breath came in ragged gasps, and her body felt tight, aching, and on the verge of exploding already. "Please, Lucian..." she breathed, her voice husky, and watched him with blue eyes dark with lust and desire. "Take me... I need you..." And with those words, she felt the last of her inhibitions melt away, leaving her open, vulnerable, and completely his.
Lucian savored his mate's surprise at his actions, and the sounds that came with it, even while the small part of his brain that wasn't acting on pure instinct was glad that she wasn't mad that he had torn her clothes to shreds.

When Savannah recovered from her surprise, called out his name, and started to actively participate once more, Lucian redoubled his efforts on those lovely breasts of hers, sucking harder on the trapped nipple as he all but manhandled the other one in his large callused hand.

When Savannah's words reached Lucian's ears, her voice low and husky with desire, Lucian's throat let loose a warning growl as he surged upward. His hands found her shoulders and pinned her to the bed as he hovered over her, his chest scraping over hers as he inhaled long and deep against her chest and neck before finally meeting her gaze. He held it, searching hers for fear, reluctance, or obligation, as he kept her pinned by both his hands and hips. Only when he was sure that she wanted this, truly wanted this, did he lift his achingly hard cock off of her, remove his hands from her shoulders, and drop and lower them to grab her pants between them. Her pants lasted a fraction of a section longer than her shirt had between his hands before the sound of tearing fabric filled the air between them. Then, just as before with her bra, a single hand gripped the fabric of her panties and pulled until the fabric gave way, leaving her naked in the moonlight.

With his mate naked before him, her neatly trimmed pussy all but calling out to him, Lucian pounced once more, this time downwards. As he did so though, dipping his upper body down, his hands gripped her toned legs, just under her knees and lifted them off the floor so that he could pin them to the bed now, spreading her fully for him. He laid his head against her inner thigh and inhaled deeply once more, this time taking in her most intimate scent, a scent that had his entire body quaking with arousal. His grip on her legs tightened as his head dipped lower, his tongue extended, and he got his first taste of her intimate deliciousness. He ran his tongue up the full length of her pussy, ending that long lick with a firm flick of her clit. His mouth then pounced on her clit like it had her nipple, sucking hard while also alternating between rapid dragging circles and firm and relentless flicks. Yes, he had every intention of fucking his mate senseless tonight, but he was going to taste her fully first.
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The fleeting realization that all her clothes were now ruined was gone as soon as his hands gripped her legs. She let them fall open at his slightest urging, and he pinned them to the mattress to bare completely to him. That look on his face told her Lucian was going to feast on her tonight, and the anticipation made her body ache even more.

When he lowered his head between her legs and inhaled her scent, she tangled her fingers into his hair once more. His tongue traced a slow path up her center, ending with a flick of his tongue against her clit. Then his mouth was relentless, sucking and licking and flicking, driving her wild. She moaned his name, feeling the tension building inside her, the need for release growing with every passing second. Her legs fought his grip, and her hips bucked against his face as he continued his ministrations, the pleasure coursing through her, the tension coiling tighter and tighter until she thought she might explode.

She felt him shift positions, still managing to keep her legs spread open, and he slid two fingers into her. Slow, deliberate strokes of his fingers, and it was like he'd set off a bomb inside her. Her orgasm rocked her to her core, and she could feel every muscle in her body quivering. It was too much, and she cried out his name, her voice breaking on a groan as he continued to torment her with his mouth and tongue, his fingers continued to stroke her, his fingers still buried inside her, as she rode out the waves of pleasure. When he finally raised his head, her legs still held firmly in place, she looked down at him, breathless and dazed. Lucian was staring up at her, his eyes dark with a hunger that mirrored her own.
As much as Lucian truly enjoyed licking his mate's clit, he knew that there was something else he wanted to do. The problem of course was that he could feel her fighting against him and bucking against his grip. Thankfully though, neither he, nor she, was a mere mortal. So as hard as it was to force himself to pull himself from between her legs, even for a second, he did manage it, even if it was just long enough to nip behind her knee with his teeth and give her a loud warning growl. That done, he moved his lips and tongue back to her clit, smiling inwardly as his mate obeyed and fought him only with the one leg, even when he pulled his other hand away.

With one hand now free, and his oral ministrations as relentless as ever, Lucian slid two fingers slowly into the perfectly hot, wet, and tight cunt of his mate. Yes, he could have gone fast and hard, but this was how he wanted her, and this was how he WOULD have her, with slow and deliberate thrusts of his fingers as his tongue worked her clit with those fast and firm flicks.

Even from his place on his knees, Lucian could feel Savannah's body quivering, literally feel how close she was. He happily continued, even as he filed away everything he was learning from his beautiful mate, continued and shoved her violently over the edge as she cried out his name in a voice that broke. He kept going as she came, feeling her body clench and spasm on his fingers, riding out her orgasm with her for no other reasons than he could and he wanted to.

When Savannah's orgasm finally subsided, Lucian let the actions of his tongue cease, even as he left his fingers inside her. His head lifted, and he found the beautiful woman before him looking down at him, her deep blue eyes filled with the same dark hunger that filled his green ones. So, with only a little sadness, he withdrew his fingers from her and dragged a slow line of kisses up her leg to press a tender lick behind the knee he'd nipped before, silently giving it permission to move as his hands moved to push his sweatpants and boxers down and off. When his hands lifted once more, they slid slowly under her as he moved to lean over her, a soft sigh slipping out of him as he felt her hard nipples dragging against his chest. Once he got enough of his strong hands and arms beneath her, he effortlessly lifted her up into his arms, smiling as he felt her legs curl around his waist. He then stepped up onto the bed, one knee at a time and moved them up the large bed in a similar fashion as his hard and throbbing eight inch cock jumped and pulsed with each movement, seemingly trying to get at her sopping wet cunt. When they were far enough up on the bed, he laid his beautiful mate down with her lovely auburn hair on one of the pillows. He withdrew his arms from beneath her but stayed in that dominant position, his hands moving to cup her cheeks as he nudged her thighs farther apart, making more room for himself, and adjusted the angle of his hips. All would become clear when she felt the tip his cock at her entrance with no guidance from either his hand or hers, as though it knew the way to her pussy all on it's own. His hips pushed forward, feeling some resistance but he went slow, taking his time with his mate. It wouldn't be the first time a woman had struggled with his inch and a half diameter cock, let alone the slightly wider and defined ridge of the mushroom head. He just hoped that she'd be able to take it, and that it wouldn't hurt, or at least wouldn't hurt much.
Savannah stared down at him, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. His erection jutted out before him, dark and hard and beautiful. She could feel the heat emanating from him, feel the power that radiated off him in waves. He was everything she'd ever wanted, the dreams she'd had the past few nights not doing him any justice, and she couldn't wait to feel him inside her.

As he lifted her up into his arms, her legs wrapped around his waist, and she pressed her lips to his shoulder and bit gently at the skin there. He laid her down further up on the bed, his body pressing down on hers, their hips aligning. The feel of his skin against hers was intoxicating. She wanted to touch him, to feel every inch of him, but for now she would just savor the closeness. She looked up into his intense green eyes, the passion she saw there made her want to give herself to him completely all the more.

His hands moved down, cupping her bottom and lifting her up slightly. Savannah gasped as Lucian's cock pressed against her entrance. It was thick and hard, so much larger than any other man had been. She knew she should tell him to stop, that she wasn't sure if she could take him, but the sight of him above her, his green eyes full of desire, made her heart race and her body ache. She wanted him. She wanted him inside her. With a deep breath, she tightened her legs around his waist, arching her back to give him better access. As he pushed forward, she bit her lip, feeling the pressure build, but then he was there, sliding into her with a smooth, deep thrust.

He felt so good inside her, stretching her in a way no one ever had before. With each thrust, she could feel him filling her, claiming her as his own. He moved slowly, deliberately at first, his eyes locked on hers, as if he were trying to make sure she was all right. But she could see the hunger in his eyes, the need for release, and she knew he wouldn't be able to hold back much longer.

Savannah pulled his mouth to hers once more, tasting herself on his lips, his tongue. As if that was the answer he needed, Lucian's pace increased, his hips meeting hers with each powerful thrust. He felt impossibly big inside her, stretching her in a way that made her ache with pleasure. She wrapped her legs tighter around his waist, arching her back, meeting each of his thrusts with a moan.
Lucian could see Savannah biting her lip as he pushed, knew the pain was there, or at least the pressure, even if she didn't say it. Would he have stopped if she had asked him to? Yes, yes he would have. He would have hated it, and been disappointed that he couldn't consummate their mating, but he would have done it, for her.

Just as Lucian was starting to think that he wouldn't be able to fit, that Savannah might beg him to stop, he felt the pressure release and his cock slide into her with a slow, smooth, and deep thrust. A long, low, and rumbling groan slipped from him from the moment that pressure released, and it continued for the full duration of that thrust. Even as he pulled out halfway and gave her another slow thrust as he held her gaze. She felt so hot and tight around his penetrating cock that each thrust had him biting his lip harder, had his green gaze darkening with lust, and pushing his body closer and closer to the point of no return.

Lucian knew that Savannah could handle the bites, the nips, and the bruises. She was a werewolf after all. With this though, He was trying so hard to be the perfect mate, to give her what she needed, even when it meant holding back...The sudden feeling of her lips on his was the encouragement that he hadn't truly known that he'd needed in that moment. His left hand immediately jumped from her ass to fist in her hair, pulling her harder to that kiss as he immediately started to thrust harder and faster. Then his right hand moved, but not to her hair, or to her cheek, but to cover her heart. He felt her pulse, that impossibly rapid pulse, and he used that as the metronome for his thrusts. He fucked her to the beat of her very own drum, fucking her harder and faster as her heartbeat picked up, kissing her harder, deeper, shoving his tongue into her mouth and manhandling hers as he used the grip on her hair to tilt her head this way and that, deepening the kiss and giving him the best angle possible. Their fucking was like a living breathing animal all it's own, growing in intensity, even causing his cock to swell within her the tiniest bit more as he neared that peak that he suddenly fought against, now tightening every muscle in his body, even as he pounded into her like a merciless machine! Then suddenly he was there! One thrust into his mate's heavenly cunt pushed him to the edge, and the next had him jumping over with willful abandon as a tingling shivering sensation surged it's way up from his heavy balls to his swollen cock and sent the first burst of cum erupting from him into his beloved him, splattering her cervix and womb with his hard-earned seed.
The sensation of Lucian's hand on her heart was both overwhelming and exhilarating and... Something else she couldn't quite focus on in that moment. With each thrust, his fingers pressed against her skin, matching the rhythm of her racing pulse. She could feel him everywhere inside her, filling her completely. He felt so big and powerful, his movements seeming almost otherworldly. His lips bruised hers, his tongue dancing with hers, his breath hot in her ear as he growled with pleasure.

Her body was on fire, her muscles tensing and releasing with each thrust. She could feel herself getting closer and closer, the pleasure building inside her. With every movement of his hips, he pushed her higher, closer to the edge. She moaned his name, her nails raking across the skin of his shoulders and back as she lost control, leaving red lined trails on his skin. And then she felt it, the build-up of tension inside her, the release of a wave of pleasure so intense it made her body tremble. With a sharp cry, she came, her inner muscles gripping tightly around Lucian's cock. He followed her over the edge, his thrusts becoming rough and demanding as he emptied himself inside her.

They lay together, skin slick with sweat, their bodies entwined, their hearts still racing from the intensity of their lovemaking, heavy breaths mingling together. She could feel his cock, still buried inside her, beginning to grow soft, and she welcomed the sensation of his weight pressing down on her. It was oddly comforting, his presence overwhelmingly protective. She couldn't remember ever feeling this way before, so completely and utterly connected to another person. She knew that from this moment forward, she would always be his, and he would always be hers.

Her fingers idly traced the defined muscles of her mate's back as she slowly came back down to Earth. "Sweet Goddess..." Her voice was breathy and had the hint of a giggle fluttering through her words. "You will be the death of me."