The Last Thing You Thought...

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It's official ....I need new running shoes though on the bright side this is the first time I've ever worn out a pair from exercise. :)
Stomp away, motherfuckers!*

This time tomorrow, we will have signed up for horizontal living, and in another month you will be someone else's problem!

* However, if you wake my baby at this wee small hour, I'm absolutely going to arrange a personal introduction.**

** If you're very lucky, I'll even put pants on.
Stomp away, motherfuckers!*

This time tomorrow, we will have signed up for horizontal living, and in another month you will be someone else's problem!

* However, if you wake my baby at this wee small hour, I'm absolutely going to arrange a personal introduction.**

** If you're very lucky, I'll even put pants on.

I...feel like it would be luckier to have you show up without the pants.

I also feel very sorry for those motherfuckers if they should happen to wake the baby.
Stomp away, motherfuckers!*

This time tomorrow, we will have signed up for horizontal living, and in another month you will be someone else's problem!

* However, if you wake my baby at this wee small hour, I'm absolutely going to arrange a personal introduction.**

** If you're very lucky, I'll even put pants on.

If they do wake the baby, just take the crying baby with you to confront them. They'll just be confused and scared and run like gazelle.
fr33k: I try not to inflict my scantily-clad posterior on unsuspecting strangers, if I can help it at all. Though it would make an impression. Of me. As a crazy person. Which would kind of be the look I was going for...

They didn't wake him this time, I don't think.

Scuttles: Yes, I have this perfect vision in my head of me, marching up there with my screaming baby held at arm's length, banging on their door with my foot, and when they open, grinning cheerily as I thrust him into their bewildered arms, saying, "Hi! This is my son, Baby! You woke him, with your pogo stick races and whatnot, so now it's YOUR job to get him back to sleep. Those are just the rules, I don't make 'em up. Byeeee!"

Unfortunately, the second I pick him up, he generally stops yelling. If I took him out into the hall, he'd be like: "Sweet! An outing! At this ungodly hour - how novel!" And would just be thrilled to bits, and as good as gold.

So it wouldn't work, unfortunately.

Maybe I'll go up and smack them with a wet diaper.

Or maybe I'll just go back to bed.
I'm a nice person, really...I just don't get a lot of sleep, and that makes me cranky and hate everybody.
Now maybe I am grumpy, little sleep and forgot to eat.
Hate the phone connection, hope it improves.

Eating now. I just want to have fun and enjoy, not argue because I can't conform.
I shouldn't have let it happen, gone there, whatever.
LT ~ I'd forgotten how 's-l-o-w' my brain gets after a night out.

ALT ~ It's mild. But it's definitely a hangover.

FLT ~ ...giggles...
LT: There comes a time where worrying and wondering stops and whatever replaces it.
Oooh i've got to get one

Overtired minds make realizations and some pretty insane stuff absolutely hilarious.

Love the Garden Gnome pic Perplexia
I thought i was tired then i saw him on. My lack of sleep and the pain just went into a compartment. A smile replaced it. Hmm maybe i do like him.
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