keeping your crap out of a story

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Popcorn, anyone?

Meanwhile, various crap. I define "human games" as the ways people organize and occupy their time when not being useful. Politics, religion, economics, arts, and sports are all such games, all equivalent. Yes, political and economic beliefs ARE religions. People kill, maim, plunder etc in support of their sacred games -- c.f. soccer hooligans. Actively viewing a game makes you a player; concert and sports and political fans are just as gamy as the performers.

Writers put all sorts of gamy crap into stories, sometimes obtrusively. Those not liking what's presented can 1) squeal like pigs, 2) write something contrary, 3) read something else, 4) drink-smoke-inject-etc whatever, 5) get a real job, or 6) something else entirely. But option (1), although easy, is usually wasted.
While the initial topic was nominally within the scope of the AH, this thread went off the rails almost immediately. I was content to allow it to sink naturally into the archives, but that no longer appears to be an option. The thread will be locked to prevent further bumping, and a likely descent into increased political sniping.

Know that any political post risks being moved to the politics board, or removed from the board entirely. We have a forum section dedicated to political discussion now, and that is where such threads belong.
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