Computers Destroy Civilzation


Literotica Guru
Mar 9, 2019
No, not Matthew Broderick 'War Games' sorta stuff.

Automatic spell checkers.

This post is a little making lemonade out of lemons exercise. But if the late great Douglas Adams were here he could have a field day with the 'Randomized Word Substitution Programs' that anti social programmers have marketed as 'Spell Checkers'. Not the older benign ones that red and blue underline potential spelling and grammatical issues. The newer authoratarian ones with a 250 word vocabulary that KNOWS the writer is a mouth breathing moron who MEANT to use one of the few words it has stored within.

Joseph Heller could help out. Instead of "death to modifiers" its death to all proper nouns. All ending "s"es are preceded by an apostrophe so "'...peat moss', she cries" becomes "'pea most', she cry's".

People are given incorrect medications for misdiagnosed illnesses because doctor's records are computerised. If the wrong chemical used in the drugs manufacture is not fatal, then the victim survives because the ambulance broke down on the way to the hospital that collapsed (both the result of Otto Spelczek's modification of specifications). Until they are killed by part of an airplane falling from the sky, or a lethal pizza ingredient.

The government is powerless. Prepared legislation to deal with the crisis appears to be written by monkeys handed typewriters. The president goes on TV, to use his "bull pull" (Bully Pulpit) " what is he speaking, Klingon?"

Yes I know you can pull down the menu and disable Otto, but people are lazy. Civilization ends.

Just toss in lots of 'frisky time' before we all die.

Lisa Ann

(Just for fun I typed this on an android, posted it and used edit (4×), I had to modify it 39 times, and Otto let two of my misspellings through.)
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I ended civilization more sexily in A Fall of Stardust. Your spellcheck-driven apocalypse seems a bit much. Let's have errant spellcheckers turn online messages into sexual texts -- fantasies, fetishes, solicitations, acceptances, contortions, etc. For fun, they're all persuasive. Civilization is destroyed from within by decadent frenzies.
It's the dating website AI that gained limited consciousness and proceeds to hook up as many people in as many combinations possible, she disrupts texts to inset random innuendos lewd comments and hook-up phrases. Also, there's obviously efficiency crisis when everyone starts fucking almost all the time.
Re: Lupus: It's a different story, but also intriguing. Bored, horney, geeky geniuses undergrads at Caltech or MIT hack the big dating websites, placing an algorithm that analyzes the percieved needs of posters and modifies responses of respondants to create idyllic matches. Bingo. Everyone is so busy fucking civilization comes to an end while nobody is minding the store.

Funny thing, nobody cares and we all go to heaven with shit eating grins.

Lisa Ann
Somewhat related: A year-old item on digital disaster: The Internet of Connected Sex Toys is every bit as horrifyingly insecure and poorly thought out as you imagine.

They're virtually all easily hacked and abused. So for our story, an amoral AI takes over IoT sex toys to probe human responses. Hilarity ensues, and abrasions and divorces. Or maybe the AI learns how to push every user's buttons; we're addicted until battery burnout. Wireless recharging might even bypass such a safeguard, giving nervous system burnout. Civilization crumbles. Only asexuals will remain. But how will they reproduce?