Aliens: Colonial Marines new recruits (closed)

I nodded hearing the sergeant say if I wanted to talk about it hed be there. I headed out in sort of a daze trying to shake the image out of my head. "Get it together Patricia... Stop thinking about it..." I balled my fists in anger and headed into the sparring room across the hall.

I felt the anger overtake me and I punched and kicked and hit the punching bag until I was tired and fell to the ground choking back cries. I sniffled sitting with my head in my lap for a while and then went to sit on my bunk. I decided to do some research using the dim light to read anything to keep my mind off of it.
When Lowell left the room Connell stood up and went over to me, "What's going on?" she whispered.

"I heard her crying, I think" I replied and we both looked at the now closed door.

"Was it something we did?" Connell asked.

"I don't think so" I replied and then looked at Lowell's empty bunk. It was strange. Judging by the way she turned right when she entered the hall she must have gone to the sparring room to get rid of some tension. "Best thing is to let her take care of her business and we'll go over it in the morning," before looking over at Connell as she folded her arms at her chest and looked at the door, slightly pursing her lips.

"How about in the morning, I talk to her, sergeant?" she replied. "Maybe it's something for a woman to woman talk, yes?"

"You're a woman?" I chided with a smirk.

She playfully smacked my arm then rolled over into her bunk.
I read and read all night but couldn't really process anything I read. The crew was beginning to wake up and I had already began to straighten things out near my bunk. I noticed Connell and the Sergeant give me a quick look and gave them a small smile and said good morning.

The ships staff announced breakfast would be served shortly. I headed over to take my shower before everyone and I know I was avoiding the crew but mainly because I was embarrassed and what had upset me most is that I had the dream so quickly. I felt restless and on edge.

After getting dressed I sat with the squad at breakfast barely touching my food .
"You should eat" I said to Lowell as I sat beside her. The rest of the squad was sitting around her and eating liquid eggs and dried toast and stuff we thought to be cornbread. There was still no change in our mission which meant that after breakfast we would be going through training. She didn't seem to want to eat as her mind was troubling her and Connell insisted that she get something in her stomach.

"You're not doing yourself any good by starving yourself," she said.

The others agreed and kept nudging the plates towards her to get something into her stomach, not to pig out but we needed to keep her blood sugar up because training was going to be a blister today. I heard from up high that we would be going up against third squad in training. They were hardcore fanatics. Their leader, Sgt. Elmer, was a tough as nails man with a bald, scared head and face he was the epitomy of being a sergeant with the constant yelling, belittling, and kicking people to get them into gear he lead a tough yet troubled squad and we could see them on the far end of the chow hall. We tried not to focus on them. Instead Connell nudged Lowell and said, "When we're done here, come with me to the woman's room so we can talk in private."
I looked at the food and took some eating a bit of toast and eggs to keep them from bugging me. I hadnt really felt hungry or had much of an appetite but Connel was right I wouldn't do any good starving and I did need my energy .

The others gave me concerned looks as well and I ate trying to ignore them. 'They probably heard me last night...' I thought 'They probably feel sorry for the pathetic Cadet.' I balled my fist trying to control my anger ' Why do they even care? Its not like no one else did'

I noticed everyone had finished and I had enough to eat so I scraped my tray and went with Connell to the woman's room while the others went to the training hall. I wondered what she wanted to speak about. Probably last night. I wrapped my arm around my waist feeling a wave of nausea.

Just thinking about everything that happened made me sick.I headed off with her hoping it wasnt that and that she didn't pry too much.
Connell was hard, and just one of the guys but she was also our medic and took care of us and that even meant the new cadet so when the two of them were in the latrine together and they knew that they were alone Connell told her to have relax and to tell her what was bothering her, "If you want to be with us," Connell said, "You have to learn to trust us. I don't know where you come from, but here we learn to trust because when we go out into the field we are all that we have. We can't rely on anyone except those that are with you." She leaned against one of the stainless steel sinks with her back to the mirror and let out a sigh, "Now, Lowell, I know that it's hard trying to be a woman in this man's Corps, but you'll learn this being with us. You can trust us to help you. Now, what's your problem?" She was being firm but delicate though Connell wasn't sugar coating anything and if she didn't think Lowell could tough it out then she'll let me know.

In the mean time I took the rest of the squad to the armory and started gearing up for our training. We were equipped with blank firing Pulse rifles that emitted lasers at the target and each person wore on their gear little sensors that would chime if the laser hit. Like a big game of laser tag. We were gearing up and waiting for Lowell and Connell to link back up with us. In the mean time we were able to watch from the overhead platforms as Elmer's squad went up against another squad. We could hear him bellowing the whole time as he pulled and pushed his Marines down the winding corridors to hunt down the other squad. He would curse and rave and kick his people to get them moving and when the two sides blundered into each other it was like the shootout near the OK Corral where they run into each other and fire and close range.
I looked away staying silent at first then Connell asked me again telling me it was fine that I could trust her. I closed my eyes asking her to just keep this between us not to let anyone know. She promised so I told her every right from the beginning." At first it was just the captain of the ranks .He told me it would stay between us that hed keep teaching me to fight and serve as long as I pleasured him. I refused at first but he had kept his word and never told anyone or so I thought. One afternoon he was drinking and had blurted it out and I was so embarrassed but I thought noone had heard what he said. The next day I began getting looks from the men both sympathetic and lustful and then I knew they had heard. I went to tell the captin that I quit that afternoon and he and a few other slimy ones of the crew began to crowd around me. I asked what was happening and he slapped me telling me the rules have changed and I go nowhere I was to serve the crew to control their urges . Some did not touch me but the rest held me down while others used me. This went on for three days. They used me wouldnt let me shower, put in in the holding cell I couldn't escape. They starved me as well saying I was the crew pet. " I said without emotion trying to stay strong "They left me alone for two more days because the captain wanted me for himself. He used me again that morning and I finally realized I had to escape. I had picked the lock with a bone I found in the far corner of the cage and just in time because the base was ambushed. I have no idea if they survived. A few months later I found out I was expecting on a doctors visit because I was ill. My father had been excited but I broke down crying and I told him everything. He was furious and agreed to let me have the abortion that I wanted. He went after them I think or someone and they MURDERED my father. I trained everyday planning revenge but never found them so I joined here because I wanted to do something to make my father proud." I kept my body turned away already knowing that tears were falling.

I said " there.. so- now you know.. and please just keep this between us ok Connell?"
Connell was shocked to say the least. At first she didn't know what to do but when Lowell finished she reached out and held Lowell by her shoulder and said that she wouldn't tell anyone, but when she was comfortable she should tell at least the sergeant. "We're not like that" she promised, "we horse around, yes, but not like that. In fact, I hadn't had sex in three months."

It wasn't an invitation or anything, it was just the rigors of life because most of the time we were deployed and didn't have time or the energy for sex. What we did have time for was watching Elmer and his squad duke it out with the others in close end battle. It was better than watching a movie because we could hear, smell, and see everything that was going on including Elmer's cursing up a storm when several of his guys were hit. He let loose profanity saying he would do things to people that didn't seem to be physically possible.

"What's keeping Connell?" Iggy asked as he leaned over the rails to get a better look at the action.

"Lady problems" Torres chived.
I stayed silent as we headed to the training room. Connell hadnt said anything either and I summed it up to her giving me my space. The squad greeted us and and i gave a small silent nod.

Connell had a serious look on her face and I hoped she wasn't thinking what I told her.
'She probably is feeling terrible afer all the shit I just asked her to keep about me" I thought. I went to sit down with the crew watching two men spar.

The squad told me who was who and asked if everything was ok. I told them everything is fine and to stop meddling. They laughed it off and said something about lady troubles.

I saw the sergeant and Connell talking and looked briefly before turning away so they didnt notice i just hope she didn't say anything.
"What's going on?" I asked.

"I said that it was between the two of us," Connell replied, "but when she's get the courage though she'll open up to us. It's a very...troubled past for her, sergeant," she spoke by tugging on her fingers it was a very rough situation.

"Alright then," I replied then turned towards Lowell then back at our medic, "We'll deal with this when she decides she's ready. Take her and get geared up. We're up next and we'll be facing Elmers' squad."

It was a rough fight but in the end Elmers' squad won when it was down to the sergeant and one of his own men and just one more on the opposing squads' and there was alot of cheering and whooping as the men thumped their chests as they emerged from the training maze and cleared their weapons.

Summoning Lowell over I pointed out to her real quick before she was taken to gear up, "This is the training area. It's similar to what you went through in basic. But here we're going to find the enemy squad that comes in from the other end of the maze. Last man standing wins."
I nodded hearing the rules of the training " Sounds fun" I said smiling and heading out. Truth is is I couldn't wait to kick some ass. I was still a bit riled from telling Connell and I needed to relieve the tension in my body.

I went and changed in the womens quarters into sparring gear and got my weapons we were to use for practice. I wondered if they put Cadets against another nor if the whole team battled.
The squad would be goingin. It was us versus the victorious Elmer and his men. There was no real prize, just bragging rights, but with that came a lot of ways to let loose with aggression. We could go hand to hand with them, but once the buzzer sounded then it was over.

As we did a weapons check Connell gave Lowell the motion tracker and they tested it.

On it's small screen our icons came up as hollow red circles that way we can tell friend from foe. The map was a maze and it was constantly changed so there was always something different.

We did a head count and then we gathered together to go over the plan. Torres and Dominic would take point. Seems to our rear with Mitch and the rest were in the center. Lowell would be a crucial part with the motion tracker however, in this twisting environment it was not a full proof way of getting a kill.
I nodded following the directions given and I realized i had to be the " eyes" for the team watching out for the enemies who showed as full red circles whereas mwe showed up hollow red. As we entered he maze I watched he screen closely suddenly seeing two deep red appear " Torres , Mitchntwo red approaching hard right im point 8 seconds." I said as we approached the first turn.

Two men jumped out but we were ready and infiltrated the attack. I smiled "nice!" I commented as we continued. I watched carefully at the screen spotting two others " We have company on the third right turn"
We heard Lowell's voice and moved forward to a T intersection, stepping over the two 'slain' enemies who were lying on the ground. As per the rules they had to lie there until the end of the match. They sneered at us as we went by but it was fun to have a good edge over our foe so far. Two down that would leave six left. They were split up according to the data that Lowell was feeding us, not a good move as we would be sticking together. I had my back to Lowell, moving forward with Torres in the lead swiping his rifle left to right as we went.

We took the first turn, then the second, and as we were about to take the third a figure came around the corner and whipped his head and was surprised to see the bulky Torres there and tried to raise his rifle only to have the Samoan punch him right in the face, knock him down to the cold floor and finished off with three rounds to the chest. That was one and the second staggered back after seeing what happened to his comrade and tried to retreat, but Torres aimed and squeezed off three more rounds that finished off that threat. That was four. Half the squad was down in just minutes. Connell turned to Lowell and whispered, "How we doing?"
"Last four on the end there" I said pointing to the screen " One flanked on each corner on the next two turns and perhaps the second to last turn. Id say theyre in the shadows attempting sneak attacks." I say we just have to stay on our toes.

I followed the team through the maze ssurprised at this teams setup. I saw they dots moving and said "they're changing their positions its one two one next position is straight right and theyre are two in the last Maze turn as well the next is moving toward us on this next corner left " I whisper
We came to a halt as Lowell got herself oriented and we looked about. Surprisingly Elmer was keeping in place more than usual. Usually he would lead his entire squad into a banzai like charge to find his enemy and kill them, but now he was holding back for some reason. I didn't like it. I was sensing an ambush where he was going to cheat in some way. We didn't have grenades but I suspected he was going to try something and after Lowell had their positions pegged we were going to go and finish them off.

Torres and Dominic were still leading the way, they were going a little bit faster because Elmer's squad also had a motion tracker and it wasn't on the four bodies we took down just now.

We still weren't going to split up. That was going to be a foolish desicision as we kept going. Lowell was doing good so far as she told us that they were changing position. We could hear some whispering and then the shuffling of feet and Torres pressed his body to the right wall and looked left and saw a foot around the corner and fired a single shot. There was a yelp and the foot disappeared and my two Marines went after them and found an enemy jumping up and down from surprise then they were looking down the barrels of the rest of Elmer's squad.
'Shit!' In thought. I knew something had to be up due to positioning. When two of the squad turned Elmes along with two men weee wating with their barrels ready. I hadnt seen them that close on the tracker how aa that-? I looked at the men and noticed they moved their trackers to their side so I wouldn't get exact location on the last one.

"Why of all the-" I stopped seeing a red light on my chest. The other tracker was trying to "kill me". With quick thinking I dodged the "bullet" making sure none of the team was in line of fire then took a shot at the mans ankle then stomach as he keeled over.

"Two to go-" I said over my shoulder to the team. I heard the man swear and remain in that position and saw the face of the other sergeant who looked annoyed. I turned toward the team and awaited their next move
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"Last two" I announced and stepped over Elmer who was growling and snapping at us as we went. This was going well. Too well because last time we fought it was last man standing, literally and that was Iggy and one of Elmer's new women and instead of fighting the two went their own ways and ran around the whole maze. Not this time. This time we went after them. We could see on Lowell's monitor that they were moving and stopping to try and throw off the readings, but their constant shifting was giving them away. We followed them back towards their entrance way to the maze. We had them cornered. There wasn't going to be surrender here. Instead, they aimed their rifles and came charging towards us in a suicidal banzai charge, screaming at the top of their lungs.

Torres and Dominic had them lined up and started firing, but even though there were clear hits and their sensors started going off they still kept charging, firing their weapons then Elmer and the rest rose from the dead and started going after us in a pincer movement. They were dead. All of them were dead but they didn't care. They were beaten and they didn't like that. They wanted to come and even the scales a bit and exact some revenge.

"Defend yourselves!" I shouted as Connell grabbed Lowell and shielded her from the charge.
"What the-?" I saw the "dead "opponents from the opposite team rise and charge at us full speed. I hadnt had much weapons but I Saw Connell try shield me and I had her back as well getting two men coming her way from behind.

I heard the sergeant shout defend yourselfs as we fired against the other team. Two of our team were hit and majority of us stood still. They were furious as we dodged fire from them and were shouting curses and going on a basic suicide mission I fired at a few men aiming at weak points and smile getting the man actually still alive on their team. "One to go" I said to Connell
I heard her explain quotation "one more to go" but it did not matter right now because all the dead rising coming towards us from all sides. we will pressed up against the wall and we knew our weapons relatively useless because they only fired blanks and thehe 5 points in liters of the lasers had no effect unless they hit a sensor. Connell kept shielding Lowell as they fell upon us. Punching kicking it was a free for all where we droppedour rifles or used them to start clubbing and I nailed one on the side of the head and sent him spiraling down then I saw oone grasp for Connell and trying to cop a feel.
Our team being crowded and became angry seeing the other squad attacking us.We were literally up against the wall and our weapons were useless in this situation. Connell kept shielding me as they came upon us and I became pissed they were acting this way.

I saw a man grab for Connell and I and I completely blacked out punching and kicking whoever came toward me or her . I felt myself being restrained and began to get even more pissed. 'There is no way in hell im letting them touch us" I thought to myself as I continued fighting .

I elbowed whoever tried holding me and stomped hard on their foot. I could hardly see in the dimmed maze and I didnt want any of my squad hurt seeing as this team fought dirty.
They were shouting, screaming,biting and grabbing one another. I puched and kicked whomever got in my way and shoved one guy to the ground and told Lowell to stomp on his gut to finish him off then I saw Elmer as he was trying to pull Connell away whom was fighting up a storm slashing with her talons and kicking the veteran sergeant in the gut but he merely shrugged it off. They grabbed for her breasts and ass then I slammed Elmer into the wall and he let go. "Let go of her!" I shouted and slammed my fist into his face but he merely shrugged it off as well. He seemed to be made of metal because nothing was affecting him then I saw Torres lift a Marine off his feet with his burly hands and actually throw him down the hall for several feet. The Marine let out a shriek as he went sailing through the air and then crash to the ground.
I saw the opposing team's sergeant grab Connell in appropriately and instantly grew nauseous. 'How dare they!' I thought furiously. A few of them tried the same with me and I screamed furiously "Get the fuck away from me NOW!" Viciously. I kicked one in the groin and knocked one in the nose drawing blood. They made an attempt at her again and I jumped on the guys back putting him in a chokehold and he screamed "You little bitch!" I held on harder "Keep talking and ill snap your fucking neck!" I said and held tightly putting him to "sleep" another was coming toward me and I kicked the back of his leg making him lose his footing and fall and jump kicked another in he middle of his chest knocking the wind out of him. I went next to Connell to ask if she was ok and felt myself get pulled back by my hair.

"Ahh" I groaned and struggled "Get the hell off!" I screamed
Iggy saw Lowell in trouble with her hair pulled back and yelling in pain, "Fuck you!" Iggy yelled and swung his Pulse rifle with all of his fury and caught the attacker straight in the face with a sickening crack that whipped the man around and down to the ground and letting go of Lowell whom was snatched up by Connell and pushed to get clear of the growing pile.

"Let's go. On your feet!" I shouted to everyone of my squad. We pulled ourselves up and gathered down the hall and did a head count and saw that every one of us were still standing. A bit roughed up, Lowell got her hair pulled grabbed and Connell the same but we were not a twitching mess on the ground right now. "Gather your gear," I snarled out of anger because it got out of hand, "Let's go." The contest was over and on the platforms around us there were other Marines that were enjoying the show because it was better than a move, plus they loved to see Elmer get his ass handed to him. We didn't leave with any prize except being able to walk away. "Is everyone alright?" I asked them and Connell was looking everyone over as we went.
I nodded and grabbed my gear quickly and taking my hair down out of the ponytail and massaging my scalp. I could tell the sergeant was angry and I sure as hell didnt want to piss him off more.

We got out the maze and i saw the squad was bruised but not badly injured. I thanked Iggy for helping me as we left and he waves it off aa if it were nothing. I followed the team back to our quarters and I asked Connell if she was ok I noticed she got hit a few times trying to cover me I thanked her but told her she didnt have to do that.

We sat closely and I saw Connell start to look at the "damage".I asked if I could be any help.