Dear X,

Dear sexy Cousin,

I would like to think that pmann has better things to do, not only with my sister, than kicking my (outstanding) ass :D

Your fave cousin :kiss:

Dear Vibes,

That is an outstanding ass.

A Family Friend
Dear Vibes,

That is an outstanding ass.

A Family Friend

Dear Family Friend,

I would like to thank you for your kind compliment and have you know my definition of incest does include ... family friends :D

Yours. V
Dear SleepyShine,

maybe switching off any and all devices connecting you with this world would help to keep you in the world of sleep.

Your bro

Worst idea ever.

And pmann normally has better things to do with your sis, but during the hours of about 10am-4pm EST, pmann doesn't have shit to do except mope. And maybe a bit of work. But mostly hope for loud, sleep interrupting noises.
Dear Rather Loud Gentleman in the Breakfast Queue Ahead of Me,

Two words for you my good man; 'Soap' and 'Water'.


Developing the breath holding capabilities of a pearl diver, Litster.
Dear Girl Child,

I get it. You're tired. Your schedule is ridiculous. Welcome to practice for being a grown-up. Now march your ass to the bus stop.

Not quite sympathetic enough to let you stay home mom
Dear Breath Holding Litster,

I'm not sure which is worse, those who don't use soap and water or those who douse themselves in cologne. My last patient had so much on I could practically see the vapors rising off him!

Migraine Suffering MK
Dear Migraine Suffering Litster,

I am saddened by the news of your malady, and wish you the speediest of recoveries.

Perhaps, henceforth, you could insist on a carbolic body scrub for your more aromatically active clientele?

Dimitri has a very effective range of such skin care products, and Mad Freddy, well he just loves to get stuck in with the scrubbing.

One for you consider at your next "family" get together, perhaps?


Waiting in Paris Litster.
Dear pillow

Why do you tease me with your come hither looks and warm softness?
Why does your bedmate and partner in crime ( the fleece blanket ) torture my tired worn out body with similar musings?
You both know sleep is something I crave...
That and a good woman to curl up /around and next to!!!

I lack both lately ! These past few months I've been sleep and woman deprived :mad:

I need both !
Dear Litster Waiting in Paris,

Screw the body scrub business. Ive got a much more exciting proposition for Dimitri and Mad Freddy. They dont perchance have any violin cases of their own do they? If not, Im sure Uncle Carmen might have some extras laying around.

Angry Mk
Dear Hurricane Sandy,
Go away. Just go away. Seriously, go away.

Residents of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.
Florida should move to Australia then. Simple solution. :D

Gee thanks! What about the rest of us?? :) if vibes is your bro and im his cousin then surely you and i are related somehow in this twisted little Lit world.....make room for me, I'd be happy with a fold out sofa! :)
Are you in the way of it too?

You can have the spare room. It has THE single most comfortable queen size bed there has ever been.

Vibes can share with whoever he wants. Maybe pmann?

Thanks! Vibes is safe in Europe. Pmann's on his own....hammock in the backyard?? :D
You're welcome MK, here is California, all we have to worry about are earthquakes. :eek:


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Dear X,
It's been the single worst pain in my life, but you did teach me one very important lesson. Never Again.
Dear Rx Boy,

Though I'm still a little sad, your comment made me feel a little happier. Pretty, actually! So, thank you.
