Shadows in Light (closed)

He wasn't quite sure of what the spell was doing to Suri, but it was having an effect on her. He chuckled softly as she tried to hide any effects but shifting her weight and holding down her skirt in the rear. When she left the office in a rush, he definately wanted to know what was going on.

After a few minutes of no return from his partner, Joesph pulled out his tablet. There was that red button labeled "push", just waiting for him. He thought for a moment and tapped the button. The red button glowed for moment before disappearing.

In the bathroom, the massaging began up inside Suri once more. This time them pulses took on the motion as if she had a cock filling her, sliding deeply in a out of her. The pulses also focused on her g-spot in tight, massaging circles. The speed increased faster and slower for several minutes, teasing and pleasuring her till the point of pure bliss, sending her high and hard with the orgasmic bliss. The code vanished from within soon after.

Still waiting to see the results, Joesph brought up all the videos of his previous fights.
When the pulses began again, she nearly came off the counter. Suri gripped the side of the counter with a free hand and her other was pressed to the mirror. One leg was draped over the faucet and the other slipped off the counter. She groaned deeply as her hips started to buck up in the air. She was losing her mind. There was nothing touching her and yet she felt like she was getting fucked good.

She trembled and writhed, bucked and squirmed until finally and without hesitation she gave in. She bit down hard on her lip as the waves of sensations coursed through her womb, effectively muting any evidence of what she was experiencing behind closed doors. Only soft muted cries managed to fill the air, but that was her shame. She came hard, leaving a puddle on the counter under her leaving her spent, gasping and trembling.

Minutes later, it took effort to gather herself together and slip off the counter. Suri had to lean against it to gain purchase with her legs and feet. The shaking wouldn’t subside. She breathed in slowly, trying to force herself to calm down. Whatever had gripped her, it had taken its toll. Someone finally pushed on the door. When it wouldn’t budge, there came knocking.

“Anyone in there?”

Suri’s eyes grew wide. She grabbed a bunch of hand towels and wiped down the counter quickly before scrambling towards the door. She dropped the towels in the trash and quickly pulled her skirt down before unlocking the door.

She cleared her throat, twice, “Sorry about that,” she answered in a strained voice. The girl pushed past her and Suri turned. Her panties were still on the floor. When the girl walked into a stall, Suri quickly swept the panties up from the floor and threw them in the trash before walking back out into the office area.

She could feel the flush in her face, and her legs were still a bit shaky. She walked carefully back to her desk and sunk down into her chair in relief. She must have had a look on her face because Elsie immediately cocked her head.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

Suri swallowed and responded shakily, “I’m fine, thanks…”

Suri grabbed her tablet and tried to forget what happened and to ignore the probing questions that would come.
It had taken awhile for Suri to come out of the bathroom, so Joesph figured something went right. What that was, he wasn't sure. He was still watching the videos when Suri came out finally, looking visibly shaken. He wished had be able to have a camera follow her, but that would have gotten him in trouble. He chuckled softly, he knew he would have more opportunities later.

An hour passed before the alarms went off, the multiple view screens opening up. This time was two class 2 demons wandering in the City park in the heart of the city. From the looks of the park, the place was deserted and the two demons looked like they were hunting for something.

Glancing towards Suri, he chuckled a little. He had told her the skirt was a bad idea idea. It was going to be interesting to see her fight in the business suit. He pushed back from the desk as he strapped on his tablet.

"Time to work, partner."

He winked to her before he headed out to grab everything and ride out on his bike. The ride took nearly ten minutes, and things just got worse. Some hacker, on a completely different and illegal job, cut power to the city grid. Everything went dark, though the headlights of cars and the bikes gave enough guidance for them to reach the park. Even their comm-systems were out, so they had no contact with the station.
Yea, this was going to be interesting alright. She grabbed her tablet and the damn comm link if in the remote chance the grid came up later, then to grab her gear.

Well, what could she say other than fuck it. Panty-less or not, she was gonna go. This time, she kept her distance from Mister Troublemaker. When she finally straddled the bike, her skirt rode up. Of course. Nevertheless, she kicked it in gear and headed out.

The vibrations weren't any worse than any other day, but, there was something about sitting on the freaking thing without some sort of barrier. Suri shifted slightly. She just needed to get where she was going. If the vibrations didn't do anything the leather would. DAMN. Again!

Suri grit her teeth the whole way out and when she approached the area, she hung back slightly. No more misdirected energies in her direction, she thought.

Suri let her eyes adjust to the dark. this could get ugly.
With the blackout came another set of problems, the traffic. Joesph had to weave as best he could to avoid the worst drivers, ending up behind Suri a couple of times. He chuckled as the wind kicked up the back of her skirt to show she was pantyless, making him wonder why she was. The spell had done more than he thought it would if she was actually riding on her bike without panties, or she was more reckless than ever by not wearing panties in the first place.

He pulled up beside her as they arrived at the main parking area of the park. He opened a compartment on his bike, pulling out two pairs of sunglasses. They were equipped with infrared vision, as true night vision would disrupt their eyesight if the power came back on while they were out here.

"Here, wear these. You'll see better."

He slipped his pair on as he laid the other in one of her hands. He grinned for a moment as he got off the bike, gathering up his equipment.

"Thanks for the view on the way here. I'll work my way towards the east side of the park..."

He held up one hand as he felt a few rain drops hit his head for a moment.

"Nice, rain. Guess I forgot to check the forecast."
Suri had slipped on the pair of glasses. Yea, once again, she was sorely under-equipped. She shook her head as a thought of two passed through her mind. Another note of caution. Never come to work in a skirt. Ever. Riding a bike in a skirt is a…challenge and his comment about the view caught her off guard. She couldn’t help but to get embarrassed as her face flushed with deep color. Yea, definitely not her best judgment. Jeans or slacks would have been more appropriate. She was beating herself up inside. What an idiot. No wonder she felt like an outsider.

Thank goodness she was in a black jacket that covered the majority of the white blouse underneath. The one silver lining to the whole night. The rain would have been disastrous. She could easily come out of this covered head to toe in mud, but that really wasn’t her concern. She wasn’t there to make any friends, nor to impress anyone. Otherwise she wouldn’t have gotten on the bike. Then why was she worried about the blouse? She even confused herself.
Suri watched as Joesph headed for the other side of the park. They really needed to close in on this thing. Suri still carried her bow. She just couldn’t do without it. Suri headed on foot towards the center of the park. She could see the monstrosity lumbering around. Suri stalked the demon, trying to get as close to it as she could. She tapped her tablet and brought up the icons. Double tapping one, she murmured… “net”

Suri opened her hand and reached for the framework of the net that started to materialize. She hooked her fingers into it and threw it in the direction of the demon. It turned and spotted her, roaring in rage, the net only hooking the beast’s horned head. The demon was huge. The rain started to come down harder and the beast started to charge her. Suri froze. Her legs refused to move. When the beast was about on her, she darted out of the way, the wet grass and a misstep sending her sprawling across the ground and bringing a slew of obscenities to her lips.
The demon Suri attempted to net was only enraged more as the net caught on his horn. It roared as it charged after her, it's feet sinking a little into the wet ground. The demon reached her just as she misstep pied, grabbing at her with one clawed hand. It missed her as she fell backwards, but it's claws caught on the front of her skirt. The demon also lost it's foot as one foot got stuck, which caused her skirt to be split with four tears from just below the waist all the way down the front. The demon fell past Suri in the mud, landing a few feet from her.

Joesph caught up to the second one just as it ripped up a light post, wielding it light a club. As he tried to find the best footing in the mud, he loaded his gun with a clip of taser rounds. Each taser round deployed a small web of barbs with metal wire connecting them. Upon impact, a burst of electricity would been released with enough energy to stun and paralyze the target for a few seconds. Though it would be a gamble, Joesph closed the gap to a few feet, firing a round. The pop of the shot got the demon's attention, the barbs hitting it square in the chest as it turned.

The demon roared as the electricity ran through it, shaking as it's muscles seized up for several seconds. Joesph drew his katana as he quickly attacked with it, his first attack cutting off the demon's left arm. The arm splashed in the mud, the lamppost dropped as well. Joesph quickly changed the angle of attack, slicing through the demon's chest. The cut was deep, slicing almost the spine and out the right side. The demon barely caught it's balance as the stun wore off, grabbing for it's chest. It roared with pain as it leaped to bite Joesph. He just grinned as he shifted his katana, letting the demon's momentum impale itself.

Joesph ended on the ground under a dead demon, covered in mud. He grumbled softly as he managed to push the demon off, carefully getting up. He left the katana in the demon's head, leaving it for the clean-up crew to remove. He whistled softly as the rain came down harder and thicker, the lights of the city powering back up. As he made his way to check on Suri, he removed his glasses as light came back to the park.
When Suri sat up, she was dwarfed by the huge beast that had been brought down next to her. No doubt, her "partner" had taken care of that one. She checked herself over to make sure everything was still intact.

Unfortunately, her clothes, once again, had been trashed. More concerning though, was that the skirt had been shredded in the front.

"DAMN it."

These lessons were coming hard and fast. She sat there a moment trying to figure out what to do now. She ran her fingers across her forehead, rubbing. She finally removed the glasses and the lights in the city started to come back on.

She didn't say anything as Joesph came towards her. He'd just get another laugh out of it. He was two for two now. She rose to her feet, and handed the glasses to him. Without another word, she turned and headed back to her bike to avoid the complete humiliation that would soon follow. She tried to hold the shredded material together long enough to get back to the bike and when she straddled the machine she had to tuck the strips of material under her. What a disaster. Suri started the bike and it roared to life. She passed the cleanup crew as she left the park.

She just needed to get home.
Joesph smirked for a moment as he found Suri, standing next to the other demon on the ground. It wasn't bad work, but he didn't say anything as she handed him the glasses. He took in her state of clothes, shaking his head for a moment. the caked mud didn't let him really see anything, but she certainly left in a hurry. He figured she would head back home to change, so he left it at that.

Back at the office, he took up the task of writing up his part of the report. It took a little bit of time to write, but he couldn't turn it back in until Suri got back to write her part. He leaned back in his chair as he waited, watching more of his previous demon fights.
It didn't take long for Suri to get out of the area and when she was able to open it up, she hit the accelerator. That disaster she just walked out of was the most humiliating and ridiculous experience she had ever had and she wasn't liking it one bit.

She wanted to escape. Though she couldn't just run, she opted to just get home and change. Admittedly, the faster she went, the less she felt the disgust from the day and at some point, before she had to slow down, the rate of speed she had reached was enough to leave everything behind and Suri started to relax.

When she had recovered enough, she made her way back home long enough to shower and get changed into a pair of jeans, t-shirt, leather boots and leather jacket. She groaned at the thought of going back to the office. But that was where she was supposed to be and there were reports to be filled out.

Oh joy.
He had only been watching the playback a few minutes when he sighed. He glanced at the time and frowned. His partner still hadn't shown up. He grinned for a moment at a thought, standing up from his desk. He walked over to Elsie's desk and leaned on the edge, his hands flat on the desk.

"I need you to do something for me. Tell Suri she needs to get her sweet ass back to do her portion of the paperwork, or I'm going to punish her with a five minute spanking."

He grinned at the woman's incredulous look on her face, walking outside to smoke. He hoped she would relay the message like he said it, but it was most likely going to be edited down. Joesph got outside in time to see the clean-up crew arrive at the back gate. He smoked his cigarette slowly as he watched the crew unload everything.
Suri's phone rang just as she was walking out the door, freshly washed and dressed. She recognized the number as Elsie's and she picked it up.

"Hi, what's up?" she asked.

"I was just checking up on you. There's still a report outstanding from earlier and your partner is a little concerned about it," Elsie answered.

"Tell him to keep his pants up, I'll be there shortly. I had to get a change of clothes. He should have known that, he saw what happened."

"Men are always in a hurry, this one especially," Elsie remarked with a laugh.

"Tell me about it. I'm sure he wants to go home, or post videos on the net or some other deviant thing. Be there soon," she answered and hung up.

Suri shook her head. Yea it was time to get back.

She headed back out and jumped back on the bike. Before long, Suri was well on her way back to the office. The traffic had lightened up since the power came back on and she was able to get through the area with little trouble. When she finally pulled up to the office, she had relaxed again.

Stepping back into the office, she made her way over to her desk. Suri began to write up her report. Her mind kept milling over what happened, so it took a little longer to get the report done. She'd have to do much better before she found herself tossed out on her ass.
Joesph went back inside after the clean-up crew finished getting everything inside. He chuckled softly for a moment when he saw Suri at her desk, wondering if Elsie relied his message. Judging by her lack of being mad, he seriously doubted she got the message.

Once she finished her part of the report, he double-check over the full report before turning it in.The rest of the shift was uneventful, Joesph going home happy. The next two days were uneventful as well. Joesph had given Suri all the footage of the past demon attacks, so the two of them spent the time trying to attempt some sort of plan for battling the demons. For Joesph, the attacks and appearances didn't really seem to have a pattern.
For Suri, the last two events were a total disaster for her. The first time was the result of an over anxious partner. The second was a strange series of events that totally threw her off her game. There was nothing to connect the events together, at least where she was concerned. Suri still wondered what had happened before she was forced to seek refuge in the ladies room. That really didn't bother her so much, but the sudden exposure of her body from the shredding of her clothes did. Finally, Suri conceded she would have to either get better with dodging the beasts or be prepared for a bout of humiliation. She chose to work on her combatives.

Suri spent little time on the replay of the events. She was pretty sure it was just her clumsy feet that had gotten in the way, so she headed downstairs to the gym. Suri changed into her workout clothes and stashed her shoes and socks for the time being. She had lost her focus and she really needed it back.

Suri started to stretch out her muscles slowly, to warm up. The scene from the last event kept haunting her thoughts and it was becoming distracting. She sat there on the mat-covered floor for what seemed like forever before she was satisfied. When she finally came to her feet she walked over to the hanging bag in the corner, and donned the pads that slipped over her hands and tightened the straps. She needed to work off her frustration, and this was the perfect way to get started. By the time she threw the first punch, she was already throwing the second until it became a rhythm.
Joesph went out cruising after he checked in for the shift. Clearing his head seemed like the best thing to do for the beginning of the shift. Things had been interesting for him so far, since Suri became his partner. She hadn't really showed many signs of trying to compete with him, but then he hadn't given her much of a chance to. Maybe that was the best route to take before things went that way again.

He would have to ask her why she started the rivalry when they were younger, but that would come later. This time he would take the lead and make sure things went his way. He would have to give her some room to improve herself in the demon-fighting, but beyond that was fair game. After all, the subtle nudging would have to seem accidental by the time the point of no return was passed, and then she would be his.

When he returned to the office, he noticed she wasn't there. Curious, he asked Elsie, who directed him to the gym. He smiled and went to the locker room, changing into some workout clothes himself. He walked into the gym and whistled softly when he spotted Suri, looking nice even in her workout clothes. He watched her for a little bit as he warmed up himself before walking over to her.

He was quiet as he walked her punch the punching bag, noting her form. He took a deep breathe for a moment before speaking.

"Not bad. Not bad at all. Care to go a round or two on the mat?"
(posting a bit of collaboration)

Suri had already been at it for a little while. Every time she landed a punch on the bag she felt some of that frustration leave her. The harder she struck, the more determined she became. It was difficult to move the bag. The thing weighed more than she did. A light sheen of sweat formed on her skin’s surface and stray hair from her bangs were plastered against her forehead, with the majority of her hair being bound in a single braid.

When he interrupted her, her muscles flinched. She turned to face Joesph, still breathing hard, she raised her right arm and rubbed the sweat from her upper lip across her forearm. Suri unfastened the straps and pulled each of the pads from her hands, dropping them to the floor.

“If you want, yea sure.”

Suri padded behind him as they made their way upon the mat. He looked different in his workout clothes. They were much looser than jeans. And now he was going to mess with her, just like he did with everything else. When he turned to face her, her focus shifted and suddenly, she crouched in a ready position. Joesph did the same. They circled, watching, waiting, to see which would make the first move. Suri didn’t want to be the aggressor, but it looked like Joesph wasn’t going to budge unless she did.

Suri lunged forward at him to put him in a head block. All she managed to do was to force him backwards. She felt his arm start to snake around her neck and she released and pulled away before he could grab hold. She started to stalk him.

Suri leapt forward again, but this time managed to topple him to the ground. They both landed with a thud, he on his back and she atop him. Joesph pulled his hands up her sides andgrabbed Suri by the shoulders and forcibly thrust her off of him. Suri rolled and came to her feet about the same time Joseph did.

She could see the amusement in his eyes. He was just toying with her right now. That infuriated her. Suri lunged at him again, but this time, he managed to trip her and he flipped her flat on her back. She landed hard, forcing the air from her lungs. When she gasped for breath he pinched her thigh and stepped back, walking around her in a predatory manner. Suri slammed her hand into the mat in frustration and she rolled over to her knees. She crawled a few paces, still listening to Joseph chuckle under his breath. When his feet got too close she grabbed one of his ankles and yanked him from his feet, setting him hard on his back and she heard him expel a grunt. Oh she was quick. But then, so was he.

Suri pounced on him and they started to grapple. She was starting to sweat now. She grunted as they rolled on the mat and he managed to sit on top of her, holding her hands to the mat. She growled under her breath, “Everything’s always so damn easy for you…. isn’t it,” she grunted again trying to topple him. She felt the pressure of his hands ease on her wrists and with one good buck she managed to put him off balance and send him rolling.
He rolled over away from her, stopping on his stomach. He pushed himself up on his knees, rubbing his hands together to dry the sweat for a moment. He stood up once again, motioning her forward one last time. He could see the frustration on her face as she moved towards him, a scowl on her pretty face.

He lowered his body a little as she closed the distance, reaching for him. He grabbed one wrist in his left hand while his other hand grabbed at her shoulder. He pulled her forward as he twisted his body before throwing her over his shoulder to land behind him. He could hear the exhale of breathe as the impact on the mat knocked it from her for a moment. He turned and was on top of her once more, straddling her waist as he grabbed her wrists in his hands. Forcing her arms above her head on the mat as he leaned closer to her, he grinned as he spoke in her ear for a moment, his breathe hot against her skin and earlobe.

"It was easy till you came along in my life. Then I had to work a little harder to keep pace with you. Was it because you had a crush on me when we were kids?"

He grinned and barely gave her time to respond before he moved his head downward, biting at her neck for a moment.
His hot breath on her neck and the bite that followed sent shivers through her body. It was hard not to notice when he was sitting on top of her. She gritted her teeth until the sensations stopped.

"You didn't have to keep pace with me..." Suri growled out. "It's always been the other way around. And life in elementary school is as complicated as when recess and lunch is," she added.

Suri wriggled under him. He'd jump started something she didn't anticipate considering the odd occurrence in the ladies' room. She wasn't sure how she felt about the fact it was him instead of some other guy. Suri didn't want to give him anything to lord over her.

"Joesph... Robbins... "she pronounced his name just like when they were in elementary school... "get offffffffffffffffffff me!"

"OR I'm going to tell the teacher." She smiled.
He chuckled softly for a moment as he stayed on top of her for a few moments longer.

"No one likes a tattletale Suri."

He released her wrists as he lifted up from her, but he ran his hands down along her arms before attempting to get up. His hands grazed along the sides of her breasts as he lifted one leg up, planting a foot so that he could get up. He stood up as he grabbed a nearby towel, dropping it on her head.

"Clean up and I can take you out to the warehouse to find some more gear you can use."

He gave a smile to her before heading into the locker room. It took him a few minutes to shower and redress, waiting for her at the gym exit.
When his hands brushed the sides of her breasts, she felt the initial sensations start to flutter in her stomach.

Damn him! She thought. Suri would have to keep her distance from him.

Suri yanked the towel down and rose to her feet. It still irritated her he was so nonchalant about everything.

Suri headed to the locker room to get cleaned up. When she had stripped out of her clothes her fingers strayed downward. She was wet. Suri groaned under her breath. She had to take a shower.

She quickly washed and changed. No doubt her partner would be waiting on her. That was a given. Now that she was scented with soap, she felt much better. Suri grabbed her bag and headed out to meet him.

Now she wondered just what suggestions he'd make.
As he waited on her to come out, Joesph pulled out his tablet and attached it to his left forearm as usual. He wanted to try out one or two more of the hand spells, curious as to what they did. He gave a little grin for a moment when Suri came out all fresh and clean.

"You clean up nicely it seems."

Shouldering his bag, he lead her outside towards the warehouse. The property of the Errant Knights covered about five city blocks, three buildings in total on the property. In addition to the main building, a large parking garage was on the property for the employees, along with a very large warehouse.

The warehouse was the same size in area as a single football field, three stories high. The ground floor was dedicated to vehicle storage, maintenance, and vehicle weaponry storage. The vehicles consisted of a handful of patrol cars, jeeps, trucks, and even two tanks. Two vehicle repair bays and weapon fitting stations were set up in one end of the bay. Various vehicle mountable weapon systems lined the walls, along with various vehicle parts.

The second level of the warehouse was devoted to various types of weaponry, ranged and close-quarters, various protective outfits, and various other types of equipment. There was more than enough weaponry to equip a small army, at least one of each weapon for every member of the Knights, carefully stored in lockers spaced out like a supermarket.

The third level was devoted to the small fleet of six helicopters used by the department. A section of the roof could be slid open to allow the helicopters to fly directly in and out of the warehouse, along with two maintenance bays, and the various types of equipment to be used on the helicopters.

Joesph led Suri through the warehouse, taking time to explain the various uses for the different equipment as best he could. He wasn't the expert on things, but the maintenance guys had gone before third shift started. After giving her a semi-quick tour of it all, he took her to the second level to gather up equipment.

"It'll be up to you on how you want to customize your equipment, but I can give you a few suggestions on the breakdown. For eye wear, I would suggest at least a couple different pair of glasses. You might try getting infrared, night vision, x-ray, vision magnification, flare compensation, or a combination of those. Any weapon you pick up can have up to five enhancements, like skin-link, imaging systems, stock, bipod, smart gun system, trigger-less firing system, or a few other modifications. You can request whatever you want through maintenance. Feel free to look around on your own."

He smiled as he leaned back against the wall at the top of the stairs, waiting to see what she would do. Once she went about picking equipment out, he would put the spell experimenting in action.
The excursion to the warehouse was like waiting for a woman shopping for clothes. Suri was interested in most everything. She took her time as she walked aisle to aisle just looking around to see what was available. Through shelves, boxes and counters, Suri was finally able to start making decisions about what she could use out in the field.

As recommended, Suri did indeed pick out a couple pairs of glasses. She found infrared and night vision, but she also picked up another pair. Maybe this way she could see behind the solid objects this time and avoid being surprised. Suri found a couple of submachine guns and some of the heavier, explosive rounds. She wasn’t going to be caught off guard again. She wanted to be able to fire at the blink of the eye and bring her weapon up on the target quickly. It really wasn’t all about her being accurate. She was very good with targets, but ones that moved faster than the average metahuman, well, she was having some issues with that. Suri needed all the help she could get.

While she was thinking about weapons, she picked out the ex-explosive arrows for her bow. One just didn’t know what was needed or when. That was where experience would soon come into play. While it called to her sense of destruction she passed up the grenades. There was something about creating mass chaos, she thought better of it.

Her eyes drifted to clothing. What? Clothes? Better than shopping downtown, she found fashionable armored clothing. Lined with Kevlar, surely her clothes wouldn’t continue to get trashed with every event. Suri picked out a couple of pairs of slacks and a blazer. These would definitely help. By the time she had everything collected, Suri was now for the most part, satisfied. She could always come back to find something else that interested her. For once today, she was actually happy.
Deciding to let Suri pick stuff out by herself, Joesph waited by the stairs for a few moments. However he thought this might be a good opportunity to try out a couple more of the spells that were on his tablet. He spoke the words and lifted two pieces of code from his tablet, just out of sight or her. The little balls of code dropped to the floor, rolling after Suri.

Each one went up a separate leg beneath her pants, and up beneath her panties. One piece of code settled inside her vagina and over her clit, as before. The second piece of code made itself lay over her asshole and a little inside. However nothing happened immediately like the first time she was exposed to the spells. Two red buttons were on the screen where the hand icons had once been.

Waiting for the right time, Joesph followed after Suri among the shelves, staying just out of her sight. The time to start came just after she picked out her clothes. He hit one button to begin with, waiting to see the results. He didn't get to see the first time, so this time would be enlightening.

It began with a tingling in her clit, which slowly increased in intensity and heat. The pulses soon spread down over her nether lips and along her inner walls. It was playing out much like the first time the code had been triggered, waves of pleasureful rubbing and heat going through her clit and pussy. The sensations went on for three minutes, building her up to her peak before breaking as her orgasm hit.

He gave her a couple of minutes to catch her breathe, though the tingling sensation was still quite evident on her clit and inside her pussy. He hit both buttons this time, starting up the remote pleasure spells at the same time. This time she made made to feel as if she was being entered from the front and back at once with simulated cocks. She was made to feel as if the two phantom cock were slowly thrusting into her at first, going faster with time. Every point of pleasure was hit within her as the sensations continued for a good five minutes. The last minutes before she was pushed to orgasmic bliss, the two cock were pounding into her hard and fast in different stroke patterns.

Joesph came around the corner of one of the shelves as the spells were close to done, licking his lips at the sight of her.

"I go to take a break and look what I find. You're a naughty girl Suri."
Thank goodness all the staff had gone out of the warehouse. Joesph had finally found her and when he did, she was bent over the counter with her jeans piled around her ankles. Suri was still panting, her knuckles white with stress as she gripped the edge of the counter. Her ass was high in the air, bucking back at some invisible fantasy that was rocking her body like she had never felt before. In reality, she had. Once before, in the ladies’ room.

Suri didn’t know what to do. Whatever was causing what she was feeling wasn’t going away. At some point, she had given up thinking and reverted to a more primal state. When the heat grew, the pleasure increased. The faster her inner walls were stroked, the higher her excitement grew. She had already cum once, and she was near a second. Joesph’s presence was just an inconvenient circumstance and she didn’t pay him any attention. Her panting increased and her orgasm washed over her suddenly, sending pleasure shooting through her body until she was spent and collapsed over the counter.

When her mind returned to her, she slowly rose from the counter, glancing down at her feet as she pushed herself from the surface. Suri felt she was losing her mind. As she attempted to gather herself together, her gaze met Joesph’s and she froze in embarrassment.
Watching her bent over the counter as she enjoyed being used like that had given Joesph an evil idea. He quickly detached his tablet, selecting camera mode. He first took a quick picture of her hunched of the counter with her ass in the air. Then he snapped a picture with her looking at him with the look of humiliation on her face. It was a priceless shot he was sure might come in handy later. He reattached his tablet as he chuckled.

"Maybe I should leave you alone more often. Anyways, clean yourself up and we can head back to the office. And I won't say a word."

He gave her a playful wink before heading back towards the stairs. She would probably try to kick his ass for taking the pictures, but it was a golden opportunity. He had reached the first floor when his phone beeped. It was a message about a meeting for everyone in ten minutes. Joesph chuckled and waited on Suri, wondering how she would act at the meeting.