War of the supernaturals (IC thread. Check the OOC to join)

He had either been spelled or he was hallucinating...she looked so much like Arabelle Litragr, the high witch that brought about Odorem trackers. He guessed she must be from her descendants.
She starts sobbing on seeing his uniform. He nodded, understanding the situation the young witch was in.
"shh!" he cooed. His cold-heart broke on seeing her tears.
"don't cry little one...my name is Lyden, and i am not a guard. I'm a creature just like you...whatever you did to that patient, it wasn't intentional," he brings out the apple he had taken from the hospital's trash. "This was."
"It's just an apple... It's not a big deal." She said "Why do you have it?" Looking him over she tried to figure out why he was there. It didn't seem like he wanted to hurt her but she couldn't be sure. "You aren't a witch so what are you? What's going on Lyden?" Arabelle took a few deep breaths to calm down. Wiping away her tears she took a step away from him "Are you going to hurt me?"
He sighed, the curiosity of a child, the zeal to know...that's what made him who he was now.
"i can't explain everything to you right here...but i'll do the little i can." he motioned for her to sit down as he took the couch opposite hers.
Maybe if he was looking at his tracker now, he wouldn't be so relaxed. He needed to calm her down first, to allow her decide to follow him or not. He didn't believe in taking people against their will.
She sat down, and gazed at him expectantly. Waiting for him to answer her questions.
"what's going on? A war, that's what is going on. You ever wonder why you're different, ofcourse you do know that you're different right?" he paused and straightened up.
"No, I thought everyone had weird magical powers." She said with heavy sarcasm. "Of course I know I'm different. What I don't know is why or how." She sighed "Who exactly is this war between and what do I have to do with any of it?"
He chuckled slightly from her sarcasm.
"explaining the how will take me so much time that i don't dare spare, expaining the why...that i can't. That's for you to figure out. Now about the war, that i can explain." he let a moment of silence stir before continuing, "there are some group of humans that does not wish to see supernatural creatures like you and i. These humans have established an Order far back before this century...precisely a thousand and fourty-seven years ago. They have dogs in top positions in every great institutions. So the Order has their back covered for any damage they procure in the process of carrying out their tasks.
"Their task is simple...hunting. Hunting whatever that is not human, whatever that is mystical like you and i. You asked what the war has to do with you," he chuckled again "you're a witch, and to the Order of the Examplar Mortis an abomination to nature...and with the spell you have made on this street, i wouldn't be surprised if they are on their way here. To hunt"
"I didn't cast any spell on the street. Trust me the last thing I want to do right now is attempt any more big magic, I already killed someone today." She said "I created the apple you had, tried to save a patient, and then I made another apple when I got here. Just to make sure I still could... That's all." She said getting up. "If they are after me then what do I do?"
"Well first thing first. You'll undo your spell on the street, luckily for us this place is your Chagnir so it won't be difficult for you to remove the hold," standing up he asked. "besides, we wouldn't want to leave such a trail behind, would we?" he walked to the front window.
Well that wasn't the only reason but Lyden was one that never admitted he cared for the humans.
"But like I said I didn't do it. I never cast a spell on this street or any street for that matter. How do you expect me to undo it?" Arabelle asked "Maybe there's another witch around? Isn't that possible?"
"come look through the window," he slightly moved the curtain. She walked towards him, he couldn't miss the sweet scents of womanhood that exuded from her. Cursed with high senses.
She peered through the window, to the street, she gasped on seeing the frustrated people on the street. They were yanking their clothes off, damaging properties, inflicting injuries on themselves and others out of frustration.
"You felt like that some moments ago - frustrated. Unconsciously, you have sent that feeling out into the street, luckily i'm immune to such magic or we would be having an entirely different conversation."
"How do I fix it? What do I have to do?" She asked rushing back into her room and grabbing her spell book. Sitting it on the coffee table she began flipping through the pages "I don't even know what I'm looking for... I don't want Anyine else to get hurt because of me."
His gaze fell on the two cars that were rounding the corner, heading into the street. His gaze lingered on the driver of one of the cars. The blonde man that had made him beg blood like a century old baby vampire. And then it shifted to the man beside him, his gaze met the man's and Lyden shuddered. He exuded some kind of force that only a supernatural has...but he had their blood on his hands.

"Affectus alica." he answered her. Latin for Emotion spell, but no need to tell her that, "i assume you know latin then." he said closing the curtain and making to lock the door.
"As for the spell," he groaned as he lifted the couch and placed it at the door "you'll have to be in an opposite emotion before chanting the spell." another couch at the door. That'll hold them till she completes the spell.
"The opposite of frustrated... So I have to be... Satisfied? How am I supposed to feel satisfied?" She got up and walked over to him "All I feel right now is terrified and nervous. I don't think that's going to help us in this situation. I can't do this. Isn't there anything you can do? You said you're like me, so there must be something you can do to help, right?"
Lyden nodded and walked towards the window, "well we can...never mind." he said as he caught sight of the closing cars
Never been one to panic, Lyden continued in his calm controled voice.
"well since you can't be magically satisfied now, you can't remove the spell...but you can lessen it" he turned to her and continued. "the spell you casted is called Affectus alica, an Emotion spell, now if you can't remove that emotion, then you can replace it with another." he glanced back at the street, at the approaching cars. He really didn't have much time.
"go to your room, lock the door and clear your mind of all thoughts, all worries, all sounds, everything. Once you have attained that state...think of the people on the street...you'll be drawn into their hex once you think of them. You'll know what to do once you're in there."
Walking to the switch he warned, "on no circumstance should you be distracted by anything happening down here once you're in the hex...if distracted, you'll be in the state that they're in"
Arabelle nodded and headed to her bedroom. She shut the door and sat on the edge of the bed. Trying to clear her mind of everything that was going on she focused on a photo on her wall. One that reminded her of a much happier time. Smiling she closed her eyes and let her mind go blank. Soon her mind became filled with The people in the street.
As the little witch walked briskly towards her room, the vampire remembered the words of one of his old friends.
"You'll come across this Veterem Sequamur...an easy mistake...difficult in correcting." he nodded and turned towards the barricaded door.
"Wise fool. So this girl is the person i'm supposed to come across."
If only he knew that the real mistake was inside the coming truck, alongside the blonde hunter...if only he knew.
He switched off the light and smiled cruely. When it falls to this dogs, he had no mercy...no second thoughts.
The car slowed and parked.
He couldn't wait to see how many they were, to see if it'll be above his record of taking down 21 EMs.
His fang appeared as the first door opened, his eyes were blood red, he was ready...ready to bye the pretty brown haired girl time to correct her mistakes. Ready to hunt the hunters in this little darkness he had created.
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As she relaxed in the shower letting the hot water pound her aching muscles, Melea contemplated the enigma that was Lyden. She now knew he was Vampire but wondered what he wanted with her. Everything was so crazy and she desperately needed some answers. Sighing she knew she would have to wait for his return. In the meantime she might as well explores his house..see if she could figure out anything along the way.
Damian smiled at Frost, it had been a long time since he'd meet another with that kind of natural talent and it was a relief to have him around. Even if he wasn't really sure the two of them would be able to do much.

The thoughts swirling in his head about why that monster hadn't killed him were maddening. Was he taunting him? Was he somehow prohibited from killing? The one that kept returning to his mind was that whatever let him move like that was temporary and right now that bastard was helpless.

As the helicopter bringing in the replacement troops arrived he stepped into the clearing greeting them with a painted on smile. He quickly explained the situation but he couldn't sense any of them anymore, he had a vague direction though.

"There has been magic cast within the city. We should probably check it out." One of the E.M. Soldiers stated. "Should be a standard operation. Oh, and the Boss thought you might want this." He reached behind him and pulled out a long sword with a red lined black blade.

"Reaper's Dirge. No kill like overkill is there?" Damian chuckled taking the blade. He didn't use it very often, actually never in real combat. It had been forged as a dragon slayer but at least in theory could kill just about anything. "Well lets go get us a witch shall we? They left their jeeps back at the edge of the woods, we aren't going to repel in from a helicopter as much fun as that might be."
"Alright everybody. I hope some of you have some equipment. It looks like we've got two maybe three and if I'm sensing this right multiple breeds so stay on your toes and be ready for anything." Damian instructed as they pulled up in front of the location.

Damian let out a sigh hoping whatever that beast was he faced earlier was far away. "Get someone on every exit and we'll sweep the building. I hate to say this but lets keep it by the books."

Getting out of the vehichle Damian had Blood Song in one hand and Reapers Dirge in the other, each strapped to a tether on his chest keeping them close no matter what happened.

"But don't forget to have a little fun." Damian kicked the door in taking aim with Blood Song at the first thing he saw.
The sudden intrusion of light did nothing to assuage the darkness in the room. Lyden's modified undead eye could clearly see the blonde hunter, surprisingly the man was aiming at him. Lyden ducked as the first shot was fired, and whooshed into the kitchen as the man hit the switch.
Now that the light was on, he had to rethink his strategy...no use now picking them seperately...they expertedly operated together.
He imagined that by now all exits of the building would be having two or three EMs watching it.
He chuckled inside, enjoying the fun the night has brought.
Lyden relaxed his mind, he pushed a glass cup from the counter...its clacking sound as it broke was all he needed to buy their attention.
With all the noise that was being made, Lyden couldn't help but pray that his little witch wouldn't be distracted by it. Oh if she's in the hex...how vulnerable she'll be.
He clenched his fist, he'll have to delay this animals that call themselves humans.
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Ignoring the sounds outside her bedroom door Arabelle continued to focus on the street. Soon she found herself standing in the middle, or at least it seemed that way. It was like a strange dream. She could see and hear everything going on around her but no one seemed to notice her. Taking everything in she could feel the heavy fog of frustration in the air. Focusing on another emoticon she stared straight ahead. "Affectus Alica... Affectus Alica... Affectus Alica..." She began chanting, a soft warm glow slowly filling the street. The tears people had been shedding stopped, their frowns turned into smiles, the happiness seemed to just spread from one person to the next.
"You've got to be kidding." Damian muttered almost silently as he took a shot a missed. He motioned to the rest of the men to lay down supressive fire while he moved further into the building quickly scanning around for the the wolf and other possible threats.

Unfortunately for Damian the cup distraction worked on everybody but him, and would have gotten him if not for his future sight kicking in. There wasn't much he could do though other than move forward and hope that he could do something with Reaper's Dirge before this got out of hand.

"Some one grenade the next room." He shouted. Normally he would have been specific about who should do what but he was in a bit of a rush now.
Lyden wasn"t aware of the presence of Reapers Dirge. If he had known that the blonde hunter was carrying the ancient sword...he would have risked all to leave the house with the girl, even if she was in the hex.
Using the cup distraction as an opening Lyden grabbed the kitchen knife and flashed to the first man in front. He plunged the knife into the man's stomach and used his lifeless body as guard against the spray of bullets.
Lyden's eyes flew to the light switch. "Let see how you hunt in the dark." he thought. Retrieving the little knife, Lyden threw it expertedly towards the blonde guy. It was at this moment his eyes caught Reapers Dirge. With amazing speed he made for the switch and turned off the light.
"Reapers Dirge. I am flattered." he said trying as usual to remain calm.
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As soon as everything seemed to be returned to normal, or at least close to normal, Arabelle began focusing on her bedroom. Picturing the walls, the floor, the furniture. Soon enough she could feel herself sitting on the soft mattress. She quickly opened her eyes as she heard the ruckus outside the room. Getting up she walked to the door and quickly opened it, hitting a man and knocking him to the floor. "Sorry..." She said quietly as she stepped over him.
"You should be. Personally I prefer my Blood Song but it didn't seem to get it done." Damian replied keeping his voice calm. Of course if this monster could hear his heart he'd know he was anything but comfortable in the situation. He foolishly hadn't bothered with nightvision but the others had come fully equipped.

Fortunately fighting in the dark wasn't nearly as bad for Damian as a normal human. Future sight meant he still knew what was going to happen so while blind he could still predict that this move or that would get him hit. Of course as he'd found out earlier with this monster being able to see what's going to happen a few seconds in the future and being able to do something about it aren't always the same thing.

That didn't stop him from lashing out with Reaper's Dirge, he wasn't predicting any hits but things could always change and if this thing was gathering allies. . .well he didn't want to think about this thing with back up or worse more it's kind.
Lyden smiled as the hunters activated their night goggles. Yes the EM were always prepared. A rapport of gunshots greeted the spot he was seconds ago.
Vamp speeding at of the curtain he snapped the neck of another EM, he turned just in time to see Reapers Dirge coming hard down on him. Lyden quickly made a decision, he turned the dead EM around so that the man took the hit while his back was greeted by the eager bullets of another EM.
Lyden smirked. Silly witch bullets had no effect on him except for the pain of penetration.
He knew he wouldn't be able to stand a hit from the ancient sword. No matter how strong you are...the Reapers Dirge will always cut you down.
He sped to the man and with a great force...plunged his hand into his chest, gripped his heart and pulled it out of him.
He turned to the blonde EM with Reapers Dirge...no night vision goggles but yet he could...foresight! Lyden arched his eyebrow on realising.
He shifted his gaze to the hallway that led to the witch's room. It's time they leave.