The Raven (closed)

“I hate it here.” Emma said bluntly, looking around the banks of the loch in the fog for any possible sign of danger. “It’s too cold. It’s too remote. It’s certainly not London.”

She didn’t miss London one bit. In fact, she actually liked the isolation that Inverlochly offered to her. She could be free here and away from the prying eyes that had followed her throughout her life. She didn’t mean to be so defensive around Boar, but she was so tired of a man taking advantage of her that she kept her guard up on high alert at all times.
"Huh... ye'd never 'ave struck me as a city lass." Boar bit back any offense he might've taken to her comment. He knew she was still hurting, and he had to be patient. "Y'looked more t'me like one o' those lovelies from th'stories o' lasses wanderin' th'loch shore in th'mist, lookin' fer God knows what." He didn't know that was exactly what she'd done before all the trouble the day she'd met him.
“Fairy stories are for children, Boar.” She said as she pulled away from his side and walked towards the water. Emma had once been a child that loved those stories, clinging to every word said by her father as he read to her from his great red bound book. That time seemed like such a long time ago though.

“There’s never a prince charming. The princess never finds love in the end. There’s never a lovely lass just wandering in the mists. They simply don’t exist.” She was blunt, to the point, and it was extremely apparent that her heart was aching something fierce.
"There's been a lass wanderin' th' mist, an' I'm lookin' at 'er." Boar dared to draw near again. "I don' know all y'been through, Emma, an' I obviously don' understan' any of it b'cause I jus' can't. But I wan' t'help ya, I wan' t'make ya feel better... An' if it's possible, I'd like t'make ya feel special again. I'm no' askin' fer love 'r fer ya t'be mine, I'm jus' askin' ya t'smile again. I ain' e'er seen ya smile, an' I'll bet it's somethin' t'behold."

He took her hand in the gentlest hold, "My 'ome's yer 'ome fer as long as y'like..."
Emma didn’t like the way he held her hand so gently nor the way he spoke sweet words to her like she cared. She jerked her hand free of his and stared at him for the longest moment as if she were slowly starting to boil with anger.

“No, you don’t know what I’ve been through and you’ll never know. I don’t need you to think that you can care for me and I certainly don’t want you trying to make me feel special again.” Emma practically hissed at him, tears rising in her eyes.
"Why no'?" Boar met her fearlessly. "All men ain' alike, y'know. I wan' t'help ya, an' I'm goin' to whether y'think ya want me to 'r not. It ain' right fer a lady t'be afraid o' th'world outside th'window or t'think she's alone. I see yer tears, I know yer afraid an' tha's why yer pushin' me away. I don' want anythin from ya other than t'make ya no' so afraid."

Boar looked down at the ground and growled at himself, "'S'what I bloody get... bein' nice t'people jus' gets sand kicked in yer face..." He turned away from her as if he were going to leave, but his gentle heart wouldn't let him leave her all alone, not that he wanted to.
Emma stood there, taking the brunt of his words. He was right about everything but she wouldn’t let him see that. As soon as she let her heart open to a man, they worked their way in and destroyed what little bit she had left in her. She was struggling so hard to be cold and uncaring, but deep inside was the little girl who so badly wanted someone to simply love her.

When he turned to walk away, she whimpered, tears already starting to fall. She wanted to run after him, to beg him to stay, but her stubborn pride wouldn’t allow her to move from her spot.
Boar simply couldn't leave, and slowly, he turned back to her with a softened expression. "... Come on then, love. Best get back b'fore dark, aye?" He offered out his hand to her, welcoming her back even after how she just kept pushing and pulling away. The only man she'd ever known like him was a boy she'd known as a little girl who promised he'd marry her when he was of age. Then, he was sent off to war and never came back. Boar was just like him, if not kinder.
Emma let out a deep sigh as he offered her his hand, lending her the strength that she needed to pull herself back together. She took his hand, squeezing it as he started to lead them both back to his keep. Boar was a strange man, she decided, studying his face in the dying light as they made their way back home. He wasn’t like any one else she’d ever met, save one from her childhood. No one would have ever put this much time in on her either, she thought bitterly.

“Thank you.” She said simply as they made it to the keep, her eyes turning up towards his. “For everything.”
"Th'only thanks I need is t'know yer gonna be okay," Boar told her gently, lifting her hand to kiss it. "... An' t'not be pushed away. I ain' here t'make things worse. If anythin', I wan' t'make 'em better."

Boar escorted her to the small dining room, and he continued on to the attached kitchen to ready dinner.
As Emma sat in the dining room, listening to the sounds of Boar cooking, she tried to imagine a life in this little place. It was certainly cozy, she told herself begrudgingly. It wasn’t opulent at all but it had a certain charm to it. It certainly didn’t have the bad memories that her little house did. She shivered as she thought about the rapes, the beatings, the starving…all at the hands of the men that were suppose to be protecting her.

And then there was Boar himself. He wanted to treat her like a queen. He wanted to help her to get better. No man in her life had ever tried to do that for her before. He just pities you, she thought to herself, tears clouding her blue eyes with that thought. His wife went crazy and now he pities you…

You’re a slut. A whore. Even the prince didn’t want you any longer. All of those bad thoughts swirled in Emma’s head until she pressed her forehead against the smooth surface of the table and started to cry our her hurt and anger.
Boar looked up, concern coloring his features. "Emma...?" He asked softly, coming to kneel at her side. "Wha's 'appened?" He laid a light, warm hand on her back. There was more support in that single touch than she'd gotten altogether since leaving London. "Y'can tell me anythin'..."
“Nobody wants me.” She muttered miserably, her black hair hiding her face from his view. “My own family didn’t even want me. They let those men abuse me. Why? Why would they do that?”

Emma wasn’t even aware of what she was saying. She was just spewing whatever came to her mind, her heart squeezing tightly until she was sure she was going to die from the horrible stress of the entire situation.
"Tha's not true... I'm 'appy t'have ya here. I want ya here," Boar reminded her gently. "Don' e'er say nobody, because I ain' a nobody." He laid his head against hers gently. "Don' waste tears on pain other people cause. They ain' worth it. Tears o' sadness should ne'er stain a face s'pretty."
Emma was soon wrapping her arms around his throat, burying her cheek against his throat as she let him hold her tightly while she cried. She felt so weak, but he didn’t seem to mind supporting her until there was nothing left inside. Then she dozed, trapped between awake and asleep as Boar’s strong arms lifted her from her seat and she soon found her back pressed against a soft mattress, the warm blankets pulled up to her chin.

“You don’t have to do this…” She murmured sleepily, her blue eyes opening to stare up at him.
"I do," he smiled down at her. "Fer my own peace o' mind an' fer you. Y'deserve t'be taken care of." He took her hand, kissing it gently. "Sleep, darlin'. I'll be 'ere."

He covered her up and left her side, going to finish his own dinner alone.
Emma watched him leave curiously, her eyes already slipping closed as he left the room to continue his meal. Boar was a strange man, one that was so unlike the other people in her life. He actually cared and for the life of her, she couldn’t fathom why. She wasn’t a person that should have been cared for. There was nothing in her future that gave her hope. It all just seemed bleak and grey…
She remained another week, til one day a young woman about her age appeared in Inverlochly. She was the daughter of the Lord of Glasgow, Emma learned from a housekeeper, and she'd caught Boar's eye to the point that he invited her to Inverlochly to court her. Boar still took good care of Emma, but his mind always seemed to be on the girl. She was a pretty young brunette with brown eyes, named Genna.

One particular day, Genna and Boar came back from riding, and Boar came to Emma whilst Genna was changing out of her riding clothes. Boar smiled as he saw Emma, "G'mornin', darlin'."
The news that there was another woman in Boar’s life was strangely unwelcome. Emma had let herself think that perhaps he was different from the other men in her life and she supposed in some ways that he was. He didn’t try and take her to bed and he didn’t touch her in any way that was upsetting. He was kind, he was joyful, and that made her insanely jealous. Genna had been there a few days when Emma suddenly realized that she wanted Boar all to herself…

Emma sat in the sunny room that he had given her, her hair combed and perfectly placed by one of the maids. She wanted to look her best and she most definitely wanted Boar to notice her. Her dress was one that had been retrieved from her little house on the loch. It was the deepest red, sewn to fit her body perfectly and show off to any man what she had to offer.

She glanced over her shoulder as Boar entered, bidding her a good morning. She sucked in a deep breath and turned her head back towards the window to ignore him.
Boar was entirely taken by her appearance, but also her silence. But he let it go for a moment, coming to her side to offer a soft smile as well as his expression of deep appreciation for her beauty. He wasn't afraid to show that, he never had been. "Aren't you jus' prettier'n a bloomin' rose in moonlight," he said softly. "What're ya all dressed up for, love?"
“No reason.” She said softly, finally daring to look up at him with her clear blue eyes. “You shouldn’t talk to me like that, Boar. Genna wouldn’t like it.”

She didn’t hide the dislike from her tone nor did she avert her gaze from Boar’s. Emma wanted him to know that she was displeased with his choice to court another woman, especially after treating her so kindly with gentle words and actions.
"Did I do somethin' wrong, Emma...?" He had the idea of what he'd done, but he wanted to hear it from her to be sure. "I don' wan' t'make y'unhappy with me..." In fact, that was the last thing he wanted. He knelt down at her side, looking up at her with an expression that begged her forgiveness. She was wrapping him around her finger and he had no idea.
“Boar?” Genna’s voice called out in the hall, searching for him to go to lunch as he’d promised. “Boar, where are you?”

Emma’s blue eyes stared down into his and she let out a long sigh. “You better go. Don’t keep her waiting, Boar. Women don’t like that.”
"What about you, love?" He asked softly. But when Genna called again, he sighed, rising. "... We'll talk later, Emma. I know y'must be mad a'me fer somethin'..." He turned then to go to Genna, as much as he wanted to stay and right whatever mistake he'd made to make her so removed from him.
Genna smiled brightly as Boar suddenly appeared, taking his hand and kissing his cheek gently. “I was afraid that I had lost you, love.” She said softly, her eyes holding the look of a woman deeply in love. “Shall we go to lunch then? I would love to walk to the loch with you afterwards.”