A keen editor required to help finish a story please


Aug 4, 2016
Editor required to help finish a log cabin bondage fantasy please

Hi everyone,

Well it seems I'm looking for an editor again.

I have had help from a nice guy but due to his personal life and work schedule the run through on my story has fallen short of the end. I feel this story (my debut) is really good, the feedback has been very reassuring but I know it needs a complete run over to make it sparkle. I feel it's not the regular format of what I read a lot of on here, well it's personal to me so it's not going to be but the feedback tells me a have rough diamond.

I'm looking for an editor who has the time to finish this with me. It's not an overly long piece (13k words) and its in fairly good shape but I need someone who is good with creative writing as well as technically proficient at picking up grammar and such. There's no immediate rush, however I would prefer not to stop and start with long gaps if possible. I know this is a volentry service and I'm very appreciative of any help all being said. I will of course credit you with affection and limitless praise on the published work.

This story deals with voyeurism, some beautiful bondage, three in a bed and has a few twists.

Please find the first few lines below as a sample. Thanks for your time reading this, I hope you can help me and I hear back from you soon.

Kind regards. Jay


Ominous black clouds rolled over the hilltops into the forest below, a dark and brooding veil below a coffin lid sky. The harsh winds fingers wildly caressed the tree tops, a dark green sea waving in the cold malice of the brewing storm.

The static heavy reception over the news report coming from Gabe's truck stereo wasn't good. The black mass above mirrored the reporter's warning of an impending down pour. 'and five other variations on how I was to be fucked' Gabe thought to himself as the first rain drops hit the windscreen. "That might just mess up my plans" he said out loud as he drove deeper into old pine forest. The headlights cut through the screen of rain, carving a slice out of the darkness, the muddy road twisting and turning through the pinewood avenues. 'I should have taken that next road on...' He thought to himself whilst glancing over to the dishevelled map amongst a collection of carabiners, climbing books, a compass and various bits of rope that occupied the cab seat most of the time. Taking intermittent snatches of ordinance survey info every so often and puzzling at where the hell he was, Gabe didn't notice the form up ahead on the road through the cloudy smeared screen. As he looked up two people waving insanely and huddled under something jumped into his vision in the bright glow of the headlights. Gabe was pretty dexterous, he knew more than most you need to react quickly when danger presents itself unexpectedly. Every good climbing instructor should be, he had often thought. He pumped the break, hearing the noise of gravel and mud hitting the wheel arches and as the truck skidded he turned the wheel to the left, and then countered to the right, broadsiding to a dramatic halt no more than two feet from the near victims in the night.
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