Mary (Closed)

"I think you are a smart girl and already know that I am very much a threat to you if I had the wish to be so. I am a fighter, I have spend all my life training to be one of the best killers in the world. If I wanted to kill you, I would most likely succeed at that."

She had suspected as much and knew that what he said was true; if he wished her harm, then there was nothing she could do to stop him.

"I have done many things wrong in my life. Some by choice, others because I thought I had no choice. I wanted to leave my old life behind and almost paid for that with my life if it hadn't been for you. I owe you and right now that makes me the best and most likely only friend you currently have."

Again, ironic though it was, she had to admit that he was right.

"I don't know what magic you hold over me, but I do know that if you ask me again I won't be able to fight answering you. So I ask you, not to ask me again and judge me on my actions and not on the person I was."

She shook her head.

"... how could I hold anything over you? As you've already pointed out, it is you who are the stronger, despite your injuries."

She pondered his words again. There was a post he was trying to hide, she was sure, but really, what relevance did it have now?

"Very well no more questions ... as long as there are no more lies from you ... "

She offered...
He gave her a surprised look, mercy was not something he was very accustomed to. He wondered if she held true magic, he knew better than anyone that there was more possible than most people realized although he had never truly believed someone to be a witch. He was not going to question her about it however as she had shown him mercy.

"Thank you" He reacted, words he didn't often use but had several times in the short time he had spend with her. "When we make camp, I will tell you some things you should know about Lord Darkfire. It might not all be true, but it will be things I believe are true from what I have heard and seen."

This time he gestured in the direction they should go, and waited for her to walk again, rather than taking the lead like he had done before.
"Thank you"

Somehow his gratitude touched her.

"When we make camp, I will tell you some things you should know about Lord Darkfire. It might not all be true, but it will be things I believe are true from what I have heard and seen."

She nodded.

"If you think I need to know... otherwise... "

She shrugged dismissively and began to walk again, the two of them making their way side by side this time.

"It seems the dark is drawing in ... "

She commented as they walked.

"I've never travelled beyond the boundaries of our village and forest before.."

She offered hesitantly by way of conversation.
He nodded in understanding at her words. "I wish your first serious travel was under better circumstances. In general the roads are easier to deal with than the forest, so I am sure you will manage. The first towns we come close to will be similar to your town. Small places where everyone knows almost everyone with all benefits and problems that offers. I don't think words you can relate to can describe the immensity of the bigger city we will see, but I will do my best to make you comfortable there. The big city is most dangerous, but it will also be the safest place to be. We will be able to hide in the crowds." He said to her

As they got closer to the edge of the forest, he already thought he saw something terribly wrong, but it wasn't until they really got to the edge that a loud curse escaped him. A curse that should never be spoken in female company but right now he didn't care about that. In the far distance a fire could be seen.. and the only way they could such a fire from such a distance was if the town there was on fire. "What the hell is he doing..." Marcus said in shock, more to himself than to her.
"I wish your first serious travel was under better circumstances. In general the roads are easier to deal with than the forest, so I am sure you will manage. "

She smiled at his words, still wary, but warming to him slightly.

"The first towns we come close to will be similar to your town. Small places where everyone knows almost everyone with all benefits and problems that offers. I don't think words you can relate to can describe the immensity of the bigger city we will see, but I will do my best to make you comfortable there. The big city is most dangerous, but it will also be the safest place to be. We will be able to hide in the crowds."

She had never been to a city and had no idea what one might be like. She found the prospect somewhat worrying, but could not let him know that she was fearful.
They continued companionably until he gave an oath, the like of which she had never heard before!

"What the hell is he doing..."

Everything told her that something was wrong; his voice, his expression; the very words themselves.

"What's wrong? What's happened?"

She questioned breathlessly unaware that she had moved closer to him, her body now against his as she followed the direction of his gaze as the merest tremor went through her.

" .. a .. fire?"

She questioned ...
Marcus was very happy they hadn't gone back to her town as he feared it would have been in a similar condition. He grimaced at the sight and nodded. "Yes... that would be one of the smaller towns I spoke of. It seems the men of Lord Darkfire have been ordered to somewhat get rid of the evidence."

He continued to stare at the distance, trying to make sense of it all. "I don't think it is done by the men that were in your town. They would have waited till the morning so they could rest first. More likely Lord Darkfire sent another group of men to that town to take the town's folk prisoner, so I don't think anyone was in the town when the fire started. It will take us a couple of hours to get to the town so there is nothing we can do about the fire. I suggest we stick to our plan to rest now and continue our way tomorrow."
"Yes... that would be one of the smaller towns I spoke of. It seems the men of Lord Darkfire have been ordered to somewhat get rid of the evidence."

She listened to his words about Darkfire's men and that a second group of men must have been sent to set fire to this second village.

"It will take us a couple of hours to get to the town so there is nothing we can do about the fire. I suggest we stick to our plan to rest now and continue our way tomorrow."

She stepped away from him once more.

"... if you think that best ... "

She commented softly. Her world had turned into a nightmare. That morning she had been part of a community and a family and now ... she was alone ...
She shivered visibly as she followed him, she had yet to sleep and suddenly she found that she was exhausted.
"Luckily the night shouldn't be too cold, although the days are getting shorter. I fear that in a week time we will need to find places that offer protection from the wind and rain." Marcus told her as they found a place that would do for the night. He looked at her, wondering about the things that were going through her mind. It was quite the change from her normal life.

It wasn't until he sat down that he felt how exhausted his body really was. Only a little part of the exhaustion was truly caused by the walk, most was from his injury. There were some things she should know about their enemies, but with the exhaustion they both clearly were feeling it might be better to wait after they had gotten some rest. "I wish I had something strong to drink for you. It is an excellent way to get to sleep." He joked as he feared she might have some images in her mind that would wake her often during the night.
"Luckily the night shouldn't be too cold, although the days are getting shorter. I fear that in a week time we will need to find places that offer protection from the wind and rain."

He told her, as she sat down upon the moss and leaves that afforded some meagre comfort..

"I wish I had something strong to drink for you. It is an excellent way to get to sleep."

She smiled sadly.

"I'm exhausted ... I imagine I'll sleep well ..."

She told him wearily as she wrapped her arms around herself. Contradictorily her eyes remained wide open, staring sightlessly into the dimness her thoughts with the loved ones she finally let herself realise she had lost, or as good as. She was unaware of the tears that spilled slowly as she sighed and hugged her knees closer.
There was nothing he could say that would bring comfort to her, and even if there was Marcus was quite sure that he was not the right person to comfort her. He was in no mood to tell her lies, so instead he pretended not to notice her tears and made himself somewhat comfortable on the ground. He had slept in the softest beds and on the hardest rocks so he would have no trouble sleeping, but he was a warrior so he made sure not to fall asleep just yet.

He didn't think there would be any problems this night, unless the girl decided to bash his head in with a rock. If there was another set of eyes around he would have suggested to have nightly watches but just one girl and one man that needed to heal was not enough to do so.
She fell into a restless sleep, haunted by dreams that she could not remember as her eyes blinked open in the early dawn. She moved slowly and gave a groan. She felt far from rested and her whole body seemed to ache from the hunched over position she had fallen asleep in last night. Rising slowly she took a few steps across to where her companion seemed to be sleeping. Silently she turned and after the slightest hesitation she made her way between the trees in search of some water not only to drink, but hopefully to splash her face with and tidy herself a bit before returning to the man into whose hands she seemed to have put her safety ...
Marcus slowly opened an eye and watched her leave. The images he had seen were mostly memories of the life he tried to leave behind, and some dreams about the girl he was travelling with in which she hardly wore a piece of clothing. Slowly he sat up and checked his shoulder. The arm was stiff, but luckily looked a lot better than it had done before.

He looked in the direction of the town and saw the fire still hadn't fully died. It might just be a small place, but almost everything was build with wood. If they stuck to the roads they would pass the town very closely. Perhaps the same had happened to the other towns nearby and they wouldn't be able to get better supplies until they reached the city.

His departure from his old life hadn't given him the chance to bring much with him. Money was also rather rare for him currently and he didn't expect the girl to have much either. Of course there were some ways to get some coins when they reached the city.
She did not dare wander too far and her search was unsuccessful. For a while she stood simply leaning against a tree lost in thought and yet thinking of nothing of any substance. Round and round her head spun and yet she could come up with no solution. Wearily she reached up and unfastened her hair letting it fall freely about her shoulders. Picking her way back to their make shift camp again, she ran her fingers through the tresses in an attempt to free up any knots.

He was awake when she returned. Hastily she gathered her hair and pinned it again, hoping that it would look neater and yet not attract attention. She went to the carry sack she had brought with her and pulled out a couple of fruits and closed the distance between them to hand one to him.

"I couldn't find any water around, but this might help any thirst ... "

She told him as he eyed what must be an unfamiliar food.

"Try it, it's good ... "

She prompted.
Marcus smiled as she returned, at first mostly because she had managed not to get herself in any trouble, but soon because of the sight of her hairs. He was slightly disappointed when she brought it back to the previous style, but it was hardly his place to comment on it. His eyes followed her as she moved around in the camp and took the fruits.

Being used to the life outside, Marcus often ate what the nature provided but that didn't mean he knew all the fruits and berries that the forest had to offer. Still he accepted the fruit from her and ate it. Even if it made his stomach completely upset so he couldn't travel any more, that would be a better fate than what might be in store for them if they kept following the men.

"Let's see... what do you need to know." He spoke and thought about his own question. "Lord Darkfire has his castle just outside the big city. He has his own men, as you have seen, but can also is in command of the forces of the city as ruler of this region. To most people he is the law and what he says is accepted as the truth. In most court cases he is the judge. If he finds out about us he has enough ways to make sure we are no longer a problem to him." Marcus spoke, trying to give her some idea of the world they were living in and the problem they faced.

"His own men know what a bad guy he is and are similar. Cruelty is rewarded as long it doesn't cause Lord Darkfire trouble. To the outside world he is a good person and the people in the city mostly follow him because they believe what he does is good. In all of the kingdom there are only two people more important than him: The King and the Duke. As far as I know they both are honourable people, but they listen more to their advisers and the rich people than to two nobodies like us. And they live far away and I fear most of your town's folk won't be around by the time the King would be able to do anything about it." He paused, hoping he wasn't making the story too long or complicated on her.

He stayed quiet for some time as he tried to make up his mind if he had to tell her the thing that worried him most. The thing that had made him decide to leave his old life behind. But she had to know and perhaps it could convince her to go the other way. "There is magic in the world. Most people call it superstition or coincidence, but I know it is real. Some people, like you, are born with it. The priests get it from their gods and others spend many years to learn it." Again he paused for some time.

"Lord Darkfire uses a more evil way to get access to magic. He makes deals with beings of the underworld." He looked at her, quite sure there would be thousands of questions in her mind.
She sat beside him as they ate and listened to him tell her about Lord Darkfire and his men. It seemed that there was little that could be done in opposition to him.
She watched him as he hesitated, doubtless wondering whether to tell her more.

"There is magic in the world. Most people call it superstition or coincidence, but I know it is real. "

It wasn't what she had expected him to say at all!

"Some people, like you, are born with it. The priests get it from their gods and others spend many years to learn it."

She wondered what she meant by her?

"Lord Darkfire uses a more evil way to get access to magic. He makes deals with beings of the underworld."

She remained silent letting the words sink in.

"What makes you think I was born with it? I'm no magician or sorceress... "

She told him quietly.

" ... what you talk of is ... nonsense... of course... beings of he underworld... ?"

She had meant to be dismissive, but she could not help shivering at the imaginings such beings might conjure up ...
He was quite sure she held a power over him, but of course it made sense that she rather had him not knowing. Still it was a rather annoying obstacle. "Well, perhaps I am wrong in my assessment of you, but I am sure you have heard about priests being able to do the most miraculous things. And even if Lord Darkfire isn't really able to draw power from such beings, he believes he can and I think that shows a lot about his nature." Marcus spoke.

"I fear..." He then started, not completely sure if he should tell her this, but doing it anyway. "... I fear that he might took your town's folk prisoner in a new attempt to make a deal with such a being."
"Well, perhaps I am wrong in my assessment of you, but I am sure you have heard about priests being able to do the most miraculous things. And even if Lord Darkfire isn't really able to draw power from such beings, he believes he can and I think that shows a lot about his nature."

She shook her head. He over estimated her. She had lived all her years within the sheltered confines of her village. What existed beyond those limits had never interested her or seemed relevant before.

"I fear...I fear that he might took your town's folk prisoner in a new attempt to make a deal with such a being."

She had no idea how that could be possible.

" ... a deal ... I've never heard of things that you talk of ... how could my people help Lord Darkfire even if such things were true...?"

She considered his words anew.

"I've heard of priests, religious men ... they've passed through our village enough times ... and they speak of miracles, yet ... "

She hesitated then continued.

"I was always advised not to speak of the remedies, the healing we practice to survive; harmless herbs, harmless rituals ... borne of superstition maybe, but nothing more than that ..."
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Marcus studied her as she seemed to open up a little more to him. Most people didn't believe in magic... perhaps she didn't know she had some. It hardly mattered really since it was not like they had any chance against Lord Darkfire personally.

"I have never heard of Lord Darkfire taking groups of people prisoner before, so I don't know what plans he hold. There have been cases of people going missing from local prisons and it never ended well for them." Marcus answered her, wondering if there was more he should tell her. He thought he had told her most that mattered and he knew he hadn't given her much hope. "I fear we won't be able to do a lot for your town's folk, no matter what their future is. We might be able to find out some information that is useful, but I don't dare to promise even that."
"I have never heard of Lord Darkfire taking groups of people prisoner before, so I don't know what plans he hold. There have been cases of people going missing from local prisons and it never ended well for them."

She grimaced, unable to guess at the fate which Marcus alluded to.

"I fear we won't be able to do a lot for your town's folk, no matter what their future is. We might be able to find out some information that is useful, but I don't dare to promise even that."

She nodded solemnly.

"I understand."

She sighed.

"I thought it would be better to ... to know ... one way or another, but ..."

She did not want to tell him that she was fearful of what she might discover.

" ...other than this ...I don't know what else to do, or where to go ..."

She confessed finally.
Realisation that she was all alone in the world was creeping up on her.
Perhaps like the prisoners he had talked of things for her would not end well, no matter what she did from here onwards.
Marcus looked at her. "I am here with you, and will at least keep you company till you figure out where you want to be and what you want to do. I don't have anyone I can call a friend, but if it was my family or friends that were taken, I would follow them as well, trying to figure out a way to help them." He admitted to her, although he very much wanted to be away from this place.

"I know I haven't given you much hope with the things I have told you, but I hope we are able to gain some information on what is going on. Perhaps we can find a way to show others that Lord Darkfire is a bad person and get help that way. There might be someone in En'bani that can help us a little bit, although I haven't seen him since I was just a kid." He sighed, never before he been so dependent on others and never before he had noticed how terrible alone he was in this large world. And unlike her... it had all been his choice to have this kind of life.
"I am here with you, and will at least keep you company till you figure out where you want to be and what you want to do. I don't have anyone I can call a friend, but if it was my family or friends that were taken, I would follow them as well, trying to figure out a way to help them."

She held his gaze and smiled slowly. His words meant more to her than he could imagine.

"I know I haven't given you much hope with the things I have told you, but I hope we are able to gain some information on what is going on. Perhaps we can find a way to show others that Lord Darkfire is a bad person and get help that way. There might be someone in En'bani that can help us a little bit, although I haven't seen him since I was just a kid."

She saw him struggling to find a way forward to give her some hope, despite the realty of his words.


She told him softly.

"My name's Mary ... "

She blushed shyly as she finally gave him her name.
He gave her a confused look for a moment, until she made clear that it was her name that she was saying. He smiled. "Marcus and Mary, an interesting match." He commented with a nod. "I think we better start our travel. As I see it we can do two things... we can either follow the men of Lord Darkfire in hopes we find out something or we can go directly to En'bani. It won't matter a whole lot, maybe a couple of hours in a 3 day period." He told her.

"Unless you have questions you want or need answered before we go." He offered, hoping she would keep her questioning to Lord Darkfire and his men and not about his past.
"Marcus and Mary, an interesting match."

He said briefly, making her wonder what me meant by 'match'.

"I think we better start our travel. As I see it we can do two things... we can either follow the men of Lord Darkfire in hopes we find out something or we can go directly to En'bani. It won't matter a whole lot, maybe a couple of hours in a 3 day period.,, Unless you have questions you want or need answered before we go."

She shook her head. None of what he said made much sense to her anyway, so why waste more time with questions.

"Whichever way you think best."

She told him.

"From what you say we have quite a journey ahead...

Three days she thought he had said. Just getting around was going to take all her energy.
He nodded. "Alright, then we will head directly to En'bani." He decided as that meant they would have to worry less about the men that might recognize him if they got too close and because he feared that the other small town on their path might endure a similar fate as the one they saw burning in the distance.

Already he was doubting his own comment about her having magic. A moment ago he had been rather sure, but now he wondered if it had just been his mind playing tricks on him. There was another possible reason than magic why a guy would answer the questions of a pretty girl.

With his hand he checked her shoulder and did his best not to show Mary how painful and stiff it was. He was not very good at asking for help. "Alright, I fear we have to go towards the fire. My apologies for that."
"Alright, then we will head directly to En'bani ... I fear we have to go towards the fire. My apologies for that."

She smiled at his words.

"Don't worry ... neither option is going to be good for us is it?"

She responded an watched him carefully as they started on their way.

"How's the shoulder holding up ...?"

She queried.

"I could maybe help you out with that ... like I said... I'm used to healing ... so if we stop somewhere quiet where we could make a fire, I could treat you again if you want..?"

She offered.