Seeking RPers & Inspiration 2012

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Mischief Maker
Aug 22, 2001
Please use this thread to let writers and readers of SRP know where they might be needed.

Please come back once your thread has it's RPers and edit your post to state that it is full when its reached the desired number of writers.

Please do not post Chat in this thread, comments, arguments, etc.

No Spamming

No Personals

So for the new start.
If any female player is interested in non-con-scenarios (one-on-one or multiple) please send me a pm. Please do read my srp-profile before to avoid dissapointments on either side.
The females charaters I look for should be in the age range from about 22 to 48. (And I am not into blondes, sorry.) And I prefer realistic settings (now or late 20th century)
I am open for all kind of suggestions, if a setting doesn't appeal to you. We can play via IM or thread, what you prefer.
Howdy y'all :)

I'm looking for good lesbian romances.

I'm posting here to request a good lesbian RP. It can be a thread, it can be private, I don't care. I WILL NOT do anything with males at this time, so don't bother asking, because I'm chasing pussy just like you boys are.

It can be anything. Any story; I don't care. Any pairing, any situation, anything. I want to get involved in some girl-on-girl action. It can have a sex focus or an extended story or writing-improvement focus. It can be in any setting, any skill level, any fantasy, any possible combination of ANYTHING! Please, do not hesitate to contact me, because I want to hear from somebody.

I've already heard from some gals on here, and in the midst of my PM box being flooded all the time, I apologize if things haven't panned out right, but if anybody's still interested, just hit me up and let's make a deal :)
I am looking for a female roleplay partner. However I am not like most of the people I find here on literotica. I am actually not into all of the Taboo story lines and Fantasy themes. I am actually way more vanilla I guess. So I like fun flirty stories that are consensual. Here are a couple of ideas I like, however we certainly cook up something new. If you like any of them PM me back.
1. New Neighbors

The old couple accross the street from you had the most amazing pool but sadly never let you use it. When the sign went up in the yard that it was for sale you were really excited about the possibility of a new family moving in and maybe allowing you to come over and use it. When the moving trucks arrived you peered out to see what the new people were like. Out from the house walks a nice looking teenager probably about your age...

2. Family Road Trip

You had been in the car all day hearing your mom and dad talk reliving stories with a couple they had known from college. These were the people you were going to visit that night and stay at their house. The upside was that they lived close to the beach so tomorrow you would head out. The down side was going to be listiening to the same stories. They did have a son who you remember being pretty cute the last time you saw him. But that was back when we were both like 10 years old and neither one of you could figure out if the opposite sex was really gross or not! Now that we are both older things might be different.

3. Umm can you help me?

You are in a clothing store killing time more than anything when you see a man in his late 20s. He is holding up and outfit and looks a little confused. He puts back on the rack and pulls another one out. He looks over at you...

"umm I am so sorry but can you help me?"
" This is weird but, umm, I set my younger sister up with a guy from my office.... And well she has been kinda broke so i thought I might suprise her with a couple of new outfits to chose from for her date but I am pretty much lost at all of this.... "

"What do you think of this one"
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Erlina - the banished Hebridean Elf

I'm looking for a female writer who has some experience in fantasy writing.

I would be playing Thomas MacLeod, a Scottish writer who lives in a secluded cottage on the Isle of Harris and spends most of his time walking around the Island and writing fantasy novels. One day as he walks on the shore he looks over the Mealasta Island, a small barren isle just off the shore of Harris, and noticed a powerful flash of light in the middle of the island. After the light had dissipated he thought he saw the contours of a young woman who fell to the ground shortly after the light had gone. She was too far to see clearly, so he strips to his underwear and jumps in the water swimming across to her. As he approaches he stops in his tracks as he lays eyes on an impossibly stunning naked young woman lying on the cold rock. If it was not for the perfect ass and long legs, not to mention her large perky breasts completing a most out of this world ensemble that would drive any man insane with passion, he would not even have noticed her pointy ears. 'An elf?' he thinks to himself. 'I must be dreaming...'
If you'd like to try a story like this where an elf magically appears in today's world and drags a man into her fantasy world through the power of magic (generated by mystical sexual bliss), please drop me a PM and let's work on the details!

Here's what she looks like!
I don't currently have any ideas but if any female role-play writers have any ideas feel free to drop me a PM, I'm looking to write some new stories with new writers.
Since it's a new thread...

I'm a male roleplayer. I'm looking for a female roleplayer to do a story where the woman is in charge. I prefer modern everyday settings. PM me if you are interested to discuss ideas.
2. Family Road Trip

You had been in the car all day hearing your mom and dad talk reliving stories with a couple they had known from college. These were the people you were going to visit that night and stay at their house. The upside was that they lived close to the beach so tomorrow you would head out. The down side was going to be listiening to the same stories. They did have a son who you remember being pretty cute the last time you saw him. But that was back when we were both like 10 years old and neither one of you could figure out if the opposite sex was really gross or not! Now that you were both 16 things might be different.

Just a heads up... lit is 18+ only. No stories can involve minors.
Still Looking

Some rp ideas:

Girl homeless on the streets.

Incest, caging, becoming a pet/slave to someone.

Any heavy bdsm scenes are welcome. Will chat over im,pms, email.
Hi All,

I was looking to start a new rp with the idea of two people having a one night stand. The next day however, the woman goes to her job only to find out her one night stand from the night before is now her boss. They decide to try and stay professional but can't keep thier hands off each other and eventually it blooms into a relationship.

Message me.

Role taken thanks!
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OK, maybe something of a cliche, but I'd like to do a thread where my character is seduced. I know I know, but every man fantasizes about that. I was thinking a step-sister or step-mother, but am open to ideas. There could even be some super natural elements, I'm very open about fun additions like that.

If anyone is interested PM me please, and happy writing either way.
UPDATED 1/3/2012


Don't let the name fool you, I have plenty of words to express. I have been lurking the forums for a few years, mainly lurking on more and so I decided to take the plunge and start writing on here. I am working on a few stories of my own to get published on the main site.

As my profile says, I am pretty much open for co-writing stories with male writers. I am a female and prefer the male/female aspect of a story. I have nothing against lesbian stories or the such, reading them mainly but not writing them since I have no experience with another woman.

I'm into anything really; hardcore bdsm, incest (anything but mother/son, for some reason I can't get into that), vanilla, forced, coerced, blackmail, drugs and alcohol (being drunk and on drugs), forced drugs and drinking, light bdsm. These are what I like and don't have to be what I need.

So, send me a private message and we can go from there. My posting times vary so much but I should be able to get in a post at least once a day (within a 24 hour period).

My profile is linked to the picture in my signature. Please refer to that for a deeper insight as to what I like. I am still looking and as of 1/3/2012 I only have 3 stories going but would love at least 1-2 more. Thank you!
I am always on the lookout for stories with character development and adventure. I like fantasy settings, 1880-1949, steampunk, science fiction and alternative worlds. I am not so much into any historical period before 1880 or after 1949, in the real world, but I might consider alternative worlds, or something that is unique in some way. I will do m-f, f-m and f-f. I am not against instances of m-m in a thread, but I don't want to base a thread on that. My posts are always two paragraphs long and generally are longer than that. My posting rate is only about 2-3 times weekly, so be patient. You can see samples of my writing at the thread link in my signature.

I am also open to solo games by e-mail, so ask me about that if you are interested.
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What I am looking for: A male roleplayer who plays a male character. He should be able to roleplay longterm via emails & have proper grammar and punctuation.

Post length: Short para, 1-2 para. 3 at most.

The amount of sex: No PWP. There must always be emotions and back story, preferably good plot twists. With sex, of course.

Plot ideas: Please note that I am always playing female characters as I am one irl and I am flexible so I can adapt into the type of girl you want. Mostly I play characters 19-20 years old.

01. Ex-lovers getting back together.
Two characters used to date when they were younger and more immature. They broke up as they both wanted to experience new things. A few months/years later they reunite and *inserts specific detail which we will discuss later here* end up being sex friends. They are always bickering to each other, but the bodies get along very well. They eventually get back together, romantically.

How I think I'll play my character: She's the wild type, erotic and flirty and all that. She's not into serious relationship anymore, or so she thinks. She has been dating and 'getting involved' with a lot of people since the break-up. She might not have many feelings for him atm, but she knows very well she's head over heels his physical appearance. Between the two, she's the childish one.

02. Friends with benefits.
Two childhood friends. He's about 5-7 years older than her. He's the serious, calm, mature type and a cop. She's the opposite, and a prostitute. He always looks after her like an older brother or a really good friend. She always teases him and seduces him whenever she could. At one point they started sleeping together. He knows she's a whore and always lectures her on that.

They are going to have a romantic relationship. As lovers. I'm thinking he has always had feelings for her but a bit stubborn to speak out, while she has her insecurities for a serious relationship and the social gap between them.

How I think I'll play my character: Similar to 01, she's the wild one, erotic, flirty, acting childish and tough when needed. She's actually smart and sarcastic. She enjoys being with him but she is not desperate for a relationship. She's working as a prostitute to cover for her tuition fees in college. (She's 19-20 year old.)

03. Two strangers trapped on an island.
After an airplane crash and everyone else died, two characters are trapped on an isolated island and have to work together to survive. It's more of an adventure roleplay and a bit realistic. I am curious of how one can survive in such unwanted situation. There is sex, but it's NOT the key point.

How I think I'll play my character: She's born into a rich family, so she'll be clueless in real, cruel world. She knows NOTHING to survive. She'd be scared and follow him mostly. How you choose to play him is up to you.

04. Cheating/taken/married guy x Girl

05. Client x Prostitute

Please do message me to exchange and discuss more details. I am also open to new ideas. Try me.
Dom, Sub, Switch College

I'm thinking of making a College for people to go to learn how to become a better Master, Slave, or Switch. There are different classes for each. Previously I have tried to do a school for just gays, but no one was interested, so I decided to include females too now.

Rules: No Ageplay! (Take it to pms/ims, please, if you want to be under 18.)
Everyone meets in the courtyard on the first day of school.
Everyone must give at least some pretense of clothing at all time. This is not a nudist school.
Please indicate whether you're bi, gay, or straight, sub, dom, or switch, in your first post.
Stay out of the security room! (Unless everyone is gathered there.)
Obey the secretary!

That's all I have determined right now except: The secretary is, unknown to all the students, the principle of the school and female. There may, may not be a spirit force watching over the school and protecting it from outsiders who want to do harm.

I am willing to play any position that someone doesn't want and is needed.
I am looking for someone to play Isaac from the Dead Space series, was thinking of a 1 on 1. Based on the dead space series.

I also came up with another idea, about a college kid who is tortured. He is tripped, and even food dumped on him. But on the day they take him into the locker room, pin him to a bench and start to beat him up. Is when he meets a popular girl who won't let it happen any more, but what she doesn't know is the kid is actually a werewolf. Who needs the moon to change, but can control the changes on the full moon.

If interested in either send me a pm.
Lesbs too

I'm also willing to do a lesbian rp with someone too. A Mistress and slave, force, blackmail, humiliation, torture. Whatever works.
Looking for a literate female author to do a blackmail thread with. General idea thusfar is that she and her husband are a young power couple. Well-educated, attractive, good jobs, part of the "in" crowd, etc. On the outside, everything is going their way.

Enter the husband's boss, who thinks the husband has things too easy and deserves to suffer. The boss also happens to have some leverage on the husband, so he could screw up the husband's career. Instead, he decides to use it against the wife; either she screws the boss or the boss screws the husband's career, whereupon the wife's perfect little life comes crashing down. Wife reluctantly agrees.

Twist is that even though the wife knows she should detest this guy, the sex just blows her mind. Something about the boss (his physique, his attitude, his technique - whatever floats your boat) drives her wild. So though she tries to pretend she hates being with him, her body says otherwise.

Definitely willing to play around with the concept to tailor it to our mutual preferences. PM if you want to discuss the idea further.

30/m looking for someone similar to do a quick RP. You and I are passengers on a bus, long road trip, sitting together at the back of the bus. It's late, and we're both mostly asleep, but we soon become aware that we both have a problem to take care of. We decide no one is watching, so we might as well help each other out.

PM me if interested!

Okay, I am really going to have to get all my rp ideas and make them into one post. But here's my latest idea:

Man kidnaps girl masturbating in front of laptop, guy breaks in and takes control over her in the bedroom, and forces her to become pregnant with his kid. Will she bare his child or will she abort it? Will he keep her barefoot and pregnant, never to see the light of day from his dungeon?

Only You can decide that.
Living with the Head Master II

Looking for a female role player that is head strong and opinionated and can misbehave. She will come from a rich family and spoiled rotten. However when both parents meet their demise in a plane crash, the Uncle becomes the beneficiary of the will and trust fund. For _____ to receive her enormous trust fund and the family fortune she must compete 4 years of college. Hence the Uncle finds the most antiquated college and handsomely pays the Head Master to take in _____ and treat her as he wishes. If she drops out of college before graduation, she does not receive a dime.
So is there a female with a submissive side that is up to the challange? Pm me please if you are interested.
I'm complicated. I like stories where I'm held down, tied up and taken against my will. I like them with women or men and sometimes both. I like scenes where I'm hurt, humiliated and abused. I also like to be treated gently, from time to time. I like all these things, but I like them on different days. I'm complicated, but not entirely mercurial (at least I don't think so).

I'm looking for maybe two stories to get involved with. I prefer them to be one on one in terms of real people, though the cast can be a multitude if that's what suits the scene. I mainly play female roles, though can turn my hand to male if the occasion requires; consider my strong preference to be female, however.

I'm submissive but not passive. I'm cheeky, occasionally wicked, but only rarely evil. There's only a very little that I won't play, but there's a few things that just don't seem to interest me. Specifically, if it involves mutilation or death for sexual purposes then count me out. Same for arachnids, 'cause they actually scare me, though surely that'd not usually come up...

My availability varies with my work but usually I can post two or three times a week and will always aim to put in what I receive. The length and quality in this post should be a fair guide, I hope. I'm looking for something similar from a co-writer.

I like to play all over. In genre terms, I mean (yes, you, cheeky!). I'm not much good at historical as my history is pretty shallow, but fantasy, science fiction, modern day and alternate worlds are all fair game. I also play many different roles, but I do like to remain vulnerable at some level even when outwardly strong.

It's my hope that with the information above, my being complicated has become a little easier to handle. The day to day or week to week stuff... well, that'll be as it'll be.

At the moment, I'm particularly interested in being forced and unwilling but not being the only one being abused. Perhaps I could be a frustrated mid twenties lass looking for the thing that is missing and following a friend into the darker side of the world against her better judgement. Maybe I could be an early thirties witch drawn out of bookish pursuits to rescue her sister from some insidious evil. It could be that I'm a wild-child college girl blackmailed to be a honey pot to keep her past from catching up with her.

... or something else, at your suggestion. Questions, requests, designs for the control of my body and soul all appreciated. PM me, please.
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