Asa's Sunset Cove


Jun 9, 2003

A peaceful sensual view to kick back on a long forgotten beach and let the mind wander over ideas and relax with friends...

Current ideas splashing around in my mind like so many waves

Ideas dance in my mind from various creative paths...

One path leads to military images from inspirations such as The Unit

~She was not employed by the US Military but had worked with one of their secret groups Hidden under the guise of 303rd Logistical studies. So many of her missions had afforded her time with a gruff yet tender member named Mack. They had been in a relationship of sorts with him for a while now... no strings attached as he was married though how happy that marriage was she doubted as she had seen the looks shared between Macks wife and his CO. She was friends with the wives and by all outward appearances one of the guys though she was anything but one of the guys to Mack when they could get away together.~

Another path leads to The images and missing stories scattered through the Highlander series.

~Kyeling was a raven angel Methos never thought he would see again but here she was... His mind drifted back into an ancient memory and the lesson learned from attempting to stand against one of hie "brothers" within the Horsemen... The lesson he learned that prevented him from stopping Cronos from taking Cassandra... Kyeling had been his for a long time until Caspian the darkest most demented and cruel of the four of them dragged her from his tent claiming it was time for him to share... This happened repeatedly till one night her tears and and screaming in pain he could no longer take. Sword drawn he stalked to his "brothers" tent and pulled her away from him sword leveled until Cronos interrupted and ordered Silas to take her out and kill her and brign back a reminder of his precious woman back to Methos. Hours later the big man tossed a bloodied bag at Methos feet that contained part of a rabbit as he pulled him off to the side. Cronos think she dead but can't hurt pretty lady who brother loves so much no sport in it...

He had no idea she had survived this long until Cronos told her that before MacCloud killed him that Caspian found her. He had made sure she remembered him well and now she was once again to belong to Methos. Seeing here huddled there in that cage he wanted nothing more than to kill him now and rescue her but he was not strong enough... yet but Mac was... Orchestrating the fight that led to Duncan killing Cronos and then...
((CHeesy perhaps but ALWAYS loved Methos))

Another path leads to a University

A professor trying to stay noble and loyal to a fiancee he hates being with and the young student who seduces him into a passion filled fantasy driven affair that takes him to places he could never imagine and in time brings them close enough that he chooses to break up with his fiancee by having her walk in on him and his student in the middle of some fantasy or just fucking in front of the tv while a movie they made plays on the screen.

Another path leads to a a young woman and her bi male friends and the various encounters they share. From them offering a safe way to live out some of her fantasies. Or something as innocent as getting too drunk and suspecting that something happened between the three of them and eventually deciding they have to do it again sober to find out.

Another path leading to stories of savages teaching and lost island paradises. Where lust innocence and exotic desire resides.

Other paths range from other tv venues to historical and fantasy and scifi.

So have a seat and enjoy the Sunset cove general chat or questions about ideas or whatever... there are drinks to be shared and lots of food for the taking... Enjoy
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These are some fantastic paths to head towards ;)

Oh, uh, I owe a pst, I know, real life was out of control, but I should be able to get it together very soon :kiss:

For the time being, I thing I'll just lay my towel down on the sand and stretch out to stare at the water and sunset. Might have a beer while relaxing and taking in the view :kiss:
:kiss: Already stretched out relaxing after a very long day. Sounds great hun and welcome.:kiss:
Where lust innocence and exotic desire resides.

Lovely place here Asa!

Reclines on a smooth wooden chaise, closes my eyes and listens to the water gently lapping.
Welcome Emerald help yourself to food and drink and enjoy
Hey Asa. I just want you to know I'm working on a complicated post in another thread atm, but once I get done with it. The post I owe you is next up. So I haven't forgotten you.
Not a problem Veroe hun... Can't wait to read it when ya post. Take ya time and enjoy the Cove
Flopping back in the sand to kick back and relax. Debating what path to go wandering in my mind.
Taking a break from the laundry... The Washer can load itself for all I care... break time before I have to spend half the afternoon in the car.
Role Filled

Okay watching the SyFy version of Being Human and can actually picture that kind of vampire playing opposite a wild "young" female vamp I have been working on. In theory the wolf boy and Bishop and maybe the ghost could be involved... In fact I could almost see Bishop being maybe a brother of my female vamp or maybe her childer run amuck... PM me if ya interested... here is a blurb I wrote about the female vamp of mine so far...

Nothing past the darkness of this city that she did not know about. Innocent of appearance this young woman was anything but innocent. Her appearance let mortals to assume such inaccurate beliefs and kindred to think her young and easy prey. She found both schools of thought about her amusing. AN enigma in her own right her "powers" Granted her many elegances within this existance though they had come at a price. The innocence that everyone thought they saw when they saw her... an innocence ripped from her so long ago with the simple act of teeth breaking flesh. Once learning what she truely was she hated her embracer even more but in her determination she became the "Model" childer learning all she could about the unique diciplinces that their bloodline had aquired over the centuries and the different "bloodlines" that had been sacrificed into the creation of this diabolical manifestation of existance.

She learned and watched as he took one after the other "mortal whore" in her eyes into his heart and home. Biding her time till finally what the mortals called Eternal and true love struck her "sire" and then she knew the time had come. While far exceeding his expectations for her he had also over time fallen into that belief that she would always be in some way that innocent youth he had so long ago destroyed... That gave her the upper hand and while he and his love lay in thier bed trapped once more in the hypnotic sway of passion and lust she crept in. Silent deadly steps and blades held with an intent of will she had mastered she renedered him motionless trapped there unable to move to prevent what was to come. Walking around the bed she looked to the mortal and revealed just what they were.

The screams of the mortal woman did nothing to sway her as she looked to her sire with a cold smile asking if he would have her cross his whore over so that he would never lose her. The man unable to move cursed her and ordered her to cease her insanity and her disobedient actions. She laughed at his words and with the same lack of care sank her fangs into the womans neck feeding at first then with a heartless lift of her head to fully stand again ripping the womans throat open beyond repair and then spitting the chunk of skin in her sires face as she turned walking from the place she had called home.

To add to the towns thoughts of her innocence she set the house a blaze to make all fingers point to an unfortunate accident nothing more nothing less. A simple striking of her hand to knock a lit candle to the floor she waited till the flames raged and began to spread before she slipped from the house and then with the talent of acting and powers, she had always used against the humans to make them believe what they thought they wanted to about her the terrified tears of a young girl fell as she ran to "Find help" as her home was buring to the ground. Tears flooding her eyes as she collapsed into towns person after townspersons arms pleading for their help. They helped her into the tavern and gave her some food to help calm her and they went to see if they could stop the blaze but it was far too late. Days later she had a messenger from her Aunt "show up" to escort her to another home. In truth it was some poor mortal young man that fell victim to her charms as she wandered the far reaches of her property.

Traveling from there with the love struck young man willing to do whatever she asked she finally free and within her own intoxicating dark power. She went to the coast where she resides today the innocent little huntress hidden in a world of mortals, vampires and so much more. Beauty unsurpassed from all her "sire" gave her she has learned to use it well. Merely appearing and holding the scent of mortals she is perfect predator and prey, appearing to the eyes of any as just what they want to see. Which normally is an innocent young woman out for fun.

For the sake of an srp she would be a little wiser with age but still a force to be reckoned with and often underestimated.
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Another idea

OOC: transfering a book I am writing to this board wanting to make it a bit more "interesting" so if you are interested pm me and I will fill you in on the character needed PLEASE do not just post first.

*She relaxed feeling the water of the falls cascade over her naked form her dark eyes and earthen red skin shimmered. Eagle Feather daughter of a Chieftan was the envy of her tribe for her wisdom and her body. Long raven black hair that shimmered in the sun, dark eyes that danced with the fire light, a slender well toned form, LONG legs and young firm ample breasts. She was the hunger of many a warrior in her tribe and unknown to her the Soldiers that plagued and hunted her people.*

*But out here in this canyon that all mattered little to her. She was well taught in her Uncle's "self defense" lessons. She could run as a gazelle and never tired of running. She was a bit of a daredevil in her own right. The "proper" women of the white man would call it Tomboy if their daughters did as she did. But it is what sculpted her form and perfect body over her 20 years of life.*

*Lost in her own thoughts she did not hear any noise around her even if the person sneaking up on her had made any she merely meditated as the waters fell over her body. Singing softly her voice like the song of the first whispers of morning*

*Her best friend had told her to be more careful but in her eyes Raven Eyes was too cautious after they saw the woman her father knew and the obvious half breed daughter that hid at her heels while the Medicine man tended to her wounds*

*Little troubled Eagle Feathers mind when she was relaxing like this... it was so rare lately that it meant more and more to her that she shoved everything else from her mind to enjoy it*
Role filled

Beth Malone

Long blondeish brown hair
34 22 36

She had grown up in an abusive home but not what you would think... after her mother died her step father figured he would use her to make money. The most perverted and twisted guys he knew paided well for her. She had learned more from the age of 14 than most hookers learn in a lifetime. At 16 she began to run away from home and finally at 18 she managed a few times to suceed but someone always found her and took her back till now.

A kind couple saw her one night after she had run away from home... again and took her in. He was a powerful business man and his wife worked with battered and abused teens. SO with his money and power and her sway in the socially concious circles they adopted her... Only to have her endure one more pain of her past.

Her first summer with the family she had gone back to the shabby apartment where she was living when she ran away... a really run down don't ask don't tell kinda place. On her way home she was grabbed by one of the more twisted "Friends" of her step father only to find herself in a van tied down in restraints that also had barbed wire meshed through them. her ankles wrists and neck were held down tight... without seeing the face she knew who it was as this sick freak always called her "Princess" during her unfortunate encounters with him. Rescued but not before he had attacked her. The van door flew open and o bodyguard of her fathers grabbed the man pulling him out and fought with him but he managed to get away. Not however before the body guard tagged him with a bullet.

Back at home she stayed indoors mostly that last experience having taken its toll on her mind till finally the school year started and she was sent to the best private school money could buy in a city where her new family had businesses and homes. Suprising to even her it didn't take long for men who had used her for one night flings that they didn't want their rich friends and associates to find out about pointed her out to their sons that also went to her school... nothing suprising there as the boys would walk past her and whisper slut and whore and treat her horribly till something else distracted them and she was pretty much the outcast loner.

With this one looking for friends for her and a guy who helps her heal and learn to enjoy sex and intimacy. Possibly some of the guys either students or professors who remember her from her time with her long ago or the man obsessed with her. Wanting this story to be her coming into her own power and getting revenge in time. A twisted srp I tried once before here.
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Just a few pics I found on a lovely male submission art site


I love this one


Really like this one due to an srp with powerdog16 it would be fitting justice *EG*


I may share more later but going to go get a glass of wine and get inspired *EG*
Inspired but its hard to explain... A high powered business man is abducted and left like this in a fairly no descript location tied up and blindfolded harbacked wooden chair.


He can hear what sounds like someone else in the room... a woman clearly handcuffed or chained to something metalpossibly water pipes or something... she is able to see whats around them and is clearly terrified of the situation.

Whoever has them there does feed them occasionally but they never see their captor. Using the food this mystery person drugs them and then in some twisted "social experiment" watches as the drugs make the man attack the young woman... thy both think its just a nightmare when they wake up as they are still bound and not close enough to each other to even remotely touch each other much less him attack her. Eventually the male while stll bound is able to move around... The experiment is trying to see if the lines between nightmare and reality will merge into one... only it backfires and the man and woman for a "relationship" of sorts out of their shared hell and end up escaping and Stronger love than either knew in life protective and focused on someone other than themselves.... A little blurry in my mind but that is the basic premise.

An addition to the idea of the businessman and the other captive... Thank you Veroe for this little twist to my devious idea

Once they are free he returns to being a commanding businessman commanding all before him but when he is around her to eternally make up for what he was made to do he submits to any whim she has and just submits to her willingly completely
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An addition to the idea of the businessman and the other captive... Thank you Veroe for this little twist to my devious idea

Once they are free he returns to being a commanding businessman commanding all before him but when he is around her to eternally make up for what he was made to do he submits to any whim she has and just submits to her willingly completely
Wondering what sort of SRP to Create for her

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More insanity from my mind

Watching the Smokey and the Bandit Movies a while back and I came up with this

Daughter of the Bandit

A daughter after her fathers own heart. By age 22 Bernadette "Briar" Darville was repairing and racing cars and semis and living up to her nickname like any true Southern Belle. She had spent the better half of her life growing up around her father, Uncle Snowman, and the lure of the open road and doing what she and her father do best... Showing off.

At age 8 her mother and dad parted again as seemed to be the cycle with them and she by this time was sick of it so she laid it out to the judge in No uncertain terms what exactly would happen if she went with her mother and that for her own stability it would be in her best interest to remain with her father. The judge found her reasons sound as did her mother and father however suprised at her words they truely were. The judge suprisingly agreed with her and afterwards told her mother and father that she was as sharp as a Briar patch adding to the truth of her nickname.

Mom can handle her working on cars and Semis and reluctantly admits that Briar staying with her dad was the best thing for Briar and Bandit. She hates that Briar races thought it would be easier for her to deal with if it were on a track like the semi races. Unknown to anyone but Snowman she has gone to some of the street races to watch her daughter show off and win.

"She never will give this up will she Snowman?" Carrie asked as she stood there sipping a bottled water in the shadows not wanting Briar or Bandit to know she was there. "Frog..." Cletus scratched his head and shuffled his boots a little. "Its what she's good at and do ya really think she would be happy without it?" Carrie shook her head "No... I..." A look of horror crossed her face with lightening speed as the T bird swirved and shook*

A different twist on the story being an undercover cop is looking to bust up the illegal street racing but at the same time ends up falling in love with Briar. However Briar due to watching her mother and father's definition of love and all that wants nothing to do with that emotion. The love and adoration of her fans is one thing but relationship love is entirely different and its that love that she wants no part of

Detective Niklas Gyaltsen was there to do a job... Bust up the Illegal street racing... period. He never thought that in a million years he would fall in love with one of them. Most of the women were too wild and fake or attached to someone that had a bad rap sheet based around said woman. Though thats just what happened he found one of the racers... Briar to be genuine funloving and carefree and he fell Hard for her. The daughter of the Imfamous Bandit. He didn't stand a chance but to fall in love with her she was everything he loved in American women. LONG dark hair Long legged steel grey eyed Southern Belle badass that feared nothing and Really lived and seemed to really love life and what she did. Niklas was born of a Tibetan father and an Aristocratic English mother so he had been raised around a certain "level" of people even after they moved to America. Now he got to see the underbelly of the world so to speak. People who live for the thrill and don't worry about all the "Prim and Proper" ways to be and do and have.
One of the oldest structures in this sleepy little town was the Magnolia Nights Mansion. It was lofted high above the town about half way up the mountain, standing its lonely vigil overlooking the town and its inhabitants. Plagued by mystery and darkness strewn through its history this mansion is home to many ghosts and hauntings. No one had chosen to prove the myths for a very long time and rumors of ghosts and such as true or not and any “outsiders” that have ventured to the ancient mansion have never returned. No matter the passing of time the house never seems to fall into too deep of disrepair so clearly something is taking care of it over all these centuries. Magnolia Nights Mansion is built in the style of the lavish and stunning southern plantations though its far from the rolling fields and lands of the South. The mountain it resides on, is not an exact recreation of the grounds around other stately Southern homes its just as romantic and mystical as its southern counterparts. Still there is something about this place that seems most disturbing and dark.

Perhaps one of the oldest ghosts and one that seems known about to some is Adryanna, a mixed breed young woman. She had the Raven hair of her Native American/Mexican mother and the haunting pale crystal blue eyes of her father’s proper wealthy family. Her "mother" her fathers true wife forgave her fathers affair with the half Indian woman and took in the child and raised her as her own but never treated her right.

When the woman’s disowned brother's dead body was carted home to her home of all places by a young gunslinger associate of his, Adryanna and the young man fell in love instantly. Such a love was frowned upon since the young man was a lowly farmer turned gunslinger and had anything to do with the old woman’s disowned brother or any of his criminal friends.

The young man was sent away after the funeral and told that Adryanna who he clearly loved deeply wanted nothing to do with him and had in fact left for Europe to get away fro him. Though deep down he knew better and always knew that something was terribly wrong he had no way to prove otherwise and left with a broken heart and a suspicious mind at what the trust was.

It was rumored that the woman killed the young girl for her love of the young gunslinger and her lack of seeming able to be as proper as the woman thought she should be and well after the girls father had died seeking in her own crazed mind to get rid of the constant proof that her husband who she married for his money had in fact cheated on him with a savage for something as trivial as love. Other rumors are that the woman buried the girl on the massive property marking only with a stone so that only she would know where the girl was buried.

It is also rumored that the woman had the young man killed as well seeing to it that a ship he signed to sail on sank in the unforgiving and untouchable bay.

To this day Adryanna is said to wander the house seeking for the return of the young man she loved so deeply.

((Okay for this I was thinking something along the lines of a Ghost investigator originally just going to the house to check it out and all that but once he gets inside of the house he feels drawn to it and after meeting Adryanna and some of the other ghosts ends up petitioning the town to buy the house and all the land that comes with it. Feeling in a way drawn to Adryanna though not sure why or whatever. That part is still up in the air possibly he is the reincarnation of the young gunslinger or just in love. Also He will be able to touch her after a while. So it would be a long storyline with the sadness and sorrow on his part that he can't hold her and touch her though he can feel her touch him faintly.))

~Thinking someone like Zak from Ghost Adventures... Really like him~
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His broad strong chest naked to the moonlight bleeding in from the old frayed curtains
Each muscle accented by the candle light with each strained movement
Stunning warrior laying there... every muscle straining in its perfect way.
Scars from real world life...
Not some gym built pretty boy or some lanky little thing that could pass as a girl
Scruff on his face... not a full beard nor clean shaven... rugged... real...
A masterpiece of naked beauty... Primal perfection accented by the hungry growl slipping from his slightly teeth bared lips.
Such power and force reduced to defenseless desire by simple leather scrap

Contrast to the petiete woman curled there by her bound "savage".
In no way slender mousy nor an overly toned statue in human skin but a woman none the less
Real... curved... full...
Blue grey eyes staring down into the eyes of her prize... her fantasy ... her desire.
Fingernails softly tracing each of those magnificent muscles of his chest then down to the abs
Her leg draped over his faintly tracing up and his leg and then in time back down ever so softly
Long red black hair softly pooling beside his face and cheek

Slowly she recoils her body from his and standing by him
Slowly even more torture begins as the long flowing crimson that softly encased her body begins to fall away from her as his eyes follow every ripple of fabric that reveals his lover to him.
Her eyes never leaving his face... the only reaction she needs to see.
Every approving smile and hungry gasp that fells from her lovers lips.
The sparkle in his eyes and the lust dancing between them is all she needs to see.
She knows he wants her inevery way possible.
And soon they will be one... in spirit mind and body
Pic that I want to use for storylines

Role Filled


Tales circled through the villages... stories used to grab the attention of outsiders and draw them in so they would go and hunt for myths and legends. Spending lots of money along the way. The latest tale that had the outsiders buzzing was that of a woman with skin kissed by the sun so perfectly to blend with the wild landscapes of plains forest and Jungle. Living amongst the wild animals as if one of them. Protecting the isolated villages and villagers though she was clearly not of these lands. She was not of these lands went the stories... Looking more like the Europeans who flooded their lands for Queen and crown to civilize the savages and bring order to lands claimed by the crown

Many a soldier and fortune hunter trekked into the wilds in search of this beauty for a vast array of reasons but thus far those who made it back always returned empty handed. The Natives believed the outsiders would aways return empty handed keeping the mystery and allure of the wilds and lost ruins safe for a very long time.

The villagers called her Keria and they are more than willing to tell the outsiders it is a losse translation to their language of Death spirit. That she kills those that bring harm and devour their soul to renew her own. But what was her REAL story was anyones guess... Anyone but the village that found her.​
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Role Filled


The spell cast... a simple scent to contain the beast within the beautiful young woman. She was in now way a prisoner but there was no where that she was permitted to go that was not lavished with the most crimson and fragrant of roses. She wandered the gardens remembering her other life as if it were a dream. The primal hunger... the hunt... the scent of blood flooding her nose and the feel of the beast within her rippling protectively to the surface transforming her very being into that of the hunter... the destroyer. Now it was roses and formal dresses and suitors and lavish lifestyle of any desire she could ever have but all human.

Deep down the beast sleeps... dreams and calls to the one destined long ago to be her mate... her male... her soul. Was this happening to her because he was human or to keep them apart?

(Her possible other half/mate)

She had wandered nearly to the coastline of the expanse of land she called home. She rarely came out this far from the mansion and gardens. Others used this part of the property as well. There was a dock and minimal overnight housing for those having to wait for a ship to arrive. She avoided that to an extent and walked along the shoreline watching the waves and the various people milling about and sitting on the sand. Curiosity got the better of her and she slipped from her shoes and walked barefoot in the sand. The gritty warmth felt good as she walked along. Soon she found herself walking out towards the waves as the rains began. She stood there watching them for what seemed an eternity until she felt someone touch her arm. She turned into the mysterious eyes of a young man who watched her.

Waves will be getting a little too strong to be standing in real soon ma'am can I help ya back to the shoreline?

She then noticed the tightness beginning to pull at her ankles as the waves rolled back out and nodded smiling softly to him.

Yes thank you. She allowed him to help her and realizing that she would never make it back to the mansion before the storm set in she sighed. Well I guess I am stuck on the shoreline till this storm passes. Perhaps you could help me back to that little inn?

Thats no Inn ma'am and really no place for a young woman alone. There is a cave over here that I use when the storms sneak up on me like this. You are welcome to share the fire with me till this little storm passes.

Nodding she followed him to the cave and sat down there in the entrance way of this little lean to style of "cave". The water and the waves intrigued her as she stared at them for what felt like forever again. The storm lasted well into the night. Not that her caretakers would notice she had a tendency to roam but with all the roses all over the lands they held little fear that she would be far enough away from the scent to shift.

However this man this moment there was something strange about it and the scent of roses was lost by the early breaking of sunlight over them. She found herself staring down into the eyes of this young man who seemed to mirror the beast eyes within her as he smiled up at her. Roses and spell work be damned they had found each other...
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Her profession was writer... Her genre... whatever she felt led to write at that time... Her preferred utensils of the task... Quill pens, true antique fountain pens, and all with a a very select hand made ink she was guided to by her grandmother long ago. Her writings however seemed to always pull people into her life and she never really understood it. A murder mystery she wrote guided a charming young cop into her life and helped him solve a case from his grandfathers time. She wrote poems and she for a time found herself for a time in a lavish life with musicians recording her every word. She never put two and two together that the items she used and the ink she wrote with held their own magic. Her family a long line of "witches of the wordcraft" Her mother had kept that part of her heritage from her and with a great love for her daughter her grandmother had gone along with keeping her magical ancestry from her. It was not till a letter arrived by hand delivery by a young man dressed in a tunic style shirt and leather pants and boots. On his chest was a symbol she had seen in dreams since she was a child and from time to time hid in the cover art of her books. The letter simply said

Its time you learned the truth of your blood. Sink deep into your soul and write what truly whispers from your dreams and your heart. When you are ready you will know...

Truth be known she had always wanted to write a romantic novel... with exotic locations... love transcending the centuries and drawing two souls together who were so wrongly parted with betrayal murder and greed. Once her agent released to the world that she was finally going to be writing a Romantic novel a second letter came to her delivered by the same young man. This time it was a letter for her to take with her to an ancient castle long forgotten by the world in the old country where there would be no disturbance to her writing and another clue to her families heritage that had been kept from her.

Once arriving there she found a marvelous staff of a butler several maids and a grounds keeper stable man... a few guards who have protected the castle and grounds for generations and a small but highly impressive cooking staff. Treated like royalty by them she wandered her "new home" for a few days gaining inspiration with every turn and portrait and tapestry.

She finally settled in to writing and had managed with east to knock out several chapters. Working late into the night one night she could not seem to stop her mind and soul from the words flowing forth from them. Finally in the wee hours of the morning with the full moon shining in on her through the window her quill pen fell from her hands as she sank into a deep sleep in the ancient chaise lounge she had been curled up on.

With the dawn she awoke and found herself looking eye to eye with a stunning image.

He looked to her with a smile his long dark brown hair and deep haunting eyes and ancient looking opened tunic top and pants. Her eyes could not look away from him as she felt a strange pull deep in her heart towards him.

Who... Who are you and how did you... She bit her lip a little as she could not believe how he looked like the "hero" of the novel she was writing... the picture in her mind here in flesh and blood before her... Was she dreaming?

No dream Ma'am the butler spoke. Tis the power of your blood and your chosen craft... I will see to the young mans accommodation until Madam understands more about what has happened and what she has done and can do. There is much you both will need to understand of your past together... this was not the expected result... but it was the preferred one... With that the Butler turned and on silent steps walked from the room leaving the long lost lovers to stare at each other still not understanding what had happened or how the other one could be there before them.​
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