The Summoning


Literotica Guru
May 21, 2014
It was a dark and stormy night

Robert or as he preferred his friend to call him Robby pushed his glasses up as he studied the drawings in the book. It was written down that the placing and placement of the candles were just as important as the spells and incantations. Robby didnt know about that but he had supposed if he was going to do it he was going to do it right.

And so he did placing them around his parents basement exactly were the book told him to. It was worth noting the book was faded and looked old enough to support the rumor it had belonged to Merlin during the dark ages. How a book store in a small midwestern town had gotten it was any ones guess.

But it was cheap enough to buy and try out

"Cant believe I am doing this" Robby said shaking his head and running a hand through his mad scientist like hair style. He knew he was far to curious and eager not to do it so he continued on the ritual drawing the symbols and incantations in the book and a circle on the floor.

Every thing was ready and he cleared his throat glancing down at the tattered ancient spell tome. He began to chant the incantation his voice picking up and getting louder as he chanted it.

Outside the sky began to rumble, lightening flashed arcing directly over his house and growing in intensity. It finally cracked down and the house went pitch black as the ancient and powerful energy rushed through. Robby was thrown back his lanky body hitting the back wall and sending him reeling.

An observer of parallel words might be tempted to conclude that, the more things differ, the more they remain the same.

Take the world that Kiata inhabited, a world that occupied the same space as the planet Earth, save for a few degrees of rotation on a plane unobservable to those who could only see three spatial dimensions. The dominant species of that planet was a race of anthropomorphic felines who were roughly the same height and shape as humans. On average, this race of felines was stronger, tougher and faster than their human counterparts, but it had the same ratio of active and sedentary individuals as Earth has, as well as a comparable level of technology.

Our heroine, a young eighteen year old girl named Kiata, was the oldest of two children in a double income family, living in an upper middle class neighborhood. Like parents in the same situation on Earth, Kiata's parents wanted her to have the best opportunities, and felt that any waking moment in her life had to be filled with some activity,

So both Kiata and her younger brother went to a private school and, when not at school, took some type of class afterwards. So whether she wanted to or not, Kiata took classes in martial arts, music and painting after school, as well as classes on the language and cultural traditions of the segment of society that her and her parents belonged to.

For the most part, Kiata was a dutiful daughter, excelling in everything she was instructed in. She gave no grief to her parents when it came to dating, as her parents had decided there would be time enough for dating when Kiata graduated high school. Kiata had once asked to try to become one of her school's cheerleaders, but this request had been denied by her parents, who felt the attire and actions of the cheerleaders was not appropriate for a daughter of theirs. So Kiata had to be content with her martial arts (which she excelled at).

Kiata was in all things a dutiful daughter, proper and modest.

Except for Wednesdays. On Wednesdays she had a small secret.

On Wednesdays she was not required to attend the classes in her school's gymnasium, so she never had to change her clothes at school.

So, beginning a year ago, Kiata would wear 'daring' underwear under her school uniform each Wednesday.

It was her quiet adventure, her secret rebellion, that no one knew about. And truth be told, it was as rebellious as Kiata wanted to be. But the adventure of acquiring, hiding and wearing the 'daring' underwear was one of the highlights of her senior year. Her school uniform consisted of a jacket, a thick blue shirt, a long plaid skirt and shorts underneath, so there was no way for anyone to tell what she was wearing underneath.

When she got home, Kiata quickly went to her room and stripped down to her underwear. It was her newest acquisition, with thin bands on both her bra and panties that matched the plaid of her school uniforms. She giggled at the thought of having walked around in this at school all day. What a scandal it would be, if it were ever discovered!

Kiata allowed herself the luxury of admiring herself in the mirror in her underwear, with just the tie of her school uniform hanging around her neck. She was about to change into the more practical athletic underwear she needed for her martial arts class when the room suddenly went dark and there was a loud boom.

Before she could react, the lights came back on. And Kiata found herself in some strange room, with a strange hairless, tailless being staring straight at her.

So Kiata used a word she barely knew, and which her parents would have literally washed her mouth out with soap if they had heard her use it. Kiata asked the universe in general "What the Fuck?!!!"

Of course, to the human in the room, her words came out as a mixture of snarling and growling. But then, it's only in Star Trek that all aliens speak North American English after all.
Holy Fuck


It had worked

No sooner had Robby picked himself up then he noticed the girl/creature before him. She was snarling and snapping but his eyes were immediately drawn to her state of dress or lack thereof.

She was wearing a sexy matching bra and panty set one that left little to the imagination. Of course he had known about such things (he was an nerd and knew porn very VERY well) but this was the first time he had ever seen it in real life.

And it was better than he could have ever hoped

"Uh hi" Robby said clearing his throat moving towards her and raising both of his hands "I doubt you can understand me"

He frowned but kept his hands up the universal (or at least he hoped) sign for peace. He kept it up as he looked at her eyeing her hungrily as he tried to figure out how to talk to her.

"Robby" He said bringing one hand down to point at him "Robby Robby"
There was a circle on the floor that, unbeknownst to Kiata, was supposed to keep her within its confines.

It was a presumption that Kiata disproved when the hairless creature approached her, hands stretched forward, and making a sound like a frog.

Kiata was paralyzed, unable to move, when she popped into the room. But when the hairless creature started approaching her, it freaked her the hell out. In a single backwards leap, she cleared the circle on the floor and landed against the far wall. Her growling and snarling continued as she pressed herself into a corner of the wall, her sharp teeth bared. Another member of her race would have interpreted her snarlings as "Oh shit! Where the fuck am I? What the hell is this? Dad? Mom?" Her eyes were darting around, trying to find somewhere to escape, and wondering what would happen if she tried to fight pass the hairless creature approaching her.
"Shit" Robby said watching as she leapt and backed up. She continued to say things but all Robby heard was snarls and growls.

"Need to calm her down" Robby murmured sighing. He stopped advancing on her and instead kept his arms raised.

"Friend" He said shaking his head and backing up

"Friend" He repeated going as far away from her as possible and sitting down.
Kiata watched warily as the hairless being in front of her startdc backing away, making some kind of noise.

Not noise, she thought to herself. It's talking. It almost sounds like...

Kiata found herself softly laughing, despite her surrounding. Or maybe because of her surroundings. One can only be scared shitless for so long, after all.

The sounds the hairless being in front of her was using reminded her of the Temple language she had to take lessons in once a week. It wasn't the same language of course, but it had the same rough sounds to it, and not the smoothness of normal speech. It was supposedly the language her particular set of ancestors had used long ago, and that her family and other members of their particular subset used during worship. Kiata personally hated using it, since she felt like she was spitting on everyone around her when she did.

Kiata then remembered the sound the hairless being used that made him sound like a frog. It made her picture a frog dressed up as a priest.

That did it, Kiata couldn't help but break out in a giggle which sounded part musical, part purr. She eyed the hairless being, and decided it didn't look so dangerous after all. Maybe it even was in the same trouble she was.

With a determined thrust of her jaw, Kiata forced herself to move toward the hairless being to try to communicate with it.
"Oh shit here she comes" Robby said gulping and rolling his shoulders "Just need to communicate with it find a way find a way"

Robby mind scrambled for a few seconds before he finally decided to try his name again. He rose both of his hands up once more trying to convey her meant peace for her. He then pointed at himself very slowly as not to startle her.

"I am Robby" Robby said clearing his throat "Robby"

He repeated it again two more times each time pointing directly at himself.
There he is making the frog sound again, Kiata thought. It made her laugh even harder and, as was usually the case when she was laughing, her tail started swinging back and forth.

Still giggling, she crawled on all fours, getting closer to the hairless being. Hairless male, she corrected herself, as she peered at him from one side, then another. He had hair like she had on top of her head, but his ears were weird. I bet he must be almost deaf, she decided, He had fine hair all over his body, and she thought the poor thing must get cold so easily.

It kept on croaking the same word over and over, pointing to itself. Himself, she corrected. He was pointing to himself.

Maybe that's his name, Kiata thought. I wonder if he's amphibious, and can breath air and water? Kiata pointed at the frog guy and said "Rrrob-bee. Rrrob-bee." She then tapped herself on her collarbone and introduced herself. "Kiata. Kiata."
"well thats a start" Robby said shaking his head and sighing "Kiata" He told her pointing at her to show her that he understood.

"I bet your hungry" He murmured looking at her and rubbing his belly "Hungry?" He asked making chewing motions as he pointed at a few snacks he had brought down before he started the ritual.
The frog guy said something else and started rubbing his belly. It instantly remind Kiata that she had had only a light lunch that day. She always ate a light lunch on days she had her martial arts classes. The thought of food made her stomach rumble. Frog boy must have guessed this somehow, because he was pointing to a small stack of bags and boxes. Was that an invitation to dive in? Kiata crawled toward the proffered snacks, then paused, looking a frog, Robby, she looked at Robby questioningly, her tail suddenly going quite still.
"Go ahead" Robby said answering back automatically before swearing "Fuck you wont understand that" He murmured before deciding just to nod and point at the food. He hoped the message she could eat was conveyed but he didnt dare move instead letting her eat and have her fill without worrying about him attacking her.
Kiata picked up one of the bags, extending a single sharp claw to rip it open. The contents looked vaguely like bears, except they were small, soft, translucent and different colors. She gingerly placed one in her mouth and almost spat it out. It was only her desire to be polite to frog boy that kept her from doing so. Instead she tried to keep a pleasant look on her face as she chewed and swallowed the candy. She happily put the bag away and grabbed another package.

This one was filled with slices of fruit and some kind of gooey sauce, which Kiata assumed was a dipping sauce, She avoided the dip, but took one of the slices, which had a red skin and a yellowish-white body, and took a bite.

Immediately Kiata purred with delight. Before she knew it, she had consumed all the fruit slices. She greedily looked through the rest of the snacks but didn't find anymore fruit slices. She gave the frog boy what she hoped was a hopeful look.
"So she likes fruit" Robby said watching her munch on them with ruthless abandon "Makes sense at the very least"

He sighed and noticed she was looking at him clearly wanting more. He snorted and nodded his head turning to the steps leading out of his parents basement.

"Cant believe it" Robby murmured to himself going up stairs and into the kitchen "Cat lady in my house with little on and I cant even communicate with her! Of all the fucking luck"

He grabbed some fresh fruit and fruit slices and piled them up. Once he was sure he had enough to sustain her and possible two more of her he came back down struggling to make sure nothing fell out.

He came over edging closer and closer to her and probing the waters so to speak. Once he was sure she wasnt going to bolt or hurt him he placed them on the table for her and then watched her curiously.
Kiata watched Robby head up the stairs but did not attempt to follow. But now it made her wonder again about how she had got here and what part Robbie played in getting her here.

She waited tensely, wondering if Robby was going to bring more frog people back with him. Instead, Robby came back alone, carrying more fruit, which he put diffidently in front of her. There were different varieties, some already sliced, the rest of them whole. Kiata's favorite was a dark red fruit with a hard seed in the middle and a tiny stem on the top. But all the fruit was delicious and Kiata soon had her fill.

All the time she noticed the frog boy watching her, and she couldn't help but wonder what he wanted. Kiata remembered reading a book or watching a show or something, where a being from one universe had summoned a being from another universe, thinking the second being was a demon or genie or something. When, in fact, they were just all accountants or something like that.

Her stomach full (and with half the fruit still untouched), Kiata was tempted to reach over and give the frog boy --- Robby, she corrected herself --- she was tempted to give Robby a lick on his ear. It was something she would do to her little brother to show her affection, though her brother was getting to the age where he thought receiving such attention from his sister or parents wasn't appropriately 'masculine.'

Instead, Kiata gave a formal bow of her head, as she would in the Temple. Maybe Robby would understand that.

Kiata made a number of purring and mewling sounds which, properly translated, would have come out in English as, "Not to push my luck, but could I have a glass of water?" Kiata mimed drinking from a glass.
She mimed drinking and he sighed in thanks that he had brought water bottles down.

"Here" He said pulling a water bottle out of his pockets and tossing it to her "Water" He told her miming the drinking motion and mirroring her moves.

He took his own out a soda and cracked it. The thing popped and fizzed and he brought it up to his lips taking a healthy sip before he noticed her state of undress once more.

As tempting (and it was tempting) to leave her like that he instead pulled his own shirt off. It was loose enough she should be able to wear it and so he tossed it to her.

"Wear" He remarked miming putting it on "so you dont get cold" he told her making the shivering movement and pointing at her.
Kiata happily took the water, trying not to wrinkle her nose when she saw Robby open a can with a carbonated drink. She had been trying to wean her younger brother from drinking those kinds of beverages, telling him they weren't healthy for him. But maybe frog people had different type of metabolisms, she reasoned.

When Robby took off his shirt to offer to Kiata, two things became immediately clear to Kiata:

1) The two nipples and scattering of hair on Robby's chest marked him as definitely mammalian, and not amphibian, and

2) Kiata had been sitting in front of a mammalian male for who knew how long with barely anything covering her

Kiata quickly took the offered shirt, pulling it on hastily, tugging it down as far as she could. Her cheeks were now a bright red, and she found she couldn't look Robby in the eye. Instead, she murmured Thank You in her mewling speech, trying to convince herself that Robby wouldn't have found her body anything to take notice of, since she looked so different from him.
She dressed hurriedly finally it would seem realizing what sort of state she was in. Robby couldnt help but snicker a little at that. He shook his head finishing his drink and clearing his throat as he studied her.

So what to do now?

He couldnt really talk talk to her. Now she was fed and halfway dressed he had went through all her basic needs as well.

So what was left

"Uh" He said looking at her cock his head slightly as he tried to think of a way to comunicate with her "Are you tired? He finally asking making the motions of sleep.
Kiata watched Robby try to mime something to her, than realized he was asking her to go to sleep. Or maybe he was asking if she was sleepy.

At the mention of sleep, Kiata realized she was indeed suddenly tired. She couldn't have been...wherever this was, not for that long. And it had been just afternoon back in her bedroom. But obviously everything that had happened to her had drained her of all of her reserves.

A yawn overtook Kiata, her mouth opening wide to reveal quite a few sharp teeth. But Kiata didn't want to go to sleep. Not now, at any rate. She wanted to find out where she was, and how she got here. But how to express this to Robby?

Kiata looked around the room, and saw what looked liked books on one of the shelves. Well, they would have to be books, wouldn't they, she thought to herself. Books would be the same no matter what world you were in.

Kiata gestured toward some of the books, looking at Robby, then at the books, then back to Robby.
Robby watched her mime and point at the books. He frowned trying to figure out if she was asking him about some thing specific or just books in general. Did she want to see the book he had used to summon her?

"Uh hold on" Robby said rising up. He didnt go to the book shelf instead he went to the couch and grabbed the spell book he had bought and used to bring her here.

"This" He said coming over and placing it on the table "You here" He said pointing at her "this bring you" He said pointing at the book.

He opened it and once he got to the picture of the circle on the floor pointed to it then to the circle he had drawn. He stepped back watching for her reaction trying to see if she understood what he was trying to say to her.
Kiata frowned as Robby placed a weird book on the table that he got off the couch. He open the book to a particular page with a diagram in it. Robby pointed at the circle in the book, then at the circle on the floor, and then at her. Was he trying to say he had used the circle on the floor to bring her here? She stared at the circle on the floor to see if there was some kind of electronics or something attached to it. Like that movie she had watched, where the hero traveled to another planet through a device he discovered in a giant ancient tomb. But nothing else in this room made her think Robby was from some ancient futuristic society. His room actually made her think of her little brother's. If her little brother was ten years older and living in her parent's basement.

Was Robby trying to say he used a magic spell or something to bring her here? Like in that game her brother was playing with his friends all the time? That was even more ridiculous.

Well, whatever had happened, Robby had brought her over here. So now the next question was, could he send her back?

Kiata was about to try to mime/ask that question when she stopped. Of course he could send her back, she decided. It was only common sense that if someone could move someone to one place, they could send someone back to where they started.

But since she was here, Kiata thought, why not figure out what this place was like. Because Kiata knew that once she went home, no one was ever going to let her come back here again. Not voluntarily, anyway.

So Kiata stood up, adjusting her tail so that it didn't lift up the T-shirt covering her body. She took a few steps toward the bookcase and stopped. She turned to Robby, pointed at the bookcase, then at herself, and looked at Robby questioningly.
"Ah you want to read" Robby said noting her apparent non interest in the book that had brought her here. He shrugged pushing it to the side and nodding at her to go over to the book case's.

"A lot of those are just fiction" He told her coming over with her "I am not sure I have any history books"

He scanned the titles for a few seconds before finally pulling out a basic encyclopedia. He shrugged and handed it to her trying to think of some way to convey it was his planets history before deciding to give up and let her explore for her self.
Kiata was about to take the encyclopedia from Robby's hand when another book caught her eye. It was thinner and more colorful, reminding Kiata of some of the books her little brother had. Most of the books like this that her brother had were flimsier and covered the adventures of super powered beings or strange creatures in magical lands, A few of the special books had harder covers, like the one Kiata was taking from Robby's shelf.

Kiata's eyes went wide when she saw the cover of the book she pulled down from Robby's bookshelf. It showed a male someone, a being like Robby, in an arduous embrace with a female being who looked like she was someone Kiata could have known. The feline being had an orange pelt with black stripes, coloration that Kiata had never seen in real life, but the feline being still looked like she could have come from Kiata's world.
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"Oh yeah that" Robby said blushing as she took it in "thats uh"

Robby suddenly had an idea, he turned searching with his eyes until he found one of the more risque furry books he had.

He pulled it out and showed it to her backing up warily as he did not know how she was going to react. There was another picture of a human and a furry on the cover but on this one they were kissing. He mimed turning the page to her blushing as he did. The book had a sex scene in it, all in black and white but still graphic. He had no idea how she was going to react to that but he was curious curious enough he was willing to take the risk.
The pupils of Kiata's eyes narrowed as she began flipping through the pages. There was dialogue written in strange script that she couldn't read (like she could read anything in this world, she mentally laughed), but the story was easy to follow. There was a girl who looked like she could have come from Kiata's world. She even had markings on her pelt that reminded Kiata of one of her best friends. The girl had on a bikini of some sort, while the boy was dressed and looked like Robby.

Kiata turned the page and frowned. Three other boys who looked like Robby appeared. Except they wore ragged clothes, were much bigger and muscular than the boy in the story, and appeared to be menacing him.

Kiata turned the page and smiled. The girl like her was flying through the air and battling the three big guys who were menacing the smaller boy. And the girl like her was easily winning.

Maybe that was why Robby had brought her to his world, she thought. He needed protection. But how could he know that he got someone who could appropriately protect him? And why was the girl like her and the boy like Robby kissing?

The kiss must be the reward for saving the boy, Kiata reasoned. Like the stories she read as a child, where the warrior saves the damsel and is rewarded with a kiss. Kiata snickered a little, imagining Robby dressed as a damsel from the days when the story was written. Still, it was a good story.

But she would have to show Robby that she could protect him like the girl in the story protected the boy.

Kiata gestured for Robby to take a seat on the couch and to remain seated. She then grabbed the hem of the shirt she was wearing, preparing to remove it, when she paused. She really couldn't do her demonstration with the shirt on, but then again, she was already embarrassed at having exposed herself to Robby like she had earlier. But it's not like he's interested in my body, she reasoned. He's looking for someone to protect him. Concentrating on that deduction, Kiata removed the shirt and tossed it to Robby.

She then moved objects on the wall and floor out of the way. The final thing she did was move a cinder block that was serving as a support for an end table, placing it in the middle of the floor. Kiata then went into action.

It was one of the most advanced katas that Kiata's instructor taught, consisting of feints, blocks, and more than a few acrobatics. There were spinning kicks, jumps, and other moves that made the kata look like a scene from the matrix, including running up walls and flipping in the air. The whole thing ended with a downward thrust by Kiata's right fist into the cinder block, splitting it in two.

Kiata stood up, panting, her breasts rising and falling. She gave Robby a small bow, hoping he was happy with the demonstration, before she went back to the comic, seeing where the story went next.



Robby blinked trying to recover from the daze of what had just happened. She had read some of the story and then removed her shirt and sat him down. Afterwards she had done some sort of demonstration.... It was karate he knew that much at least but why was she showing it to him? Did she think he was into Karate?

Before he could ask ( or even try to figure out how to ask) she was back to the book reading it with interest. He watched her trying to figure out if she was going to attack him. He didnt move instead simply watching her warily and trying to decide whether he needed a weapon or not.