Existing Threads Seeking Writers 2012

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Mischief Maker
Aug 22, 2001
This thread is here for existing RPs (threads) already under way and have had someone leave a needed role.

Please only post here what is needed, a link to the thread and/or OOC thread as well. When it is full, please return and edit your post to reflect that status to help keep the post count reasonable and easily understood.

Please DO NOT post comments, chat, shout outs, spam, personals etc in this thread.

This is for SRP Use only


Recruiting: The Cast and Crew

**The part of Vincent is taken. I'm leaving the thread open to anyone else that would want to join as an original character. Please send me a PM with your first post if interested. Thanks!**


Basic story:

A woman in her mid-twenties is in the process of producing a webisode series. Problem is, she lives in the midwestern US and her resources are limited. She has all the equipment, a great script, and a house that's been converted to multiple sets. She has little left to pay actors and crew.

Thankfully, she has friends that are willing to help make it work. Some others have been recruited from a nearby college - though Marja can just barely pay them a passing wage.

Marja takes a particular interest in a student that is active in the campus theater. He doesn't consider himself a real actor; he just does it for fun. He shows little to no interest in her project when she asks him to become a part of it.

Long story short, Marja eventually offers to do anything Vincent wants to get him to act for her. She clearly states that this includes whatever sexual fantasies he could possibly imagine.
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Hey everyone, I've been gone for a while but I've got some time if anyone's looking for a partner.
Not sure how long it is customary to wait for a partner to return, but mine hasn't logged in for 9+ days... Looking to see if anyone wants to pick up on an "dad's best friend" kinda thread. The woman is 19 and relatively innocent.

You will see that it is a slow and steady thing (meaning, I am looking for someone who can post every couple days and help move the storyline forward.)

Check it out and PM me if interested: http://forum.literotica.com/showthread.php?t=787738
Servants of the Goddess

Looking for anyone interested in joining in a swords-and-sex-and-sorcery type thread, set in a ancient/fantastic world and centering (at least at this point) around a girl who is unknowingly (at least for know) the embodiment of the goddess of lust in mortal flesh. I've started the ooc with some rough sketches, and the way it looks to me right now, there should be plenty of room for anyone.

Monster Academy

Monsters have gotten such a bum rap over the centuries. Everyone sees them as frightening, disturbing creatures... But all in all, they're simply misunderstood. It's hard to break yourself of the expected stereotype that people make of you, and even harder to stop them when you have your instincts going against you!

The Monster Academy is a creation of those misunderstood creatures so that their children can have a better attempt at fitting in. Seen as a College for Creatures, these unique students are taught how to blend in a bit better with human society, as well as how to control their monsterish tendencies.

The faculty is also made up of various members of the monster community, whether it be creatures as well or those who know them (For example, Dr Van Helsing, Dr Frankenstein, etc.) Of course, this also means a few of our dear teachers need to control their OWN natural instincts around their students...

Please PM profiles if interested!
My co writer and I would welcome anyone willing to participate in our fantasy thread as writer for interesting male encounters that our two lively girls might have while on the road:

Serpent's Tooth

It is in no way required that you read the whole thread or even know its contents. Ignorance in this case might actually be conductive to more authentic contributions. :)

If you are interested, or even merely curious, please contact me via PM.
My co writer and I would welcome anyone willing to participate in our fantasy thread as writer for interesting male encounters that our two lively girls might have while on the road:

Serpent's Tooth

It is in no way required that you read the whole thread or even know its contents. Ignorance in this case might actually be conductive to more authentic contributions. :)

If you are interested, or even merely curious, please contact me via PM.

Yes, please, please, please. I like to have one ore better more dominat guys to help out. You don't have to read everything, just our character descriptions.
Looking for one or two, at the most, to fill the role(s) of a Succubus; or contrasting twin sister succubi design for the purpose of seducing mortals (and otherwise) and reaping their souls after draining their body of sexual energies.

The Gathering is where you will find the current thread. Linked in my signature is my original run of the thread that had to end prematurely. It will give you an idea of the scenario and setting laid out before you.

The role(s) can be played by a single skilled writer; or two female writers.
I am looking for a female writer to take on the role of my character's sister in a thread involving brother and sister survivors of a plane crash who ultimately form a sexual and romantic relationship on the deserted island they crash on.

Hoping for a detailed writer who can post several times a week. No one liners.

If you are interested, please PM me and we can discuss.

Here's the link to the thread:


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Rebirth and Renewed Writing in 2012

Good ideas deserve a second chance...in some cases more. Please give these a read and let me know if you want in on the reboot. I love hearing people's ideas and brain storming together. That's why I like writing here. I'm looking for creative female writers who enjoy detailed role playing. Tell me what you think...thanks

I tend to do long posts, and I like people who can spell. If you read your post out loud before you hit submit like me I think we'll get along fine.

Jack Flack & Lady Ace and Their Infinite Board Game Adventure

Two close friends find themselves sucked into their favorite spy board game where their fantasy is reality and they're their favorite characters. Now if I restart this it doesn't mean it has to be a spy setting again. I'd be willing to discuss all kinds of alternative universes from Space Adventures to Adventures in the Old West. This can be a lot of fun with the right creative lady.

Have one interested party in a sc-fi version of this story. I'm still open to other threads with other female writers.

Seducing Sarah's Mom (Open to an over 30 female writer)

When a married woman's situation changes she noticed the wonderful neighbor down the road, and things begin. My partner decided to move on to other projects though she enjoyed it an brainstormed it out to the end. So if your interested in a real world romance with a woman...not girl as your role give this a read. As with above I'm willing to adjust things, so contact me if you like what you've read.

Still looking:rose:

A Wild Kind of Love
Second try didn't take off...

Partner left me with a wonderful but unfinished tale....

This was my second attempt at making a great role play of a couple getting their once passionate relationship back on track. These previous posts are only guidelines and would love to get some fresh prospective on the story from a new partner. Ladies who like the Outdoors will enjoy this role.

Still looking:rose:

How Did We Get Here..Love, Lust, and Divorce (Open to a creative female Scribe)


The couple starts off at a divorce meeting in a state of hate and rage, but little by little they get back to the erotic love they once shared. In this case my partner was ill for a time, but we had fun with it, so I like to have fun again. We can continue with the same characters, but I'm willing to explore other ideas and settings. Only thing is I like the meeting as a starting point. Once again a real world setting, but a lot of room for a skilled writer to show her stuff. Nobody likes divorce, but so many like romance.

Still looking:rose:

The Huntress.....Predator

This was a very special role play for me, and sadly I had to bail on it which I regret. I'd like to reboot this one though and see what can be done with it. A female federal agent is on the trail of a vigilante who's out spreading his brand of justice in a rural region of the US. This isn't for the timid, and I'd love to hear your take on the characters. We can change the story line some, because after all you don't want to do the same exact story. Many types of agents you can be or perhaps a profiler.

I had some interest, but nothing confirmed yet.
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In search of a female for my thread, give it a read please, I play both males and females. Ezekiel is an aggressive, tender type, but with a dark side. In which the female becomes curious and tries to break past his steel skin. And so on.


If you have any ideas on wanting to RP with me, shoot me a message and we can set it up!
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