Privacy reminder - think about what you're willing to disclose

While you're out there, can I convince you to do some weeding?

Depends on what kind you're referring to.

Word is a potential issue, as mentioned. When people send me Word docs, I have to explain that I won’t comment in the actual document as my M365 account is in my real name. You can set it up to not dox you, but I’m too worried about overlooking something.

When I share documents, it’s via Google Docs and my dedicated Lit Google account.

I also never use the Word upload for publishing, only pasting into the text box.

I have had people contact me via their real email addresses, and had to point that out to them. I use my Lit gmail for any correspondence and to register with any site.

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You can set it up to not dox you, but I’m too worried about overlooking something.
And Microsoft can (and has previously) entirely changed the way settings work with no announcement. (To be fair, so does most tech. Just don't be in the position that they can upskirt you in the first place)
Something else to watch - metadata in any file you send for review /editing. If it was created by MS-Word, there's a good chance you or your company's name is there.
OTOH, if you're aware of how that works you can manipulate it to mislead, as well.

Same with uploaded images.
And Microsoft can (and has previously) entirely changed the way settings work with no announcement. (To be fair, so does most tech. Just don't be in the position that they can upskirt you in the first place)

Word is a potential issue, as mentioned. When people send me Word docs, I have to explain that I won’t comment in the actual document as my M365 account is in my real name. You can set it up to not dox you, but I’m too worried about overlooking something.

When I share documents, it’s via Google Docs and my dedicated Lit Google account.

I also never use the Word upload for publishing, only pasting into the text box.

I have had people contact me via their real email addresses, and had to point that out to them. I use my Lit gmail for any correspondence and to register with any site.

Meant to add. If anyone offers to pre-read, I ask them directly to use an email with no PII - a burner email if you like.

I’m surprised when people don’t set up such things.

Meant to add. If anyone offers to pre-read, I ask them directly to use an email with no PII - a burner email if you like.

I’m surprised when people don’t set up such things.

to piggyback on Emily above (hur hur) protonmail is free and doesn't do the incredibly irritating shit that google does where they decide "oh, hey, the moons of Saturn are in a different alignement, so give us your phone number or we won't let you log in"
to piggyback on Emily above (hur hur) protonmail is free and doesn't do the incredibly irritating shit that google does where they decide "oh, hey, the moons of Saturn are in a different alignement, so give us your phone number or we won't let you log in"
Yeah - you had mentioned. Google sucks if you get a new phone. You have to provide a DNA sample to access gmail.

Yeah - you had mentioned. Google sucks if you get a new phone. You have to provide a DNA sample to access gmail.


Google is absolutely evil when it comes to any attempts at putting up privacy fences. I run my own e-mail server, and Google has locked me out from sending to Gmail accounts because they can’t embed their tentacles (sorry, Em!) into my server.
Google is absolutely evil when it comes to any attempts at putting up privacy fences. I run my own e-mail server, and Google has locked me out from sending to Gmail accounts because they can’t embed their tentacles (sorry, Em!) into my server.
We have a saying in my line of work - if you base any part of the critical workflows of your business on a G$$gle product you will fail.

they redesign stuff without consultation, they deprecate things without warning, and they generally behave like toddlers with acetylene torches. They have no business model outside of ads, and it shows in everything they touch and do.

Amazon are absolute dicks, but they're dicks who keep stuff running.
I see this thread has now been infested too , so ...


Too bad cuz it cudda' bin good.
I see this thread has now been infested too , so ...


Too bad cuz it cudda' bin good.

What’s your problem? Google is one of the primary reasons we have to constantly gird ourselves against personal information harvesting. That is the topic here.
What’s your problem? Google is one of the primary reasons we have to constantly gird ourselves against personal information harvesting. That is the topic here.
They have a problem with certain posters and their silly asides.
I'm probably a lot more lax than I realize with some of this, but I'm also in a position where I'm not super concerned if someone discovered my "true identity" here.

It'd be like "Okay, ya got me. My secret is I'm a regular guy with an average life and a job who occasionally writes some kinky stories. Nice job sleuthing me, Sherlock. But I don't give a fuck."

That said, this is good advice to all of us to think before we share.
Something else to watch - metadata in any file you send for review /editing. If it was created by MS-Word, there's a good chance you or your company's name is there.
This is the best advice I've seen in this thread. I remember when I was horified to discover that a Word doc I'd sent to someone for beta reading contained my name. I learned how to change it, but that's a real give-away that many (most???) people don't know about.
I also never use the Word upload for publishing, only pasting into the text box.
Thanks for the tip. I've just made a note to upload new versions of my stories in Smashwords, with the properties updated appropriately. Fortunately here on Lit I just paste in the text.
Meant to add. If anyone offers to pre-read, I ask them directly to use an email with no PII - a burner email if you like.

I’m surprised when people don’t set up such things.

What's a PII?
This is the best advice I've seen in this thread. I remember when I was horified to discover that a Word doc I'd sent to someone for beta reading contained my name. I learned how to change it, but that's a real give-away that many (most???) people don't know about.
Word is a bad tool for sharing erotica. It’s an OK tool for writing it. Especially if you are very used to it from work, etc.

I’ve tried writing in Google Docs and hated it. And it crashes repeatedly if you get to around 30,000 words.

Fine if you paste a long story into it, just not if you then try to edit using it.
