utterly vaccuous.


copping a feel
Oct 2, 2004
seeing all my clients this morning, I cannot escape the headline news playing out in the tabloid press and on morning tv.
hundreds of girls missing in Nigeria, various terrorist and environmental tragedies playing out, a world full of stories to cover.
so what is the headline news...?

some tedious, plastic titted, attention junkie of a woman accused hubby of cheating. on twitter.


what pointless drivel are people glued to where you are?
In Canada, the big story is (always) the weather.

Despite so-calle Global Warming, it's still too cold to ride my Harley without freezing my nuts.
In Canada, the big story is (always) the weather.

Despite so-calle Global Warming, it's still too cold to ride my Harley without freezing my nuts.

ahh, barbarian lands...

if I lived somewhere the lows hit -40 and I might be buried under 10' of snow, i'd be obsessed with the weather too. far more sensible headlines than the state of old silicon jugs' third marriage.
Eh, just some local guy shot his neighbor to death as his wife egged him on.
Actually, the biggest news story here right now is fairly substantive.

Our mentally defective governor blocked a huge offshore wind power project a while back, even though it would have dramatically lowered energy costs in the state and would have provided as many as 700 high wage jobs. He said he was blocking it because the state university was in line for grants that would allow it to create the same project better.

Yesterday, it was announced that the university did not get the grants.
A local man, 88, found beheaded in his home and his wife missing, presumed abducted.
Actually, the biggest news story here right now is fairly substantive.

Our mentally defective governor blocked a huge offshore wind power project a while back, even though it would have dramatically lowered energy costs in the state and would have provided as many as 700 high wage jobs. He said he was blocking it because the state university was in line for grants that would allow it to create the same project better.

Yesterday, it was announced that the university did not get the grants.

How many birds are you wiling to sacrifice?
Did he seriously just try to make the bird argument in terms of reasons why wind power isn't a fantastic thing? Seriously?!?
In Canada, the big story is (always) the weather.

Despite so-calle Global Warming, it's still too cold to ride my Harley without freezing my nuts.

God continues to punish the Great White North for their obsessive politeness.
ah, back home to radio 4!

the big news seems to be that all the new Zealand lamb we're buying is killed in halal approved manner. seeing as the lambs are stunned first (unlike kosher meat) and all slaughter houses are pretty grim affairs, i'm not seeing the big deal. the journalists, in an attempt to turn it into a story, are telling us we should demand this info on food packaging. the public, in true brit style, would rather not know any of the gory details, tyvm.
WE didn't abandon it, communities are fighting so hard to get them approved but amazingly when you can't get approval because it would harm a trade with big money (aka fossil fuels) you will never win. Unless you can afford the bribes, excuse me, to LOBBY then you won't win.

Our very own president has stumped for wind farms, talking about harnessing a power that wouldn't affect our ecosystem and yet the most vocal opponents are those (RW) politicians who are lining their pockets with lobbyist money.

Wind farms create their own jet streams, on a smaller scale, and keep the birds from flying into them. But nice try.

The biggest threat to birds these days, besides poisoned water and food sources are cats.

Why aren't we harnessing solar power? That doesn't affect the birds.
Did he seriously just try to make the bird argument in terms of reasons why wind power isn't a fantastic thing? Seriously?!?

Wind power is turning out to be an environmental disaster in its own right. Even the Europeans, who bought in early and big time, are backing away from it.

I have a small wind farm and a solar farm near my house.
there are some pretty big offshore wind farms here. putting them offshore protects bats, which seem to be the only serious casualties.
other than that, I've not heard of any body count. not even as local gossip.
...is this thread going to turn into one of those lameasrse shit threads where yank lefties bicker with yank right wingers in an utterly pointless way that drives anyone with anything interesting or amusing to say away from the thread? if so, fuck you.
...is this thread going to turn into one of those lameasrse shit threads where yank lefties bicker with yank right wingers in an utterly pointless way that drives anyone with anything interesting or amusing to say away from the thread? if so, fuck you.


There's a big trial going on in Bangor. Three people found dead in a burning car. Apparently a botched drug deal.