The Naked Party Thread

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You're right. If you don't see it, that's because of willful ignorance and I won't waste my breath.

What a wise decision, Amy. I commend you for it.
You might get your typing fingers to do likewise.

Had you but bothered to see the context to which I was alluding you'd realise that there was mentioned a type of cat called a 'Coon Maine' (and yes, it does exist; I looked it up).
I thought that, bearing in mind the sensitivities of some souls, I wondered about the word 'Coon' (particularly bearing in mind the delicacy of a certain N word in some USA quarters) and whether it was regarded in the same way.

Now, please, Amy, if you want to join in, please do; but I beg of you not to spit and snarl and insult, especially if you have missed a point.
Apart from anything else, it spoils the mood of the board, IMO
I had a Maine Coon once. Biggest cat I've ever seen in person. She could almost reach my armpit when stretching from the floor. Weighed about twenty-two pounds. She was also the most affectionate cat I'd ever known.

They are terrific cats. My cat Tybalt was so large that when he would beg in my kitchen, he could rest his chin along the counter's edge. My husband said that he was more like dog that a cat.
Hullo all! Cold beer anyone? Are there any nachos by any chance? I love nachos.

Neko, Anna, so good to see you.

Here you are, HP, your cup of tea.

Hullo all! Cold beer anyone? Are there any nachos by any chance? I love nachos.

Neko, Anna, so good to see you.

Here you are, HP, your cup of tea.


Thank you, Madam.
D'you think Anna would mind if I had a little of her Scotch in this one ?
Thank you, Madam.
D'you think Anna would mind if I had a little of her Scotch in this one ?

Ooh, what a good idea. Mmm, (it is a blend, isn't it? I won't put a good whisky in my tea! LOL)

Anna, can you share with us? Or do you just want to stretch out and chill with some nachos.

What a wise decision, Amy. I commend you for it.
You might get your typing fingers to do likewise.

Had you but bothered to see the context to which I was alluding you'd realise that there was mentioned a type of cat called a 'Coon Maine' (and yes, it does exist; I looked it up).
I thought that, bearing in mind the sensitivities of some souls, I wondered about the word 'Coon' (particularly bearing in mind the delicacy of a certain N word in some USA quarters) and whether it was regarded in the same way.

Now, please, Amy, if you want to join in, please do; but I beg of you not to spit and snarl and insult, especially if you have missed a point.
Apart from anything else, it spoils the mood of the board, IMO


You didn't "allude" to shit, dude. You made your comment in a context that you CLEARLY knew to be racist. So do NOT try to play it off like your were innocently discussing cats.

You've now compounded it by talking smack about "the sensitivities of some souls" like being offended by your racist comments is somehow wrong.

BTW, if other people are willing to ignore your bigotry that is on them. What you will NOT fucking do is freely insult ME by attempting to imply that I missed the "point" of your racist comment. It's clear, it's there and you own it.

Lastly, YOU do not tell me when and when not I have the right to "join in". Unless your name has suddenly been changed to Laurel or Molly, you have NO say.
Guys, I am so sorry but I really do have to go. The washing up is piling up around me and I ought to have cleaned out the fridge six months ago.

Anna, I sure hope things are better soon.

Thanks for the beer and nachos! And especially for the lovely songs today. It was a good day for songs. Thank you HP.

BTW, I've had a fair bit of racism in my time but none on here. Well, apart from JBJ shouting NIGGA but that was just a bit of fun and as you all know, I really love him. Hope he stops lurking in the shadows like a constrictor and talks to me again soon, I want some more recipes from him - and piccies of his vegetable garden.

Seriously, safe_bet and whoever else. I am about to go rental on your asses and write a story about your humiliation!
Seriously, safe_bet and whoever else. I am about to go rental on your asses and write a story about your humiliation!

No don't tease SafeBet. She is in mourning. She has reasons to be very upset and angry although it's a pity she takes it out on us all in here.

Spike, I just popped in to say Night night to you. There may be some sausage and mashed potato left that I brought in, although Di might have eaten it all. Have a cold beer! and don't make too much mess if you get the hot tub out again. :cool:
Thank you, Madam.
D'you think Anna would mind if I had a little of her Scotch in this one ?
'Tisn't mine, I nicked it from the bottle Di left. :)

Sorry, I wish I could help. Do you still have that headache?

Anna, can you share with us? Or do you just want to stretch out and chill with some nachos.

No nachos for me, thanks, but I'd love to just stretch out and chill. It's a theatre thing that my committee is partially involved in.

Can you delegate it ?
I so truly wish, but I can't. I've already heard from one of my actresses that she's nursing a sore throat, so may need to make a cast change on the fly.

I thought Coon was an insulting word but I guess that for Felis Domesticus it'll go.
I used to have a moggie like that. [Ah, memories ]


You didn't "allude" to shit, dude. You made your comment in a context that you CLEARLY knew to be racist. So do NOT try to play it off like your were innocently discussing cats.

You've now compounded it by talking smack about "the sensitivities of some souls" like being offended by your racist comments is somehow wrong.

BTW, if other people are willing to ignore your bigotry that is on them. What you will NOT fucking do is freely insult ME by attempting to imply that I missed the "point" of your racist comment. It's clear, it's there and you own it.

Lastly, YOU do not tell me when and when not I have the right to "join in". Unless your name has suddenly been changed to Laurel or Molly, you have NO say.
Perhaps you can explain something to me, and I'm asking in all sincerity. There were at least three posts prior to HP's in which the Maine Coon, a legitimate breed of cat, was being discussed. When he asked his question, he cited the Latin (as I've included above) "Felis Domesticus." So, how is that racist?

Furthermore, since HP asked his question, other people have continued the discussion of this breed of cat, yet I don't see you calling them on "racist comments." Why is that?
Christ! I step out for a few hours and a brawl breaks out? I'm going to go hide back in steam room. Care to join Anna, Neko, Naoko?
I guess I'm to blame. Ladies do tend to do that around me. Also, Naoko's gonna sit with me for a while. She's going to show me the ropes!
Christ! I step out for a few hours and a brawl breaks out? I'm going to go hide back in steam room. Care to join Anna, Neko, Naoko?
That'll probably help with this never-ending headache. Let's go!

I guess I'm to blame. Ladies do tend to do that around me. Also, Naoko's gonna sit with me for a while. She's going to show me the ropes!
Hmm, Naoko and ropes? I'd be careful there, Spike. ;) Maybe you should come relax in the steam room too.
That'll probably help with this never-ending headache. Let's go!

Hmm, Naoko and ropes? I'd be careful there, Spike. ;) Maybe you should come relax in the steam room too.

*Enjoying the moist air of the steam room, clearing the lungs and soaking the body*

So there is a big warming ball of fire in the sky right now over Seattle. Just what the hell is it?!?!

Spike, I'm sure Naoko will be gentle if you say "please mistress".
That'll probably help with this never-ending headache. Let's go!

Hmm, Naoko and ropes? I'd be careful there, Spike. ;) Maybe you should come relax in the steam room too.

*Enjoying the moist air of the steam room, clearing the lungs and soaking the body*

So there is a big warming ball of fire in the sky right now over Seattle. Just what the hell is it?!?!

Spike, I'm sure Naoko will be gentle if you say "please mistress".

Hi John! I think I'll leave you two to enjoy the steam room alone. Besides, Anna could use the peace and quiet. Anna, I hope your headache improves. Have a wonderful evening, folks. :)
*Enjoying the moist air of the steam room, clearing the lungs and soaking the body*

So there is a big warming ball of fire in the sky right now over Seattle. Just what the hell is it?!?!

Ah, is that where the Dragon left his toys ?. We did wonder.

I do wish someone would explain to me how to say something which can only be taken one way, with no ulterior motive. Must I resort to Legalese?

>> Settles back in the warm, wet, air. <<
Ah, is that where the Dragon left his toys ?. We did wonder.

I do wish someone would explain to me how to say something which can only be taken one way, with no ulterior motive. Must I resort to Legalese?

>> Settles back in the warm, wet, air. <<

Ignoring Amy and her bile will solve a lot of the problem.
Ah, is that where the Dragon left his toys ?. We did wonder.

I do wish someone would explain to me how to say something which can only be taken one way, with no ulterior motive. Must I resort to Legalese?

>> Settles back in the warm, wet, air. <<

Ignoring Amy and her bile will solve a lot of the problem.

Why don't BOTH of you fine gents just fuck off???

(and it doesn't surprise me in the SLIGHTEST that TxRad would would support somebody else making racist statements).
Hi, everyone! The witch is on the air once more. Looks like I missed a lot of new faces, a lot of fun and maybe a quarrel or two.

Now might be a good time to remind everyone of the rules of the house.

Welcome to my party. There are only 3 rules:

1. Take off your clothes and grab a drink.

2. No anger, pain or sadness.

3. Have a blast.

The past year has been hard on a great many. Let's take today to unwind, enjoy our blessings and revel in nudity and naughtiness. Hey, Santa's done for the year and is on vacation.

Vodka, anyone? Rum punch? There's a keg with no bottom in the corner and a drunken elf dispensing B52 shots at the fully-stocked bar. We have non-alcoholic beverages and hot cocoa. There are marshmallows to roast in the fireplace. The munchies are in the dining room, so help yourself.

Turn up the music, grab a partner and dance. Let's have some fun.

No more ugliness, if you please. This is supposed to be a happy place. :kiss:
I had a Maine Coon once. Biggest cat I've ever seen in person. She could almost reach my armpit when stretching from the floor. Weighed about twenty-two pounds. She was also the most affectionate cat I'd ever known.

Slyc! How I've missed your fun ways.

I have a Maine Coon. He's quite the love, a real gentleman with an entertaining, playful side. I highly recommend the breed. They're such lovely friends.
I thought Coon was an insulting word but I guess that for Felis Domesticus it'll go.
I used to have a moggie like that. [Ah, memories ]

That depends. The Maine Coon is a breed of cat. It's name derived from the folk-borne belief that the original cats brought over by European sailors had bred with raccoons and that's how the original members of the breed got their coloring and markings. Of course it wasn't true, but that's what was believed at the time.

Coon is also the short form of raccoon. For instance, we have coons all over the place here and they tend to get into the trash cans out back. They're a real nuisance, but there's nothing quite as cute as a baby coon.

"Coon-ass" is a term that Cajuns sometimes use to refer to themselves. This word should never be used by non-Cajuns, as it would be considered derogatory. Some Cajun people don't like to see their own use it either. They feel it is much the same as an African person referring to his own by using the "N" word. The origins of "Coon-ass" are steeped in mystery, but is believed one way the word was assigned to the race is because of the coon-skin caps they wore during the Battle of New Orleans.

When aiming the word "coon" at a person of any dark race, it's considered tantamount to a declaration of war. A man once referred to my grandmother as a half-breed coon. It was the only time I ever saw my grandfather raise his hand to another human being. The guy got clobbered and spoke to my grandmother with respect to the day he died after that.

My Coon cat suddenly decided to find out what I'm typing. He's being quiet silly with his tail in my face. Makes it difficult to type.
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