The Last Thing You Thought...

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Why does the thought of Nina with a flamethrower give me the twitches?

Furthermore, why does the thought of Nina and Dream "supervising" make those twitches worse?


*just.... grins*

We could supervise with a flamethrower?

LT: Enrollment forms are in. Now to wait and see if I'm troubled enough to be in!
I just want a corner.
To go hide in and sleep.
And if someone brought me alcohol, I would be sooo haaappyyyyy...
-faceplants the floor-

mmmmok... step over me or lickme.. or hit me with a brick.

LT: fuckit.
I'm just saying...when I make myself write, I end up being able to write more often, more easily. Seriously, I wrote something like 20 or 25 pages this weekend.
Yet still I try to stop myself.

Yes, I need to write more too, and it does become easier the more I write. I didn't think I could keep up with four story threads, but I am. Hmmm, 25 pages? You are now one more who motivates me. Check in with me on Monday night next week and ask me how much I wrote.
A lot of it is simple motivation. There were things I wanted to write, stories I needed to tell. And then there were more, and more.

I have several things that I want to write, several stories I need to tell. But my brain is all mushy and won't work.

Loan me yours!
Nono, you spend enough time in there already!
grumbles something about charging rent

I didn't know I could occupy a place in your mind for a fee. I would have signed a lease a long time ago. Meanwhile, I have plenty of vacancies in my own.
slips the black lacies off from under my skirt
I think you'll like these now

*glares* We'll discuss this later....

Oh, hello. Just watch out for the goldfish. And DO NOT go in the closet. You don't want to know what's in there. Trust me!

Gold fish? *scratches head, then sneaks toward the closet, curious*


Actually, there is. Finely furnished too. And spacious.
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