

roosevelt dime
Feb 20, 2002
We don't really know each other, but I just wanted to take the time to tell you that you have impressed me today.

It's good to have you around.
So you and your son didn't catch all of the snowflakes on your tongue?


Snow rocks! Said the man who has never lived in snowy climes.
tortoise said:
We don't really know each other, but I just wanted to take the time to tell you that you have impressed me today.

It's good to have you around.


Thank you very much for this acknowledgement. It was unexpected and honestly, much appreciated.

We haven't really interacted that much, but that's something I would like to change :D

ADR and LIW, thanks for your additions.
From what I know of him, Zipman is cool. I'm looking forward to meeting him on Saturday.
The fact that Zipman is taken saddens me almost as much as it does that you are, Tortoise.

Rubyfruit said:
The fact that Zipman is taken saddens me almost as much as it does that you are, Tortoise.



You rock, Rubes.

Edit: You had no way of knowing this, but Gin and I both giggle at the word "taken", as a old mutual (nitwit) acquaintance of ours (Lioness knows of whom I speak) once used that word ad nauseum, forever ruining it in our eyes. But, call it what you will, I am indeed most thoroughly taken, smitten, attached, and head over heels in love with my very bestest friend.

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Rubyfruit said:
The fact that Zipman is taken saddens me almost as much as it does that you are, Tortoise.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news.......


Re: Re: Re: zipman7

tortoise said:


And sorry Ruby, I am indeed "taken" and quite happy about that.

Of course, I have been pretty successful at not flirting here but some of the sexiest women (like yourself) expose my moments of weakness for an innocent little flirtation.
Zip is a major G, one of my top 5 cunts.

We were in the commando unit together, macking mackerel.

Lancecastor said:
Zip cunt.

We were ... together.




Whoops, err, I guess now that I learned how to edit a post so that it says something contrary to what it was intended to, all I need is to do figure out how to make it at the poster's expense and not my own :D

I feel weird saying this about a thread of mine...

...but I :heart: this thread.

Hell, even busybody was funny in it.

Re: I feel weird saying this about a thread of mine...

tortoise said:
...but I :heart: this thread.

Hell, even busybody was funny in it.


I feel even weirder but I :heart: this thread too!

On a side note, it is kind of funny that this was the first thread created about me here and it was done by someone who doesn't even know me.

I never said I didn't have an ego :eek:
I absolutely and completely :heart: Zipman. I wish I had time to list the gazillion reasons why, but alas, I must take my leave.

:kiss: Zip.

And to Tortoise as well for thinking of making this for such a great guy. :kiss:
Freya2 said:
I absolutely and completely :heart: Zipman. I wish I had time to list the gazillion reasons why, but alas, I must take my leave.

:kiss: Zip.

And to Tortoise as well for thinking of making this for such a great guy. :kiss:
im here because i wanted to be under freya.

:kiss:es you hussy