You're all going to Hell!

You want me to save you a seat by the pit, GP?
There are many Latinos who are named Jesus.

HeavyStick, our transexual lap dancer, for example is just such a person.
I guess there's gonna be a whole lotta fuckin' goin' on once we all get there! ;)
Ha! I've already been and don't have to go back, unless I want to.
ChilledVodka said:
There are many Latinos who are named Jesus.

HeavyStick, our transexual lap dancer, for example is just such a person.

I can't believe you kiss your Dad with that mouth.
A guy died and went to hell. The Devil said he could choose between any of the three doors. He opend the first one and everybody was on fire, he closed it quick. He opened the second door and it was worse than the first. He opened the third door and there was a garden with many beautiful naked women. He said, " I'll take this one." He went inside and in a short while discovered the women had no pussies. He asked another guy about it and the guy said, "that's the hell of it".

thank you, I'll be here all week.
If it's anything like the South Park Hell...

I'll be too busy to notice the difference between here and there.

In the Lit Pit, "Down in front, I can't see!"
nimbus9 said:
A guy died and went to hell. The Devil said he could choose between any of the three doors. He opend the first one and everybody was on fire, he closed it quick. He opened the second door and it was worse than the first. He opened the third door and there was a garden with many beautiful naked women. He said, " I'll take this one." He went inside and in a short while discovered the women had no pussies. He asked another guy about it and the guy said, "that's the hell of it".

thank you, I'll be here all week.

Version two:......

A guy died and went to Hell. The Devil gave him the same choice.....3 doors. #1 door revealed people burning in agony. #2 door revealed people feezing, with no clothes on. # 3 door revealed people standing knee deep in shit.
"Hmm, " the guy thought. "This would be bearable." So he told the Devil he'd pick door # 3.
The Devil threw him in and locked the door just as another Devil inside shouted . "OK! Break over. Everyone back on your heads!"
Party at my place!

I've got a nice three bedroom condo with a great view of the Lake of Fire..and just across the lake you can see the Forest of Suicides.

Only real problem is the air conditioning is on the fritz and theres a bout 40 Starbucks in a three block radius..but hey, it is Hell after all. but then again better than Toronto