Your experience with fuck buddies


Really Experienced
Aug 1, 2011
What are some of your experiences with having a friend with benefits? Do you regret any of the ones you've ever had? And have you ever formed a relationship out of a fwb situation?
Have one is working out so far so good. We talked before about rules...we both are in relationships so we both have sometihing to lose. Been at is over a year.
I had one along time ago in worked very nice. Girl down the street...would go out and after getin home sneak out, ride bike to her house and we would fuck in her garage or yard. Ahhh memeories
What are some of your experiences with having a friend with benefits? Do you regret any of the ones you've ever had? And have you ever formed a relationship out of a fwb situation?

I've had some nice FWB action.

One was with a girl i worked with, we ended up dating for a year. Then she moved away for a new job. This was prob 15yrs ago now, we're still friends to this day. She's married now.

The other FWB, we'll, we're getting married next year LoL It's been 2yrs since we've been together as a couple, and 4 since this journey started.
We weren't looking for things to go this way..but they did.

I regret having a "FWB sexcapade" with a friend i had known for years. When the sex stopped, things got awkward, we went our separate ways. He was a great friend, and the curiousity about eachother's skills got the best of us and in the end we lost the friendship..
I've had many FWBs, so long as the arrangement was clear between us, nobody got hurt. Only with one did I get nervous because he started to have feelings deeper than what he could give, we still talk but have not connected because it would complicate things. Apart from him, I kept my emotions under control.

If you look at it as a serious, friend with benefit-NSA relationship, it's a cake walk.
I've had a few fwb situations in my life. I had only one regret. Fell head-over-heels and it did not work out. Should have known better. Oh well I feel I am a stronger person because of the experience. [Side note: A few were either married or engaged]
I have the most wonderful friend with benefits. He's in the country for 1 year only and has a gf back home who knows I exist, but not that we've discovered that we care for each other deeply.

I'll miss him terribly when he leaves at Christmas, but I really don't want to keep him. I'm not up for a serious relationship and if I was, he wouldn't be a candidate. He just wouldn't fit into my life that way.

In the meantime... he's a good friend and a wonderful lover. I'm making the most of it while it lasts. :devil:
Good for you. That can be a problem if you are from different countries. Or even different states depending on your location.
Mine introduced me to a whole new world of sexuality.
Too bad she is back in Dallas.
Awe. Sorry she had to go back to Dallas Jessica. Hopefully you can call/email/text.
Ah, there is this one beauty ...

Her pussy felt better than any other and though I wouldnt say it was the best sex ever, I would say it was right up there. We haven't been in touch lately ... And I don't know how to contact her anyway. I do know she has a boyfriend and also I've got married since then. Ah but here's the twist. Recently her boyfriend came and applied at my place of work. If I hire him, would I be able to open that door again? Don't do it! Don't do it! Do it .. do it!!!

Sweet dilemma!
I had a FWB girl years ago, it was awesome! We both knew why we got together and it was all about the pleasure. We never went on a date or anything like that. It was just great, fun sex. I look back and consider her to be one of the best I have ever been with. I remember telling her, "if the Olympics had an oral sex team, she would have been the team captain." yes, she was that good. oh the memories.
I hooked up with a male friend, who I only talked to online, for what was supposed to be a one night stand. But afterwards, we got to talking over cigarettes and it turned out we had a lot in common and ended up dating for almost a year.

My female best friend and I would mess around on occasion and it as fantastic.
Mine introduced me to a whole new world of sexuality.
Too bad she is back in Dallas.

Awe. Sorry she had to go back to Dallas Jessica. Hopefully you can call/email/text.

I can, but it hurts too much.
<does that make sense?>

Is she available?

Yes and no.
I flew to Dallas a few months ago just to spend the weekend together, but her SO got so upset they nearly split over it, and since she knows I'm not SO material, it will probably never happen again.
<Her SO hates me, and I don't like her either>
i've had a few. the sex is typically awesome. but it usually someone ends up emotionally involved (either me or them) and it ends up painfully ending. have one with my ex now, she comes over to bang here and there, and i always end up feeling guilty afterwards. important to set ground rules first, and good if you need to feel better for a time. but rather have a steady relationship with someone that goes somewhere.

probably best used for when 2 people want to cheat and have no emotional commitment but are attracted to each other, and get to experience things they don't with their partner. Or for when you need to build confidence to go out and get someone else for a future relationship.
Had a friend who was a great gal to just spend time with, bitch about how cold it was at work.

Then I took her to a strip club because she had never been and she likes girls.
After a "couple's dance," it was all downhill from there.

She moved away for work, but we still text/talk like old friends. Miss her maybe more than I ought to owing to what a good little sub she was, but I really regret nothing.

A FWB situation can be fun and rewarding, as long as both people honestly know what the outcome will be.
i've had a few. the sex is typically awesome. but it usually someone ends up emotionally involved (either me or them) and it ends up painfully ending. have one with my ex now, she comes over to bang here and there, and i always end up feeling guilty afterwards. important to set ground rules first, and good if you need to feel better for a time. but rather have a steady relationship with someone that goes somewhere.

I also did it for a while with an ex. Even with VERY clear ground rules that I required it turned bad. Many of these were written ( email ) and I still had issues with her breaking them.
We do not have any contact any more (3+ years)
Then too she has plenty of other issues.
Her kids have broken all contact as well with her despite my trying to wake her up to how she was alienating them numerous times.

There are reasons they are Ex's.
Ive had a few and like everyone has said, the sex was always AWESOME! I have grown feelings for one in the past but it didnt last long but we still remain friends even to this day.

Now my love, was a FWB. He was lonely in his marriage, No love, no sex, just living like room mates. The first time we was together was AWESOME! He was scared out of his mind and so was I. We had known each other for many years. He wanted to see me 2 or 3 times a week since we live across town from one another.
That was 6 months ago. We grew feelings for one another. I knew about 5 weeks into the relationship how I felt about him. Took him a little longer to admit it out loud to me. I had other FWB before him. Actually a few at the same time. When they would calll or text me wanting to hook up, I had to tell them I couldnt anymore. Two of them still try to tempt me from time to time and I tell them no everytime. We both have admitted we wasnt looking for feelings to happen, but we dont regret it. Do we know what were going to do with this relationship? No. But we both know were not happy in our present relationships. Like I said, neither regret getting together.
For me it kind of depends on how you define FWB. If you mean someone with whom a pre-existing friendship has turned into a sexual relationship, but without a dating component or expectation of exclusivity, then no.

On the other hand, if you mean someone with whom there is a strictly sexual relationship, then yes.

Several years ago I met a woman who was coming off a bad divorce. She wanted to spread her wings a little and try a MFM threesome, so she invited me to join her. Expecting cold feet and cancellations, she invited several guys, all of whom showed up at her apartment. All that attention turned her on, so she asked all of us to stay. She ended up getting gang banged by five guys over four hours.

She called the following week and asked me if I wanted to meet with her one-on-one. After that, we ended up getting together once a week or every two weeks. The sex was great--we would always meet at her apartment while her kid was at school, fuck for a few hours, get cleaned up and talk for a few minutes, then go our separate ways.

After four months she met a new guy and said she couldn't meet with me anymore. I was cool--there was no emotional attachment whatsoever.

About a year later she called to say that her boyfriend dumped her and she was ready for another gang bang. That started the cycle all over again.

For several years the pattern repeated over and over. Her relationship would end; she would celebrate her freedom with a gang bang; and then we would meet for occasional NSA sex.

Worked out great for me, except once or twice when I couldn't get free for the gang bang.

I haven't heard from her in about two years, so either she got remarried or she should be calling soon.
I can, but it hurts too much.
<does that make sense?>

Yes and no.
I flew to Dallas a few months ago just to spend the weekend together, but her SO got so upset they nearly split over it, and since she knows I'm not SO material, it will probably never happen again.
<Her SO hates me, and I don't like her either>

I was actually kidding, but that's good to know at any rate. Next time you're here, I'd enjoy buying you lunch.
One of my dreams....a FWB. That's not easy when you move to a new location. The issue is guys just want sex.....and women want a commitment. I want a close friend....and if more happens, mutually......great!!!!
I had a wonderful experience with my fb. He was so tall and gorgeous, and great in bed!! OMG... Just going back there in memory is fun.

We were friends for a a while before going in fb territory. When I first met him I was seeing someone, he had gone to school with the guy I was dating. That was the start to a very long friendship. Lots of sexual tension but nothing happened between us. Some time later I moved out, I was living in the city for a little over a year, when I moved back to my Mom's I was 19.

I didn't have many friends that I kept in touch with back at home. When I got back my Mom told me David had come around a couple of times looking for me asking how I was doing. I decided to go look for him, freshly single , nothing would stop me. When I saw him, he was glowing like a golden God!! But was also taken by a woman 10 yrs older than he. I was a little bummed but the way he looked at me would light up his face, he didn't look at her like that. We started hanging out all the time like we used to but just remained friends. Then I made new girlfriends started drinking, clubbing and partying. One night we took some X and I realized... I don't really know these people. I was a little freaked out, so I called David, I told him where I was and what was going on, asked him to come over. He hung out with my friends and I all night. At about four o clock that morning we left, and went back to our side of town. We drove back to his parents house which was down the street from my Mom's (he now had an apartment somewhere else.) He parked in the driveway and we sat there talking, (we were waiting for the sun to come up so he could take me home.) At some point during this conversation we started kissing, and making out the next thing I knew, we were at his apartment.

When I say this man tore my clothes off, it's an understatement. We were on the walls, on the floor, on table everywhere. I had not wanted someone so much in my life. His body was so hard and silky, those muscles were like rock. His abs made me climax harder than I ever had! We woke up together and he just smiled, a huge smile. We didn't say a thing, just got up and continued with our day. I couldn't believe what I had done, I had caused that. What now??? What will happen, what will change??

Well nothing happened. It was so normal and comfortable, he was still the same old David... My friend. We started drinking together and going out more often. He left the other woman, well really she left, he was no longer interested. It started happening more and more often, he knew how to satisfy me better than anyone before. He wanted to discover my body and what pleased me. Together we lost all sexual inhibitions and just explored each other, and what made us tick with out the fear of judgement or rejection. He was the first person I told about my interest in women. With him I experienced my first woman, and a strange feeling that came with it. I wondered what would happen, if he would be more interested in her, but that never happened. It was all about me.

This went on for almost a year, we became so close. He never lost respect for me, and wanted as much of my time as I would give. Even though we agreed it was no strings attached no girl ever came before me. It was then I realized he was falling for me, as I for him. He was sooo very dangerously close to me, it was scary. I knew who he really was, a womanizer, he had always been. Before me he had a wife who he cheated on, they had a child together. When we first met he was getting divorced he loved her very very much, but that didn't stop him from cheating on her. Then the other woman who he was with when we started our affair.... I didn't want that for me. I knew he was not relationship material, he had stolen my heart but I had to let him go. He wanted to tell everyone we were together, he wanted to make it a relationship. I couldn't do that. He loved me and I loved him, but it was toxic.... Love like that can't be. I thought if it turned real it would be much harder, so I moved away. I have seen him again and I still have love for him, I'm not sure how he feels about me but he is always happy to see me. I saw him sometime before I moved into the house I live in now, he came over and we smoked together like the old days. He had gotten back with his wife but they were separating again. I was glad I had left that behind me, and left with good memories and love in my heart.

I decide it was time for me to find my own David, one to give his first child, one who would love me forever like he had loved his wife. One who was not a womanizer. :kiss: