You just bought Literotica...what do you change?

Some readers mark a story as a "favorite" because they happen to like the author. Some mark it to be able to easily find the story again and finish reading it. Both are probably some measure of the success of the author in reaching an audience but neither is a measure of how much the readers liked the story or even read it. I don't know what your experience is but the difference in my average ratings for stories that were favorited by 0 readers and the rating for all my stories is only 0.032. On average, my stories are favorited by 31 readers.

Your assumption is that every reader who liked a story will mark it as a favorite. That may be true, but they didn't like it very much. Stories that are rated low by readers for a reason. That reason might be that it's hard to read or that the reader doesn't like that kind of story, but the number of 1 votes didn't get it there. I also seem to remember that the red H is assigned once a story has received 50 votes, not 115.

The math involved in getting to the rating will explain how high or low the rating is. If I use your example of a story rated at 2.15 with 50 readers who favorited it, if one reader rated it at 5, and all other readers rated it as 1, the story would be rated as 2.0 after only 4 votes and at 1.08 by the time it had 50 votes. Even if the rating was comprised of half 5 votes and half 1 votes, the rating would still be 3.0. If you play with the math a little, the conclusion you'll come to is that the "1bombs" don't really affect the low ratings after only a few votes. The 1 votes only change the rating much within the first ten or so votes. The low rating after 50 votes is simply that most readers found something they didn't like about the story.
That's not my assumption. I know users who favorite are usually lower than those who vote- in my experience, anyway.
These were her words.

"And most of all- self editing. I would establish a threshold, based on some sort of combination of time on the site and number of works published, that would allow authors who meet the criteria being given the privilege of editing their own work at will. Abuse of the ability would result in its revocation."

I misinterpreted that to mean that a story couldn't posted if it was self edited. I could also interpret it to mean that an author could edit a published story without going through the whole re-submission process. If that's the case, I agree, though I don't understand why it should be a privilege. Time on the site and the number of stories published have nothing to do with the need to edit out pesky typos or incorrect punctuation.

If my interpretation was incorrect, I apologize.
I thought I was pretty clear. If not, that's on me. Bramblethorn was correct, all I'm proposing is that authors have the ability to fix typos and errors in their own work without having to go through resubmitting an edited version.

Djrip has articulated precisely why such an ability should be an earned privilege.
I thought I was pretty clear. If not, that's on me. Bramblethorn was correct, all I'm proposing is that authors have the ability to fix typos and errors in their own work without having to go through resubmitting an edited version.

Djrip has articulated precisely why such an ability should be an earned privilege.
As old as I am, I should have learned that I should think more before I type when one of my hot buttons has been pushed. Mandatory editing by another is probably the hottest hot button I have because of that one experience.

Now that I understand your proposal, I do agree with you. Would that all authors could be trusted to do so without violating the basic rules of the site, but after having moderated a similar site for a while, I know that's just wishful thinking. There are always those for whom skirting the rules seems to be the main goal.

Sorry if I caused you any grief.
As old as I am, I should have learned that I should think more before I type when one of my hot buttons has been pushed. Mandatory editing by another is probably the hottest hot button I have because of that one experience.

Now that I understand your proposal, I do agree with you. Would that all authors could be trusted to do so without violating the basic rules of the site, but after having moderated a similar site for a while, I know that's just wishful thinking. There are always those for whom skirting the rules seems to be the main goal.

Sorry if I caused you any grief.

No grief at all, just a bit of confusion.
As old as I am, I should have learned that I should think more before I type when one of my hot buttons has been pushed. Mandatory editing by another is probably the hottest hot button I have because of that one experience.

Now that I understand your proposal, I do agree with you. Would that all authors could be trusted to do so without violating the basic rules of the site, but after having moderated a similar site for a while, I know that's just wishful thinking. There are always those for whom skirting the rules seems to be the main goal.

Sorry if I caused you any grief.
That mandatory editing did sound awful!
As old as I am, I should have learned that I should think more before I type when one of my hot buttons has been pushed. Mandatory editing by another is probably the hottest hot button I have because of that one experience.

Now that I understand your proposal, I do agree with you. Would that all authors could be trusted to do so without violating the basic rules of the site, but after having moderated a similar site for a while, I know that's just wishful thinking. There are always those for whom skirting the rules seems to be the main goal.

Sorry if I caused you any grief.
Have the same software Laurel uses to flag it, so they can't put banned content in it. Also there's people that'll report it.
Maybe 15 or 20?

Under that proposal, around 40-70% of Incest/Taboo stories would earn a red H in their first week, and 0% of Fetish.

Do we really think the authors writing in I/T stories are so much better than those writing in Fetish? Or is it perhaps just that it's easier to get favourites in I/T because it has a bigger readership?

A red H isn't going to be very useful for readers in I/T if the majority of stories have one. It's going to be even less useful for readers in Fetish if none of the stories have one.
Under that proposal, around 40-70% of Incest/Taboo stories would earn a red H in their first week, and 0% of Fetish.

Do we really think the authors writing in I/T stories are so much better than those writing in Fetish? Or is it perhaps just that it's easier to get favourites in I/T because it has a bigger readership?

A red H isn't going to be very useful for readers in I/T if the majority of stories have one. It's going to be even less useful for readers in Fetish if none of the stories have one.
I'm not judging other catagories by i/t's typicals because I've written in there. I thought I was cooking with that idea, I burnt the Fruity Pebbles. I'll stop pushing the idea. Can we dissassemble another one of my ideas now, or more preferrably, somebody elses?
Congrats, you just hit Power Ball! You decide you want something to do all day while you no longer work and decide to make Laurel an offer she can't refuse. She hands you the keys to erotic story kingdom and you...


Do you invest heavily into it to improve it?
Leave it as is?
What do you add?
What do you take away
What do you change completely
What stays the same?

Could you keep your personal feelings out of it as in not boot a category you don't like? Or would the site become an extension of just your personal favs and kinks?
very simple, and only one. No posting or rating unless you are a member
Remove anonymous comments and list voters Id. Put up or shut up. Renew monthly category winners and have quarterly fresh challenges instead of a site full of Halloween nude day and valentines etc stories. Encourage freshness, diversity and creativity. Continue free speech in the forums. Social internet is a nanny state these days.

I think if you were the owner you would remove anonymous comments for about 48 hours until you realized it adversely affected site traffic. The site owners have been pretty clear about this. The MAJORITY of people who comment and vote on stories are anonymous. No sane site owner, unless they were independently wealthy and didn't care about the site's ability to make money, would do anything that would make the site experience even a wee bit harder for readers.
I thought she used a program too. I wonder who has it harder; her or Santa.

Over the years a lot of people here have speculated that she runs a script to look for things like "fifteen-year-old" that might signal a breach of the rules. But I've never seen anything from Laurel to support that. The only automation I can recall her mentioning is a spell-check.
How about working on allowing direct access from this side over to the story side? See a commentator you’re curious about? Just click on the name and you’ll be offered the ability to go directly to their stories.
I would love this
I think if you were the owner you would remove anonymous comments for about 48 hours until you realized it adversely affected site traffic. The site owners have been pretty clear about this. The MAJORITY of people who comment and vote on stories are anonymous. No sane site owner, unless they were independently wealthy and didn't care about the site's ability to make money, would do anything that would make the site experience even a wee bit harder for readers.

Yeah, after I posted that I would leave Lit if they banned anonymous, I realized it was a moot point. The site would be out of business in six months.
Yeah, after I posted that I would leave Lit if they banned anonymous, I realized it was a moot point. The site would be out of business in six months.

That's the other part of the equation I omitted: it would piss off a lot of authors. You, me, and many others. I think some authors get so mad about anonymous comments that they just automatically assume, wrongly, that the rest of us agree with them, and we don't. We get so few comments, and you want to take over half of them away? That's nuts.
I think if you were the owner you would remove anonymous comments for about 48 hours until you realized it adversely affected site traffic. The site owners have been pretty clear about this. The MAJORITY of people who comment and vote on stories are anonymous. No sane site owner, unless they were independently wealthy and didn't care about the site's ability to make money, would do anything that would make the site experience even a wee bit harder for readers.

Every couple of years (feels like every couple of months) some government floats the idea of passing laws to make it mandatory for adults to register if they want to be allowed to view porn. I'd speculate that most of these proposals are coming from groups who'd love to ban porn sites outright but understand that a direct ban isn't politically viable, and who believe that registration would discourage a lot of people.

If I were running a site like this, I would not be in a hurry to do those groups' work for them. If Literotica were to require registration - even if they came up with a really great, super-secure model for it - it'd make it that much easier to pass such laws: "look, even these porn website owners understand the need for registration". And those laws would not be user-friendly, not when discouraging people from using porn is the point.
What I would like is for Literotica to open up a publishing arm. They could be the Kindle of Kink. Author's could have the option to just post like now. And have the option that the reader could buy the story in kdf format. It's like there is this huge market of salable product in their warehouse, and it's not being captured!

Start it out with stories at 0.99 cents, .33 to the author, .66 to Literotica. That 0.33 cents doesn't sound like much. But many authors on the site have a huge readership, and all of a sudden that .33 cents starts looking very nice.

But the way I see it, Literotica is in a very good place: tons of salable product, tons of writers creating new content, and millions of readers. Work out a deal with a print-on-demand company, buyers could even have hard-cover copies of their selected stories.
There are several authors I follow who also publish on Kindle. There is not much duplication, as they generally publish either different content on Amazon, or more fleshed out versions of their work here. I will sometime buy their work on Kindle just to support their writing
Every couple of years (feels like every couple of months) some government floats the idea of passing laws to make it mandatory for adults to register if they want to be allowed to view porn. I'd speculate that most of these proposals are coming from groups who'd love to ban porn sites outright but understand that a direct ban isn't politically viable, and who believe that registration would discourage a lot of people.

If I were running a site like this, I would not be in a hurry to do those groups' work for them. If Literotica were to require registration - even if they came up with a really great, super-secure model for it - it'd make it that much easier to pass such laws: "look, even these porn website owners understand the need for registration". And those laws would not be user-friendly, not when discouraging people from using porn is the point.


The unintended consequences often are the most important ones.
The only rule here that has stymied my creativity is not being able to age up characters that are children in the source material. I have a Return to Neverland story that's been burning a hole in my brain for months.

I'd add a couple of categories, cuckolding/humiliation for sure. Maybe bi-sexual.

I'd create a reverse color option for the page.

Lose the political forum. Gone. Anyone who posts that crap elsewhere is gone too. That's about it.
Rob, you are perpetuating a very common misconception, mostly driven by porn and fantasy. The cuckold lifestyle and humiliation/chastity are very separate fetishes. If you read a story that includes extreme humiliation/chastity, that also uses cuckolding, the cuckolding is just the vehicle for the fetish. The cuckolding lifestyle rarely has anything more than gentle teasing/humiliation by the wife, which IS a big part of the game between the two.
Booo, sir! Boo, I say! 😅

I write both of these, but Mind Control is Fantasy/Sci-fi noncon.

It used to belong to the SF/F genre before it got it's own genre

NC/R has 36.4k stories
MC has 11.6k

Lumping them together, they would make a 48k monstrosity which would make it the 2nd biggest category, ahead of LW and behind IT.

Why do this? Just because MC is NC? Everyone with 2 brain cells knows this, deep down, but there's no reason to lump the two distinct categories apart. All MC is NC, but not all NC is MC.

Also, I'm fine with Anal getting dissolved, but where the fuck would you put all the existing stories? Shove them all in EC? Okay. But that's dumb.
As for Anal, it generally can fit into one of three categories, 1) gay, obviously, 2)pegging-fetish or LW. 3) LW obviously anal or dp. I only peruse that category for categories 2 or 3. so yes, get rid of Anal and force authors to post to one of the other three categories