Numbers, like 11, 35 or 2569.
Eleven, thirty-five, two thousand five hundred sixty-nine.
When do you spell them out? What reads better? Are there proper rules to this when writing?
I was taught to spell out all numbers from zero to twenty and any round numbers like seventy. Anything else, like 35 and 2569 would be written as numbers.
But since I'm not a native English speaker I'm not sure if that rule is the same in English as it is in Dutch.
I did find some article that said in English you only spell out numbers from zero to ten.
Intuitively I've witten ages like 18 and 19 in my stories before as numbers, not spelled out. That is the way I've seen it in stories before I began writing myself and just accepted it without questioning the method. However, in Dutch writing 18 should be spelled out as 'achttien' (8+10).
While I've written ages that way, for items I've sometimes still spelled it out.
You'll have written numbers in your story without thinking about it as well. Which rules do you follow? What reads better? Am I overthinking this?
Maybe somebody can explain it or direct me to a place where those rules are explained.
Eleven, thirty-five, two thousand five hundred sixty-nine.
When do you spell them out? What reads better? Are there proper rules to this when writing?
I was taught to spell out all numbers from zero to twenty and any round numbers like seventy. Anything else, like 35 and 2569 would be written as numbers.
But since I'm not a native English speaker I'm not sure if that rule is the same in English as it is in Dutch.
I did find some article that said in English you only spell out numbers from zero to ten.
Intuitively I've witten ages like 18 and 19 in my stories before as numbers, not spelled out. That is the way I've seen it in stories before I began writing myself and just accepted it without questioning the method. However, in Dutch writing 18 should be spelled out as 'achttien' (8+10).
While I've written ages that way, for items I've sometimes still spelled it out.
You'll have written numbers in your story without thinking about it as well. Which rules do you follow? What reads better? Am I overthinking this?
Maybe somebody can explain it or direct me to a place where those rules are explained.
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