You going out tonight?

Yes. Out to dinner. Still under negotiation: Chinese or Mexican.
*waves hi to Marksgirl*

How are you doing? Keeping warm?
fuzzel said:
*waves hi to Marksgirl*

How are you doing? Keeping warm?

*waves back to fuzzel*

Burrrrrrrrr I'm trying to keep warm....of course I guess when Tank gets home things will start to get hot! ;)
Haven't decided yet = maybe stay in where it's warm by the fire = or maybe take the kids out to the movies or something.

I'll decide about 6:00 PM tonight when I get home.
Luscious Lioness said:
Well, if grocery shopping, renting movies, and running by the liquor store so that I can hybernate in a warm place falls into this category... YES!;)

hybernate that sounds like fun... heh ...if it involves loud techno music I'm in :)
Secret Kate said:
Haven't decided yet = maybe stay in where it's warm by the fire = or maybe take the kids out to the movies or something.

I'll decide about 6:00 PM tonight when I get home.

I take it you posting from work?! :mad: *calls Secret Kate's boss*
Quiet night in for me, updating websited, smoking ciggies, lazing around Lit. I hate 8 hour time differences, means I have to get up early.