"You didn't build that" is Obama's precise belief.


Literotica Guru
Nov 24, 2001
But setting the record straight, I did too build that. And for those things already in place before my time, my father, and his father before him built it.

Everything that the government is, has done, has facilitated the construction thereof, was done with the consent of those who paid for it and rest assured, the paymaster wasn't the government. Every single dime came from the taxpayer and for the most part from the various businesses that employed those taxpayers.

The government has never created a single penny of wealth and never will. The best the government has ever done is to get out of the way of those that actually do create wealth.

You owe your government, community, absolutely NOTHING. Every single piece of infrastructure that exists you bought and paid for with the sweat of your brow. You're obligation is to do nothing more than to pay the taxes you owe under whatever tax laws you live under and to obey the laws until such time that you, along with others, can overturn those laws via the courts or the various legislative bodies. The very concept that the 'government' gave you these things and you 'owe' them in return is the mind set of a serf, a slave, an indentured servant at the very best. It is not an attitude befitting free men and women.

There was no 'taking Obama out of context' in his statement. His statement was a true reflection of what he believes. He stated as much in his book, assuming you bothered to take the time to read it. All of the semantic 'dancing' and convoluted disassembling of his words just won't change the reality of what he was saying. And what he was saying was that all blessings flow from the government. The government didn't 'build' those roads, or bridges, or anything else public because the government COULDN'T build those public facilities without the capital that flowed in from the industries and individuals that, in the end, actually made all of those roads and bridges possible.

Speaking of "building", Ishtard, didja ever finish that patent-pending election miracle video that was gonna help John McCain coast to victory in 2008?

Didn't think so: you didn't build that.
You never truly do anything solely on your own. Those, them, they...people help others facilitate a business, its successes, and its future.

"You owe your government, community, absolutely NOTHING. Every single piece of infrastructure that exists you bought and paid for with the sweat of your brow."

And actually, do you owe the the community a great deal, whether it is just the public or business community, someone bought your product to make you successful. You didn't just build it have it sit there.
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You never truly do anything solely on your own. Those, them, they...people help others facilitate a business, its successes, and its future.

"You owe your government, community, absolutely NOTHING. Every single piece of infrastructure that exists you bought and paid for with the sweat of your brow."

And actually, do you owe the the community a great deal, whether it is just the public or business community, someone bought your product to make you successful. You didn't just build it have it sit there.

This made less sense than the op. Please edit because I think I know what you meant.
Random fact

Romney said almost the exact same thing, minus the obvious poor choice of words "you didn't build that".
But setting the record straight, I did too build that. And for those things already in place before my time, my father, and his father before him built it.

Everything that the government is, has done, has facilitated the construction thereof, was done with the consent of those who paid for it and rest assured, the paymaster wasn't the government. Every single dime came from the taxpayer and for the most part from the various businesses that employed those taxpayers.

The government has never created a single penny of wealth and never will. The best the government has ever done is to get out of the way of those that actually do create wealth.

You owe your government, community, absolutely NOTHING. Every single piece of infrastructure that exists you bought and paid for with the sweat of your brow. You're obligation is to do nothing more than to pay the taxes you owe under whatever tax laws you live under and to obey the laws until such time that you, along with others, can overturn those laws via the courts or the various legislative bodies. The very concept that the 'government' gave you these things and you 'owe' them in return is the mind set of a serf, a slave, an indentured servant at the very best. It is not an attitude befitting free men and women.

There was no 'taking Obama out of context' in his statement. His statement was a true reflection of what he believes. He stated as much in his book, assuming you bothered to take the time to read it. All of the semantic 'dancing' and convoluted disassembling of his words just won't change the reality of what he was saying. And what he was saying was that all blessings flow from the government. The government didn't 'build' those roads, or bridges, or anything else public because the government COULDN'T build those public facilities without the capital that flowed in from the industries and individuals that, in the end, actually made all of those roads and bridges possible.


Business are the ones who consistently ask for more government.
Random fact

Romney said almost the exact same thing, minus the obvious poor choice of words "you didn't build that".

He must have read my monograph on the subject that I posted 5 or 6 years ago.

This might be the single greatest post in the history of Lit.

Once more you add such cogent thought to the conversation.

The fact is that I did post on the subject. Texaswhatever tried to implicate that I somehow plagiarized Romney, I didn't. Apparently the thought that there are many out here that are of the same mind on the subject is foreign to her.

Once more you add such cogent thought to the conversation.

The fact is that I did post on the subject. Texaswhatever tried to implicate that I somehow plagiarized Romney, I didn't. Apparently the thought that there are many out here that are of the same mind on the subject is foreign to her.


Post your certified patent links and the video that you claimed to have made that was going to win McCain the election and then maybe you won't be considered the board jester.
You're either a socialist or you aren't.

You either thank people for the help they give you or you don't. One thing you can count on is that if you don't, you won't get their help the next time - unless it's the government :)

I agree with Ishmael. We are the government. However, I may pay for the sidewalk outside my home, but if it doesn't connect with other people's sidewalks, it really isn't very functional. I let strange people walk on it, too.

We don't function in a vacuum.
You either thank people for the help they give you or you don't. One thing you can count on is that if you don't, you won't get their help the next time - unless it's the government :)

I agree with Ishmael. We are the government. However, I may pay for the sidewalk outside my home, but if it doesn't connect with other people's sidewalks, it really isn't very functional. I let strange people walk on it, too.

We don't function in a vacuum.

Well, gee, that might be true...in Canada.
You either thank people for the help they give you or you don't. One thing you can count on is that if you don't, you won't get their help the next time - unless it's the government :)

I agree with Ishmael. We are the government. However, I may pay for the sidewalk outside my home, but if it doesn't connect with other people's sidewalks, it really isn't very functional. I let strange people walk on it, too.

We don't function in a vacuum.

I'm waiting for you to figure out that it's the government that helps itself.

Great Post

Ishmael, that is a tour de force. May I add, government is either a servant or a ruler. In America the government is a servant and in fact exists at the will of the people and must obey the people.

The people who comprise the mechanics of our government in fact must be carefully scrutanized to be certain they do not become rulers, even in their own minds. We pay them well to serve, not to rule.