Yogurt & Socks


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Nov 30, 2001
My poor puppy has an infection on both of her back paws that won't go away. I've taken her to the vet twice and they have given me an ointment to put on it, yet it persists.

A friend of mine suggested I smear yogurt on her paws and cover them with socks. Do you think this would work????
i think he was trying to see if you would do that to your poor dog.. listen to the vet instead..
The sock thing at least works for humans. I once had a real bad problem with my feet that required the use of a perscription lotion. I had to wear socks so it would not come off and onto my carpet.... and so it would medicate my feet.

does your dog have an aversion to socks?
crystalizedjoy said:
i think he was trying to see if you would do that to your poor dog.. listen to the vet instead..

I have listened to my vet but it's been over a month with no results. She keeps licking at them. At this point I'm ready to try anything!
Is it my breath or what?!

I'm trying to get some feedback here and I see that more than a few people have peeked in but so far I've only recieved two responses (Thank you, Joy & Angel.) At this point, I can only conclude one of two things. . .

1. No one who posts on the GB owns a dog or knows anything about taking care of them. . .


2. I'm not special enough to deserve a response. ::heavy sigh::
Clean them, let them dry well. Go to your local health food store and get some Goldenseal, the power form. Rub the goldenseal into the puppies paws and if you want put the socks on, she probably wont lick them after you put the goldenseal on because it tastes like shit, but socks are ok....keep them dry and reapply twice daily. It works for hot spots too. Let me know if it helps.
Go to the vet.. get more of the ointment and a plastic collar. It looks like an upside down lamp shade.. or a big funnel that is connected to the dogs collar. It will keep the dog from licking her paws.

What kind of infection does your dog have?
Ask your vet for an Elizabethan collar. The dog will look funny. other dogs will point and laugh, but it will keep the dog from licking his/her paws.
A friend of mine had the worse case of ringworm, I gave her some Goldenseal. By the time she went to go see the doctor the shit was damm near gone. She told the doctor what she had been using and he could not believe it and asked her if she still had any, he wanted to study it. Goldenseal has many uses.
Thank you Marksgirl! What an interesting suggestion. And I have some of that in the house right now. I'll have to use it the next time a hot spot comes up as well.

Freakygurl, the vet doesn't know what the infection is from or what it is, although he says he's seen it before.

Acitore_vuli. . .you made me laugh. But with 5 other dogs in the house, that could be dangerous. The one with the sore paws is the Alpha.
MechaBlade said:
Looks like you're going to have to put him down.

Put her down? Put her down where?? Don't you think it would be better if I carried her around? ::smiles sweetly::