Yet again! We didnt say what we said, you didnt see what you saw! WHO DAT?


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002
So a NIGGER ad PAC accuses Romney of killing his wife


Everyone says BS......including CNN and WAPO

and finally the NIGGER House says....we dont know who that guy is, someone else used him in the AD


THE NIGGER HOUSE used this guy a few months ago, sayind teh same thing


Not the lib kind of sheep......
pathet ICK!

Amateur hour.

Via Politico:

When President Obama’s aides said they weren’t familiar with former Missouri steelworker Joe Soptic’s life story, all they had to do was check their own campaign archives.

Soptic, laid off from Bain Capital-owned GST Steel, stars in a Priorities USA Action spot this week in which he tells of how his wife died without health insurance after he lost his job. Soptic also appeared, wearing what appears to be an identical shirt, in a May television ad for the Obama campaign.

Asked about the Priorities spot on MSNBC Wednesday morning, Robert Gibbs said he doesn’t “know the specifics” while Stephanie Cutter said on CNN: “I don’t know the facts about when Mr. Soptic’s wife got sick or the facts about his health insurance.”

And Jen Psaki told reporters on Air Force One that “we don’t’ have any knowledge of the story of the family,” according to Yahoo! News.

But Cutter hosted an Obama campaign conference call in May in which Soptic told reporters the very story featured in the Priorities spot.

Both the campaign and the Priorities USA Action said there was no coordination about Soptic’s appearances. In the campaign’s ad, Soptic speaks only about the plant. In the Priorities spot, he tells the personal story he relayed during the Obama campaign conference call.

“We have no idea when Priorities shot their spot,” an Obama campaign official said. “We’re not allowed to coordinate with them – but we can tell you it wasn’t when we shot ours.”
HAS THE OBAMA CAMPAIGN finally gone too far? It’s only August. They’ll top themselves several more times before November.
ACE: Wait a Minute: Joe Soptic’s Wife Wasn’t Even Diagnosed With Cancer Until 2006?

Romney left Bain in 1999.

GST was shut down in 2001.

Soptic’s wife had her own health insurance through 2003.

Now, in 2006, she was diagnosed — diagnosed! — with very late-stage cancer.

She died 22 days after diagnosis.

Is the argument made that Romney owed this guy another seven years worth of insurance coverage?

And what good would it even have done? She wasn’t even diagnosed until just over three weeks before she would die.


I have to point this out because until now I’d been assuming she was suffering with cancer for years.

I knew this ad was preposterous, but this is just too much.

Or typical.
BRYAN PRESTON: Why Team Obama Ran with the Dishonest ‘Mitt Killed My Wife!’ Ad.“As I wrote yesterday, we’re dealing with something in the Obama campaign that we haven’t seen much at the top of American life, except in the worst moments of the Clinton era. We’re dealing with a president who is entirely without any sense of ethics, honor or morals. He has lived a lie for most if not all of his life, hiding his true political convictions in gauzy language that makes him appear reasonable and moderate. Having lived a lie, what’s one more lie, in the service of keeping himself in power?”
Seemingly Unaware His Super PAC Accused Romney Of Killing A Woman With Cancer, Obama Decries GOP Super PACs For “Going Crazy”…

Pres. Obama at a campaign event in Grand Junction, CO calls Republican Super PACs “Crazy” while unwilling to criticize his own Super PAC for its false ads (August 8, 2012).
INVESTOR’S BUSINESS DAILY:Obama’s Campaign of Lies Reaches Despicable Low

Unable to run on his record, President Hope-and-Change has built a campaign based entirely on scurrilous lies about Mitt Romney. But the latest reaches a historic, despicable low.

That ad features a man claiming that after Bain Capital closed his steel plant, he lost his job and his insurance, and shortly thereafter his wife died of cancer.

Even it were true, trying to blame Romney for his wife’s death defies credulity. But the facts are all wrong.

Romney had left Bain to run the summer Olympics two years before Joe Soptic lost his job in 2001. And his wife had her own job and insurance at that time. She later took a disability leave and lost her coverage, and her cancer was apparently symptom-free until she checked into a hospital for pneumonia in 2006.

The ad, sponsored by an Obama “super-PAC” was too much even for the in-the-Obama-tank press. CNN’s Wolf Blitzer called it “a pretty outrageous claim,” and Sam Stein of the Obama-worshipping Huffington Post said it went “too far.”

The Obama campaign has refused to denounce the ad, which is understandable, since when you lie as often as it does, the lines of propriety start to get blurry.

It is becoming clear that Obama is not only intellectually, but also morally unfit to hold the office of President.
Everyone knows he's a fucking liar but the proggies just can't admit their chosen one would do that to them.
after screaming


now they say

of course we know who he is


and guess what?


cause a NIGGER is exempt!