Yes, I am going to bitch!

Gilly Bean

Princess Spanky Pants
Aug 29, 2001
Our furnace, which I have dubbed thatgodforsakenpieceofshit! went out yesterday afternoon.

We got it going after 2 hours of trying, and had nice toasty warm heat.

For an hour.

We got it lit considerably quicker next time.

And it lasted long enough to turn on once, then turn off once it heated up a bit, about 15 minutes later.

We tried again, same results, kept trying, until finally, now, it has refused to light at all since about midnight.

We gave up trying, and settled for making use of our neglected fire place, and having an enforced living room campout, complete with blankets over all the open doors.

It's been a long night, my head hurts, it's just me, the baby, and the 4 year old, and we have 3 peices of wood left.

I hate living here.

Have I mentioned this before?

Don't mind me, I just realllllly feel the urge to bitch right about now.
Sounds like a call to the serviceman is in order. Or get someone to get you some wood for tonight.

We've been trying. -sighs-

My hubby's grandma pay's the repair bills, so we go through her 'cousins-sisters-roomates-friend-etc' for repair work, and we can't get ahold of either of them.

If we had enough money on hand, we'd just call someone, and his grandma would pay us back, but I'm willing to bet the $29 cash we have until next thursday won't cut it.

And no, no checking or credit cards. -sighs-

I can't wait till we get taxes back.
Gilly Bean said:

We've been trying. -sighs-

My hubby's grandma pay's the repair bills, so we go through her 'cousins-sisters-roomates-friend-etc' for repair work, and we can't get ahold of either of them.

If we had enough money on hand, we'd just call someone, and his grandma would pay us back, but I'm willing to bet the $29 cash we have until next thursday won't cut it.

And no, no checking or credit cards. -sighs-

I can't wait till we get taxes back.

Good grief, Gilly!! Do you have somewhere you can go to stay warm??
No, sadly, however, we did finally get ahold of the repair guy... who doesn't know a thing about furnaces.

So, then, we finally got ahold of hubby's grandma, who said to call around, and find out if anyone would be willing to bill her, and we found someone who was, and we are next on thier list! HOP HOP HOP

Sweet, blessed HEAT!
well thank god, i was ready to tell you to pack up and come stay with mr chris and me
Ummmmmm the repair guy?

Gilly, you need to call a qualified heating and cooling technician. There are too many things that can go wrong with a furnace that can be unsafe for you and your family. I know you're short of cash, but you need to have someone with experience to service your furnace.

Have them check the exhaust flues for crack and damage too while they are there....

Trust me.
well, it's a heating/cooling tech. My wife's just usting high-terminolgy, like tech guy. You know... they have those dohickies hanging off of those belt-thingies.... ;)
Lekov said:
well, it's a heating/cooling tech. My wife's just usting high-terminolgy, like tech guy. You know... they have those dohickies hanging off of those belt-thingies.... ;)

Hush you!

Mr. Repair Man-Heating uh.. cooling guy is here!!

He's fixing my thingie right now!!!

Mrs Christophe said:
well thank god, i was ready to tell you to pack up and come stay with mr chris and me

That would be fun! We could all have a huge slumber party, and paint Lekov and Mr. Chris' toe nails!

OOOoOO This idea has merit!
Gilly Bean said:
Hush you!

Mr. Repair Man-Heating uh.. cooling guy is here!!

He's fixing my thingie right now!!!


Glad it is working again.

Thatgodforsakenpieceofshit works!

-curls up ontop of a register, and purrs-