Yale professor "surprised" Tea Party members have higher scientific comprehension


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Aug 30, 2007
Yale professor "surprised" Tea Party members have higher scientific comprehension


While conducting an analysis of the scientific comprehension of various political and religious groups, Yale professor Daniel M. Kahan discovered that self-identified tea partiers had slightly higher “scientific comprehension” than their non-tea party counterparts.

Using data from the National Science Foundation’s “Science Indicators,” the Cognitive Reflection Test, and a “nationally representative sample of U.S. adults recruited to participate in a study of vaccine risk perceptions,” Kahan developed a series of “science comprehension” scales to analyze a variety of groups...

....Kahan wrote: “I’ve got to confess. I found this result surprising. As I pushed the button to run the analysis on my computer, I fully expected I’d be shown a modest negative correlation between identifying with the Tea Party and science comprehension.”

“But then again,” he admitted, “I don’t know a single person who identifies with the Tea Party..."
Perhaps there should be a mass "coming out" of Tea Partiers to dispell prejudices and stereotypes.

If people meet a Tea Partier, or find out a friend, neighbor, or even a relative, is in fact a Tea Partier, it would go a long to way to dispelling prejudice and fear.
Yes there have been many studies done which proves that liberals are very dumb.

The key take away is actually:

“I don’t know a single person who identifies with the Tea Party..."

How could he not know one? They are a third of the population.
The key take away is actually:

“I don’t know a single person who identifies with the Tea Party..."

How could he not know one? They are a third of the population.

They are no where near a third of the population. They are at most ten percent and that's generous. They are just noisy so people think there are a lot of them.

Retards with better scientific comprehension than you. :D

He's saying that they were better educated than he had predicted, by a single z-score, or you know, statistically insignificant, not that they were better educated than other groups. Whoever wrote this article doesn't know how to read a scientific abstract. When you read the article linked, the graph he's using lists only members of his pool that already self-identified as conservative. The tea partyiers tended to be roughly the same as the other conservatives, whereas his hypothesis was that they would score lower.
He's saying that they were better educated than he had predicted, by a single z-score, or you know, statistically insignificant, not that they were better educated than other groups. Whoever wrote this article doesn't know how to read a scientific abstract. When you read the article linked, the graph he's using lists only members of his pool that already self-identified as conservative. The tea partyiers tended to be roughly the same as the other conservatives, whereas his hypothesis was that they would score lower.

Spin, spin, spin.

What the article shows is that the wealthy insulated liberal elites actually believe the bizarre stereotypes they've made up about conservatives.

Universities were founded by conservatives. They were conservative dominated places until about 40 years ago. Until recently, most engineers were conservatives.
Spin, spin, spin.

What the article shows is that the wealthy insulated liberal elites actually believe the bizarre stereotypes they've made up about conservatives.

Universities were founded by conservatives. They were conservative dominated places until about 40 years ago. Until recently, most engineers were conservatives.

The conservatives did score lower than the self-described liberals, tho. The Tea party conservatives just scored the same as the other conservatives. It might show that the single sociologist was prejudiced against the teapartiers in assuming their lower scores from the onset, but you can't apply one man's opinion to half the country's population.
I have said for years:conservatives don't like politicians, regardless of whether they are liberal or conservatives. Liberals HATE conservatives, regardless of whetheror not they are politicians.
I have said for years:conservatives don't like politicians, regardless of whether they are liberal or conservatives. Liberals HATE conservatives, regardless of whetheror not they are politicians.

Liberals are full of hate. Just like the ones that post here.
I have said for years:conservatives don't like politicians, regardless of whether they are liberal or conservatives. Liberals HATE conservatives, regardless of whetheror not they are politicians.

Very well said.
I've yet to meet a liberal who gets the idea that virtually every Democrat politician is a multi-millionaire. The bullshit in Washington is almost always a cat-fight between Al Capone and Bugsy Moran for control of booze, broads, and bingo. Real conservatives get it and never trust any politician.
He's saying that they were better educated than he had predicted, by a single z-score, or you know, statistically insignificant, not that they were better educated than other groups. Whoever wrote this article doesn't know how to read a scientific abstract. When you read the article linked, the graph he's using lists only members of his pool that already self-identified as conservative. The tea partyiers tended to be roughly the same as the other conservatives, whereas his hypothesis was that they would score lower.

However, within the last week I have posted from the mainstream media data which show that the Tea Party members have a higher level of education and income than the general population.
However, within the last week I have posted from the mainstream media data which show that the Tea Party members have a higher level of education and income than the general population.

Libs cant believe TP people are really self-employed middle-class NOT toothless trailer park trash on probation for making meth.
Libs cant believe TP people are really self-employed middle-class NOT toothless trailer park trash on probation for making meth.

Liberalism, as a cult of Altruism and economic philosophy, cannot express itself properly nor understand its mistakes, therefore it needs an enemy to unite.

When the Tea Party first appeared, I posted that they would be made into a monster.

This way the Libs could use the stick for conservatives and the carrot for the French.
Liberalism, as a cult of Altruism and economic philosophy, cannot express itself properly nor understand its mistakes, therefore it needs an enemy to unite.

When the Tea Party first appeared, I posted that they would be made into a monster.

This way the Libs could use the stick for conservatives and the carrot for the French.

Nobel Laureate, and liberal, Herbert A.Simon, said altruists are docile and stupid.
In a nutshell: If you sell your pussy you get back more than if you give it away.