Writing Goal for the Day?

I will try to write something, anything, before I find it not worthy of sharing with others.

Okay, the writing didn't happen - I made bread instead. We'll move this goal to Monday. :D

These are usually me. :eek:

9.000 words to the Dirk Hessian book and then a surprise story typed itself on my computer.

You are a machine. I simply don't know how you write so much. I think I'm 90% impressed, 10% jealous.

On the other hand, tomorrow we go bowling in the morning. It has been so long since I have gone bowling.

Bowling is verboten in this household. Mr. Tat--aka Mr. tri-varsity athlete in high school, Mr. marathon runner, Mr. super-speedy triathlete--manages to hurt himself every single time he bowls. I don't understand it.
Bowling is verboten in this household. Mr. Tat--aka Mr. tri-varsity athlete in high school, Mr. marathon runner, Mr. super-speedy triathlete--manages to hurt himself every single time he bowls. I don't understand it.

In truth, part of the reason I don't bowl is that usually after one game, my arms and wrists are fatigued and sore. But it's been a while and I can use a light ball, so I'll probably bowl a game or two. This is a party for my son's friend. Breakfast bowling!

That's pretty funny about Mr. Tat.

Writing wise, I'm still sitting on some edits from my publisher. She has points, but sometimes I still need a day or so to digest them. I begin to fear she cuts almost for the sake of it, but I will check it as I go along.
I'm not remotely athletic, so this is sadly perfectly in character for me, but I once managed to knock out the light bulbs directly over the pins. I'm not quite sure how I did, and it certainly wasn't my intention to do so, but there it is. The attendant told me that she'd been working at the bowling alley for 35 years and had never seen anything like it.

I have not been back to that particular bowling alley since, as you might imagine.
I'm not remotely athletic, so this is sadly perfectly in character for me, but I once managed to knock out the light bulbs directly over the pins. I'm not quite sure how I did, and it certainly wasn't my intention to do so, but there it is. The attendant told me that she'd been working at the bowling alley for 35 years and had never seen anything like it.

I have not been back to that particular bowling alley since, as you might imagine.

This made me laugh. A lot. Thanks for that--I've needed it. :)
I have not been back to that particular bowling alley since, as you might imagine.

This would imply you've been to others? With no ill effects? :)

My mom has told me that her father once held a job as a pin setter at a bowling alley. Not sure that was too much fun.
So it looks like I may have a bit of time this morning to write. I will see what I can slide in today, finally into some real naughty bits for my leading lady. :)
I'm going to finish the revise today so I can send it in to be edited.
It's been too long since I lasted submitted something other then a poem.
Well finished moving, and didn't break anything furniture wise or on myself.

This was one of those times I realized I was no longer a kid any more as went down a flight of stairs with a bureau on my back. My everything hurts and the wife is giving me the "we can afford movers you know."

Can we? yes, but it's just the way I was raised, why the hell am I going to shell out $1500 dollars when I can rent a u-haul for a hundred and buy beer for a few guys from work?

Anyway, got my office all set up and am still hoping to get a contest enttry in by weeks end.
LettersFromTatyana;39196811You are a machine. I simply don't know how you write so much. I think I'm 90% impressed said:
You are also a small percentage naive if you believe everything SR posts.;)
You are also a small percentage naive if you believe everything SR posts.;)


I choose to believe what people post. There are obvious exceptions--scouries and his buddies, for example--but these exceptions are few and far between in the AH.

Besides, even if someone is creating a completely false internet persona (and no, I'm not saying sr71plt is fake) . . . so what? If they are interesting to banter with, if they can answer questions posed, if they seem to be a decent person, then why should I care if they aren't who they say they are?

Why bother getting all riled up? This is something I simply don't understand when I see you and others get all uppity with each other. Live and let live (or post and let post).

Besides, everyone here lies, if only by omission.

Oh, and yay for moving, and good luck with the story.

I choose to believe what people post. There are obvious exceptions--scouries and his buddies, for example--but these exceptions are few and far between in the AH.

Besides, even if someone is creating a completely false internet persona (and no, I'm not saying sr71plt is fake) . . . so what? If they are interesting to banter with, if they can answer questions posed, if they seem to be a decent person, then why should I care if they aren't who they say they are?

Why bother getting all riled up? This is something I simply don't understand when I see you and others get all uppity with each other. Live and let live (or post and let post).

Besides, everyone here lies, if only by omission.

Oh, and yay for moving, and good luck with the story.

Thanks. And anyone who doubts what I've posted to this thread--just trying to share daily writing experiences just like everyone else is permitted to do on the forum who isn't being swiftboated by Lovecraft and friends--just watch the "new books" thread in late November or Early December. The book I've been posting about in the last week will publish under the name of Dirk Hessian and will be titled The Beautiful Way--connected tales of a men's pleasure house in the ancient Chinese kingdom of Wu (from the third century AD). Anyone who is skeptical can just add up the wordage (and buy the book and then carp about it all they want to). (I will have done 7,000 words today. One more day before the draft should be completed. Then review and then off to the editor.) The finished book should be about 45,000 words--and was started within the last week.

We can all watch for whatever Lovecraft publishes as well. (But I wouldn't suggest holding one's breath for that. He seems to be too busy pretending himself and swiftboating out of envy)
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I choose to believe what people post. There are obvious exceptions--scouries and his buddies, for example--but these exceptions are few and far between in the AH.

Besides, even if someone is creating a completely false internet persona (and no, I'm not saying sr71plt is fake) . . . so what? If they are interesting to banter with, if they can answer questions posed, if they seem to be a decent person, then why should I care if they aren't who they say they are?

Why bother getting all riled up? This is something I simply don't understand when I see you and others get all uppity with each other. Live and let live (or post and let post).

Besides, everyone here lies, if only by omission.

Oh, and yay for moving, and good luck with the story.

Thank you, I will need all the luck I can get. The story is very different for me. No incest or hardcore BDSM sex.

There is a foot fetish involved, but I am putting in the authors note that there is plenty of "regular" sex as well so people won;t get put off and click away.

As for Pilot? For the most part I don;t give a rats ass what people say. But there are two qualities in human nature I despise (3 if you count abusive men) One is arrogance and the second is posers. People who pretend to be what they are not.

So I amuse myself by tossing out there that I know him for the fraud he is. He will claim we are all jealous, in reality I would pity himif I were a nicer person because it must suck to be so vanilla that you need to make up a load of shit.

And yes yay for moving, this house was a deal and a half! We had no intention on buying another house but this fell in our laps and was too perfect to resist. Now I have to try to sell the other.

A friend is going to rent it for a few months before he moves back to the west coast so hopefully I can move it before then. I don't want to get stuck with two mortgages and don't want the headaches of renting.
A. I'm not a poser--and that isn't what has you sustaining this swiftboat campaign anyway. The only important issue on this board is writing erotica--and mine is right out there for all to see. (And that eats you up because this started with you railing against truths I told you about getting published and you got your ass eaten in obstinantly doing all the wrong things. You fucked up; that wasn't my fault.)

B. I don't think you're a poser, either. What poser would have his greatest pride be working in a warehouse? (and being obsessed with fucking and torturing his sister)

Once again, I see no reason to apologize that I'm having an interesting life--and that you aren't. I'm not cutting my world down to satisfy the limited vision and experience your world provides you.

Just stop being a swiftboating turd. Another "again" is that I was here before you showed up--and I'll be here after you're gone--because I'm thinking you can only obsess over fucking and torturing your sister for so long.
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I actually got my gal into some fun - though it was only with herself, and it only took about 30K to get her there. Good thing other folk in the story are keeping it steamy. Tomorrow I'll finish it up and will submit the chapters over the next several days. I'm really proud of myself, for holding off until the entire story was told, and not giving in to the desire to submit the chapters as I went. :) *pats self on butt and says 'good girl'.
7,600 words today, worked around the exciting (if disappointing) Redskins game. One last push tomorrow should do it for the draft of this Dirk Hessian. Expecting another book back from the editor before I can start the review on this one, though.
Totally lost cause today and most of yesterday. PennGirl got sick, which led to a night of poor sleeping and ended up with me being sick. I felt bad on a few levels, b/c I was so sick and wiped out I slept almost all day, which obviously put a crimp in Mr. Penn's workday, since he had to deal with the kids. PennBoy had to go the dentist this morning.

Feeling better but waiting for PennGirl to go to bed so I can, too.

And the Caps are losing. :mad:
I'll manage to close out the drafting of the Dirk Hessian ancient Chinese e-book tonight, but a mainstream mystery came back today for author review, so I'll have to put the presubmission review of the Dirk Hessian one off--maybe for some time, as I expect another mainstream print mystery to drop for author review the first week of December.

Pity because a story idea is bugging me. Most of my time today was spent raking leaves.
Why couldn't I be independently wealthy? Hell, if I quit my job, I'd probably isolate myself more than I already do and become *really* crazy. Now I'm just slightly "teched." :D

Anyway, I haven't accomplished much since late last week. Been updating our home network with a new router. Hasn't been too painful, but still time-consuming. I'd like to just get back to writing (and editing).

Sorry to hear you've been sick, Penn! Hope you feel better soon. LC, glad you didn't kill yourself, but Red's right, you know, as usual.
Sorry to hear you've been sick, Penn! Hope you feel better soon. LC, glad you didn't kill yourself, but Red's right, you know, as usual.

Thanks, Syd. Feeling better now, and hopefully even more in the morning. I'll be off to bed soon, despite sleeping pretty much the duration of the business day.

And yes, LC, glad you're still around. :)
Last night within in a few hours I was able to get a short story done, but I can't submit it yet, because I want to make it Illustrated, and that I'll work on next week. It was just under 5,000 words. :D

Today's writing goal - I'll edit the work from last night and that's most likely all for today.
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