Write your own Caption, Nov 6


Anti-M 0derator
Jan 2, 2002
http://home.satx.rr.com/annihalus/images/ClanXIX Death Stalker.jpg

Don't fight it man. You can take it, with enough lube.
The first round of the "Literotica Spend the Night with Laurel" contest began Monday afternoon.
HeavyStick said:
LordLucan and Hanns Schmidt battle for the top troll spot.

That must be p p man waiting in the wings to pounce on the defeated troll.
And this is for calling me gay, and this is for stealing my purse, and this is for wearing the same outfit to that party and this ...
The eternal debate over which Linux distribution is the best finally breaks out into open warfare.
tastygroove said:
Bean. Don't you know her? jeez.

Apparantly not, should I take this opportunity to study her in detail or is it against the rules to oggle stalkers, particularly those of the bean variety when I'm not a vegetarian??