Wow! i forgot my birthday...


Literotica Guru
Jan 31, 2002
NO! i know when my birthday is! i didn't miss THAT!

But it was January 30, 2002 when i discovered Lit. Actually, it was Chyoo i originally signed up for. They sent me this as part of their welcome:


Welcome to and thanks for signing up. We are
to have you as part of the family! Please don't hesitate to
contact us if you have any questions or suggestions. You
access the Chyoo FAQ by going to the hompage and clicking
the 'faq' link. That should answer most of your pressing

As a member of, you also have an account at
Literotica is a story site for normal erotic stories, so
feel free to submit your non-interactive erotic fiction to
Literotica using your new Chyoo username and password. Here
the link to the login page at Literotica:


etc.... i never went back to Chyoo. i've never left Lit. It literally changed me completely.

i think the changes have been very positive.

Thanks to all of you who were here then. Welcome all here now. Don't you just LOVE this place?

Yes, I love this place and you!

Sweet friend.....

Happy Birthday and Happy Literversary!

What long, strange road it's been!

"normal erotic stories"

hahaha... little did they know about us.
Hi, Merelan!

i couldn't help getting a chuckle outa that line too. i suppose they were referring to "the non-interactive type" of porn.

Having written copy for website explainers and disclaimers before, i know how easy it is to accidently imply some weird things.

Also i know how irresistible it is to poke fun of those who miss a line like that. *hehe*


That Dead quote was one that came to my mind too, Miss T! loveya too!
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Happy Anniversary. Or birthday... or unbirthday... Oh well... Happy Day!
Happy Anniv-B-day.......the year when fast.......see you next year hear to.:D
Happy Anniv-B-day.......the year when fast.......see you next year hear to.:D
DRxBlue said:
Thanks to all of you who were here then. Welcome all here now. Don't you just LOVE this place?


Your family expanded too.

I love you. Sis
Oh Blue Darling!

How small my world would have been without you in it!

I am so glad you found our little corner of perversion!

:kiss: :heart: :kiss:

It's been quite a year, all right

Ebony, two have been a big part of what's been the best about this year. When i got to Lit, i'd never been part of any chat scene or BBS. This has been my introduction to the world.

Finding such wonderful new friends, and i use that word in the finest sense, friends who have made my life grow in so many ways, has been a constant, growing amazement to me.

Way back then, i was moved to the point where i wrote a song for Eb, who i just fell for so much i had to absorb her to do justice to my joy in finding her. i'll sing it for you sometime.

It's been like that most every day since then. i've found more love at this kinky "porn site" than i ever found in my "real" family or any 10 churches i ever been to.

Imagine that...

Love ya, (no kidding)
Re: It's been quite a year, all right

DRxBlue said:

Way back then, i was moved to the point where i wrote a song for Eb, who i just fell for so much i had to absorb her to do justice to my joy in finding her. i'll sing it for you sometime.

And a beautiful song it is... I love it:heart:

What a great screen name. Like the goddess, the boat, (Cousteau's) and wasn't there an X-man character? (the leader of the subterranian mutants? Or was that Callisto?)

i love Calypso music too. With de steel drum and whistles and stuff. Thanks for the good wishes!

i hope you have as mich fun here as i've had!

And Navarre! You've been a big part of that fun! Thanks 2U2!
Blue - you really deserve a spanking for the title of this thread - the trouble that got me into - questions asked if I had overlooked your birthday and all that.

Ohhhh well, I will forgive you just this once.
a HA...another country heard from!

Thanks darling WillowPuss...
We ALL need forgiveness!

We usually need someone who loves us to explain that we've done something wrong too. It hadn't occured to me how much stress my banner would cause.

As long as you know i meant no harm, i think we can still "get along" (read- love the stuffin's outa each other)

You been a great addition to my "family" this year. MY! We have had a lot of adventures in the short time we've known each other!

Let's continue! i might get to England next year, (sooner if the War heats up) and we can REALLY get into trouble! And make it STOP!

i believe it,

Spanking? Can we have pancakes for supper too?
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Re: Ooo...Calypso

DRxBlue said:
What a great screen name. Like the goddess, the boat, (Cousteau's) and wasn't there an X-man character? (the leader of the subterranian mutants? Or was that Callisto?)

i love Calypso music too. With de steel drum and whistles and stuff. Thanks for the good wishes!

i hope you have as mich fun here as i've had!


You're welcome and thanks to you too. I happen to like the name quite a bit. ;) I thought the X-men character was Callisto. Steel drums are always a good sound to wisk you away to another place, warm and fun!

I plan on having a blast here!'ll be nice to have around

i think i'll hang around ya just to see your avs! Is that wonderfully toned well-oiled body in the picture someone you know?

i'm a BIG fan of skin...i was born a nudist you know! Yes! i'm up for being wisked away to tropical climes too! i like the way people dress when it's HOT!

Do have a blast! i may explode in harmony

Re:'ll be nice to have around

DRxBlue said:
i think i'll hang around ya just to see your avs! Is that wonderfully toned well-oiled body in the picture someone you know?

i'm a BIG fan of skin...i was born a nudist you know! Yes! i'm up for being wisked away to tropical climes too! i like the way people dress when it's HOT!

Do have a blast! i may explode in harmony


LOL...the very wet body in the AV is mine! All my av's are me. Love skin too!

Nice to meet you! :D
i LOVE Goddesses!

i'd hug Kali!

And the a personal friend of mine.
(do you say He LAY na? or HELL en uh?)

Thanx for being in the thread. It's nice to officially meet you.

HELL en uh ;)

It's nice to finally meet you, Blue.
I've been reading your posts since I joined. I'm glad you are posting here again. :kiss:

Helena :rose:

calypso_21 said:
LOL...the very wet body in the AV is mine! All my av's are me. Love skin too!

Nice to meet you! :D

love skin, too---
and yours is delicious
thanks for sharing